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Secret QR Code Levels and More
By Ssencipe
There are 5 hidden QR codes in this game, with each seeming to give access to secret bonus levels. Those, alongside any other bonus levels I find, will be documented here.
QR Code 1
This is the first accessible code.

Step 1
Find the levels and secrets book thing.

Step 2
Flip to the end of the book.

The QR code here will give you access to a secret level. How it does so is spoilered out below.

You receive an email address: banana@triband.net. Sending an email will prompt an automatic reply giving a link to a hidden page on the game website. On this page, you can open up a secret custom level in game.

The QR Code by itself:
QR Code 2
This is the next easiest code to find.

Step 1
Find the extras room entrance at the main hub.

Step 2
Get to the data room near the end.

Step 3
Check behind the monitor.

The QR code here will give you access to a secret level. How it does so is spoilered out below.

You receive an email address: horses@triband.net. Sending an email will prompt an automatic reply giving a link to a hidden page on the game website. On this page, you can open up a secret custom level in game.

The QR Code by itself:
QR Code 3
This is found after the first couple of episodes.

Step 1
Find this secret entrance by Episode 3.

Step 2
Go around the narrow ledge by the entrance, use a hidden spring board, and continue up the path.

Step 3
You will reach an invisible path. Stay between the traffic barriers until you reach the QR code.

The QR code here will give you access to a secret level. How it does so is spoilered out below.

You receive an email address: horse@triband.net. Sending an email will prompt an automatic reply giving a link to a hidden page on the game website. On this page, you can open up a secret custom level in game.

The QR Code by itself:
QR Code 4
This was the first I actually interacted with, but it's found near the mid game.

Step 1
Find this secret entrance by Episode 5.

Step 2
Navigate the maze until you see the snake room.

The QR code here will give you access to a secret level. How it does so is spoilered out below.

You receive an email address: snake@triband.net. Sending an email will prompt an automatic reply giving a link to a hidden page on the game website. On this page, you can open up a secret custom level in game.

The QR Code by itself:
QR Code 5
This is found after completing the main campaign episodes (after Episode 7).

Step 1
Get to Episodes 8 and 9 after completing Episode 7 and crossing the previously broken bridge.

Step 2
Look behind the Episode 9 sign.

The QR code here will give you access to a secret level. How it does so is spoilered out below.

You receive an email address: seagull@triband.net. Sending an email will prompt an automatic reply giving a link to a hidden page on the game website. On this page, you can open up a secret custom level in game.

The QR Code by itself:
Other Bonus Custom Levels
Just leaving a list of misc secret levels in the same style as the ones associated with the QR codes here:

Voting and Feedback Level: Getting to the end of the episodes (currently after beating Episode 7 as of October 2nd, 2024) currently shows a button next to an unfinished episode where you can give feedback and vote on the next theme. Doing so will give a link to another secret level.
Mih@l 16 Feb @ 6:16pm 
there is one in the credits
raabbitdead 9 Feb @ 5:46pm 
Thank you for that guide!
Maybe you could create showcases of the levels and links to the levels in the website that can be found in the replied emails?:burgzone: