Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Not enough ratings
🧾100 Console Commands🧾 [EN]
By Maketibes
👨‍🏫Activating the console👨‍🏫
1. Launch Left 4 Dead 4.
2. Go to settings:
- Options > Keyboard/Mouse.
3. Enable the console:
- Find the option Enable Developer Console and set it to Yes.
4. Save changes.
5. Open the console:
- Press the `~ (tilde) key.
🔧100 Commands🔧
1. `sv_cheats 1` — enables cheat commands.
2. `god` — makes the player invincible.
3. `noclip` — allows free movement through walls and objects.
4. `give <item>` — gives the specified item.
5. `maps *` — displays a list of all available maps.
6. `changelevel <map name>` — starts a new game on the specified map.
7. `sv_allow_votes 1` — allows voting in the game.
8. `mp_timelimit <minutes>` — sets the time limit for the level.
9. `mp_maxplayers <number>` — sets the maximum number of players in the game.
10. `cl_showfps 1` — displays frames per second (FPS).
11. `net_graph 1` — shows network statistics (ping, FPS, etc.).
12. `status` — displays information about the current server status and players.
13. `sv_gravity <value>` — changes the gravity level.
14. `thirdperson` — switches to third-person view.
15. `firstperson` — returns to first-person view.
16. `give weapon_pistol` — gives the player a pistol.
17. `give weapon_rifle` — gives the player a rifle.
18. `give healthkit` — gives the player a health kit.
19. `give molotov` — gives the player a Molotov cocktail.
20. `give pipebomb` — gives the player a pipe bomb.
21. `give adrenaline` — gives the player adrenaline.
22. `give defibrillator` — gives the player a defibrillator.
23. `bot_kick` — removes all bots from the game.
24. `bot_add` — adds a bot to the team.
25. `bot_zombie` — turns the bot into a zombie.
26. `bot_no_clip` — enables noclip mode for bots.
27. `map <map name>` — loads the specified map.
28. `mp_friendlyfire 1` — enables friendly fire.
29. `mp_roundtime <minutes>` — sets the round time.
30. `mp_autoteambalance 0` — disables automatic team balancing.
31. `mp_teamname <name>` — sets the team name.
32. `mp_limitteams 0` — disables player limit for teams.
33. `mp_respawnwave 5` — sets time between player respawns.
34. `sv_specspeed 2` — sets the speed for spectators.
35. `sv_noclip 1` — enables noclip mode for all players.
36. `bot_stop 1` — pauses bot actions.
37. `mp_disable_respawn 0` — enables player respawn.
38. `mp_playerid 1` — shows player names.
39. `mp_gamespeed <value>` — changes the game speed.
40. `sv_alltalk 1` — allows all players to talk, regardless of team.
41. `sv_lan 0` — disables the LAN mode.
42. `sv_rcon_password <password>` — sets the remote access password.
43. `r_clearpool` — clears resource pool.
44. `r_speeds` — shows rendering speed.
45. `sv_minrate <value>` — sets minimum connection rate.
46. `sv_maxrate <value>` — sets maximum connection rate.
47. `sv_maxupdaterate <value>` — sets the maximum number of updates per second.
48. `sv_minupdaterate <value>` — sets the minimum number of updates per second.
49. `mp_pvsskip <number>` — skips a specified number of frames in spectator mode.
50. `mp_maxplayers 8` — sets maximum players to 8.
51. `mp_roundtime_defuse 1` — sets time for defusing the bomb.
52. `mp_roundtime_hostage 1` — sets time for rescuing hostages.
53. `mp_freezetime <seconds>` — sets freeze time at the start of the round.
54. `mp_startmoney <amount>` — sets starting money for players.
55. `mp_buytime <time>` — sets buy time for purchasing equipment.
56. `mp_buy_anywhere 1` — allows buying weapons anywhere on the map.
57. `mp_restartgame <seconds>` — restarts the game after a set time.
58. `cl_drawhud 1` — displays the HUD (heads-up display).
59. `cl_tj 1` — enables timer-based control.
60. `cl_showpos 1` — shows player position on the screen.
61. `cl_showteam 1` — shows team members on the screen.
62. `cl_hud_color <color>` — sets the HUD color.
63. `r_showpoly 1` — shows polygons on the screen.
64. `cl_showcamera 1` — shows what the camera sees.
65. `gl_clear 1` — clears the screen during rendering.
66. `sv_enablefile 1` — enables file handling.
67. `net_version` — shows the network protocol version.
68. `test` — executes test commands.
69. `mp_yamlt 1` — enables YAML management (if available).
70. `post_process 0` — disables post-processing effects.
71. `gl_vsync 0` — disables vertical synchronization.
72. `sensitivity <value>` — sets mouse sensitivity.
73. `cl_mouseenable 1` — enables mouse control.
74. `cl_righthand 1` — sets the right hand as primary.
75. `cl_fov <value>` — sets the field of view.
76. `cl_interp <value>` — sets interpolation.
77. `cl_predict 1` — enables movement prediction for players.
78. `cl_predictweapons 1` — enables weapon movement prediction.
79. `cl_cmdrate <number>` — sets the number of commands sent to the server per second.
80. `cl_updaterate <number>` — sets the number of updates received from the server per second.
81. `cl_smooth 1` — enables smoothing.
82. `cl_showfps 2` — displays FPS in a more detailed format.
83. `cl_renderscale <value>` — sets the rendering scale.
84. `cl_attribs <value>` — sets player attributes.
85. `mat_set_texture_id <value>` — sets texture ID.
86. `cl_beforedraw 1` — sets parameters before drawing.
87. `cl_delay <seconds>` — sets delay for commands.
88. `mat_aa_mode <value>` — sets anti-aliasing mode.
89. `r_dovarudgs 1` — enables shader debugging.
90. `r_ambient 1` — enables ambient lighting.
91. `r_color 1` — sets color parameters.
92. `r_grass 1` — enables grass rendering.
93. `r_lighting 1` — enables lighting effects.
94. `r_resolution <value>` — sets the rendering resolution.
95. `mp_setmoney <amount>` — sets a specific amount of money to a player.
96. `sv_debug 1` — enables debug mode.
97. `sv_set 1` — sets server parameters.
98. `bot_kickall` — removes all bots from the game.
99. `bot_fill` — fills the team with bots.
100. `maprestart` — restarts the current map.
This list is awful. So many of these commands either straight up don't exist or don't even work. Below are the few commands in this list that DO work or require additional parameters:
1. sv_cheats
2. god
3. noclip
4. give
5. maps *
6. changelevel
7. sv_allow_votes - requires launcher
10. cl_showfps
11. net_graph
12. status
13. sv_gravity - requires launcher
14. thirdperson
15. firstperson
23. bot_kick — use kick
24. bot_add — use sb_add
27. map
36. bot_stop — use sb_stop
40. sv_alltalk
41. sv_lan
45. sv_minrate
46. sv_maxrate
47. sv_maxupdaterate
48. sv_minupdaterate
60. cl_showpos
70. post_process — use mat_postprocess_enable
72. sensitivity
75. cl_fov — use cl_viewmodelfovsurvivor
76. cl_interp
77. cl_predict
78. cl_predictweapons
79. cl_cmdrate
80. cl_updaterate
81. cl_smooth - requires launcher
82. cl_showfps
88. mat_aa_mode — use mat_antialias (requires launcher)