Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

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13. sep. 2024 kl. 18:01
25. feb. kl. 18:03
5 ændringsbemærkninger ( vis )

Abonner for at downloade

I 2 samlinger af KI5
KI5's vehicle collection
70 genstande
KI5's temp B42 collection
30 genstande
Here we go finally! I had plans for this one since the day i released the containers but a lot of things had to align for this to happen finally. We are starting with 6 trailers and the pack will be expanded over time, with my own ideas and commissions also. Pack currently has small, medium and large utility and cargo trailers, they have some options to expand their usability and will get many more over time. Try to find them and enjoy hauling that loot!

Main features:
  • 6 trailers
  • 2 sets of universal wheels
  • Fully animated parts
  • All parts have 3d objects you can remove and place in the world
  • Extra parts to craft and find in the world to make the vehicle truly yours (tarps, toolboxes, gas cans etc)
  • Multiple texture variations
  • B41 / B42 Compatible
  • You can use it in your current save game, just enable the mod in the load menu
  • Not recolorable

If you can't wait to find this mod in your game and want to test it right away, use bikinitools to spawn it, hide the items that your character holds while in vehicle, or for all other good stuff that mod has, go get it!

If you like my mods, please consider supporting me with a coffee,
so I don't fall asleep while making new mods and supporting old ones :)


Check out my vehicle mods:

  • This mod is my way of saying thank you all for the support over the years, on ko-fi and here on steam. I see all the comments of support and i appreciate it all, thank you!
  • Thanks to The Indie Stone for making this awesome game and all this possible.
  • Special thanks to bikinihorst for the huge help with code, optimization, and taking care of the multiplayer and part code.

Oprindeligt skrevet af KI5:

Ask for permission
This mod can only be added to and extended with the express permission from the original creator. If no permission is received you may not alter the mod, and it must be treated as a mod that is 'On Lockdown'. You are not allowed to repack this mod under any circumstances, ever.

Vehicle IDs: TrailerKI5utilityLarge, TrailerKI5utilityMedium, TrailerKI5utilitySmall, TrailerKI5cargoLarge, TrailerKI5cargoMedium, TrailerKI5cargoSmall

Workshop ID: 3330403100
Mod ID: KI5trailers
Populære diskussioner Vis alle (6)
9. mar. kl. 12:52
FASTGJORT: B42 Bugs go here
8. feb. kl. 22:14
FASTGJORT: Bugs go here
15. dec. 2024 kl. 23:18
a very turtle situation 🐢
255 kommentarer
exoduss123 10. mar. kl. 13:44 
Seems like this mod replaces a lot of vanilla Animal Trailer spawns, the crashed ones on the road and new ones that you can find near Pony O Ram, maybe if any players had luck finding Animal Trailers while using this mod could share the locations please
Irritant 9. mar. kl. 14:56 
The flat trailer "TrailerKI5utilityMedium" is virtually impossible to right if it ever gets flipped over. The game's original trailers (including the open flat one) will generally "self-right" if they're bumped or towed when upside-down, but there doesn't seem to be any way to flip these around.
[40-1] SgtSnipey 8. mar. kl. 20:23 
Request, Water/Fuel Trailer would be awesome!!! Please and Thank you,
d4n13lus 3. mar. kl. 21:54 
some trailers are bugged sometimes and explode my car lol
VaiaVaia 2. mar. kl. 20:03 
The mod is corrupt, It shout down my server. Take a look at it please.
Хенк 2. mar. kl. 13:43 
I hope someone can figure out how to attach two trailers. They're great. I want them all.
Max Stark 28. feb. kl. 12:57 
how to attach trailer in my vehicle
KAPASUS 28. feb. kl. 11:57 
The mod is corrupt, It shout down my server. Take a look at it please.
Vermilion 26. feb. kl. 9:18 
Does the trailer distribution chance also affect the chance of spawning an animal trailer?
Mr Jászberényi Jenő Johanna 20. feb. kl. 22:49 
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