Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

Batur/Tarkan (Turkic Samurai)
"In Turkish culture, a "Batur" is a symbol of heroism and bravery. This title was given to warriors who fought courageously to protect their people. Batur warriors stood out not only for their physical strength but also for their honor, loyalty, and dedication to their communities. Embracing the values of Alplik (heroism), a Batur represented qualities like courage, honesty, compassion, and loyalty to comrades.

A Batur was a figure who would face danger head-on and was willing to sacrifice their life for their people if needed, setting an example for the society. In epics and folk tales, a Batur is revered as a hero who embodies the qualities of a protector and a leader.

Baturka / The Path of Korkut (Turkic Bushido)

1-Nature and Spirits: In Turkish mythology, nature is regarded as a sacred entity. Mountains, rivers, and trees are believed to possess spirits, and it is important to live in harmony with these spirits. In this context, Baturs should show respect for nature and bear the responsibility of protecting their environment.

2-Oğuz Kağan Legend: Oğuz Kağan is one of the most important figures in Turkish mythology. He is depicted as a leader, a warrior, and a defender of justice. Baturs should remain faithful to Oğuz Kağan's legacy and exemplify his courage and leadership qualities.

3-Heroism: Turkish mythology is rich in stories of heroism. In epics, warriors make great sacrifices to protect society. Baturs should also display similar courage in their own stories and fight without yielding in the face of challenges.

4-Bravery and Valor: Bravery is regarded as a virtue in Turkish culture. Baturs should be courageous and valiant, fighting for justice and leading their communities when necessary.

5-Brotherhood and Solidarity: Turkish society places great importance on the concepts of brotherhood and unity. Baturs should forge strong bonds among their comrades, support one another, and demonstrate solidarity during difficult times.

6-Customs and Morality: Customs form the foundation of social order and moral values among Turks. Baturs should adhere to these customs, stand against injustice, and serve as examples to their communities.

7-Hospitality: Turkish culture celebrates the value of hospitality. Baturs should show respect to their guests and take on the responsibility of protecting them.

8-Legendary Beings and Heroes: In Turkish mythology, legends like Ergenekon and heroic figures like Korkut Ata hold significant places. Baturs should draw inspiration from these legends to craft their own heroic narratives and preserve traditions.

9-True Turkish Identity: Turks place great emphasis on embracing their true identity. Baturs should elevate their cultural values and protect Turkish identity and history.

10-Transmission of Cultural Heritage: Baturs bear the responsibility of passing down the values and knowledge found in Turkish mythology to future generations. This heritage strengthens the unity and integrity of society."