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Hydra's More Galactic Community Resolutions
937.180 KB
2024年10月6日 16時57分
2024年12月22日 9時43分
4 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Hydra's More Galactic Community Resolutions

kroun 作成の 1 件のコレクション
More Everything
12 アイテム
A mod for those who want even more resolutions in the galactic community! Includes 5 new resolution categories of differing usefulness.

All resolution categories have their own focus trait.

The History Preservation and Educational Exchange resolution categories are from my other mods, Forgotten History and Educational Exchange Resolutions Respectively. Both of these mods can be installed without causing duplicate resolutions to show up, and should not conflict with this mod in any way.

Simplified Chinese by 卡尔文迪斯梅特

French by FrazierFr

Polish by black mamba

Russian by NE_AsC

Korean by ganemrad

Thanks To
TrueWolves for coming up with Educational Exchange.

人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2024年10月17日 14時43分
ピン留め: Suggestion
44 件のコメント
AsC 1月1日 2時07分 
kroun  [作成者] 1月1日 2時06分 
Link have been added.
AsC 1月1日 1時20分 
I have translated some of your mods into Russian, can you please add a link to the description? Thanks in advance (
kroun  [作成者] 2024年12月27日 1時08分 
If you do not have galactic paragons however, the Educational Exchange resolutions won't show up anyhow (And wouldn't be of much use anyway due to the external leader pool not existing)
kroun  [作成者] 2024年12月27日 1時06分 
@Bob Vanus
Yes and no.
The resolution from Educational Exchange Resolutions is included in this one, but one of its perks, that being the ability to recieve leaders in your external leader pool from all over the galactic community is not included in this mod's version of the EER resolutions. If you use both this mod and EER, you will get the version of EER from the EER mod instead of the one in this mod.
Bob Vanus 2024年12月26日 21時32分 
EER - Educational Exchange Resolutions, your other mod? The one that has it's content merged into this one?
kroun  [作成者] 2024年12月26日 10時53分 
I have an idea for one, but currently I have way too much other stuff I want to make for me to make more resolutions.
The_Illusive_Man22 2024年12月26日 9時37分 
A nice mod! - is there a road map for future for more resolutions?
kroun  [作成者] 2024年12月26日 0時22分 
@Bob Vanus
What's EER?
I am not good at abbreviations.
Bob Vanus 2024年12月25日 18時59分 
Does this mod require Galactic Paragons? EER lists it as a requirement.