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Europan Medicine by Inci2137
Készítő: Pyrokar2137
A guide describing the basic medical conditions in the game, mainly for non-medical players | Up to date for version | No warranty for actuality
Why did I write this guide?
I wrote this guide because I believe there are insufficient short and clear guides suitable for non-medics. After reading this guide, the player should be able to diagnose the most common conditions found in the game and treat them effectively. If you are interested in advice for medics, I have included links to valuable (in my opinion) material on the subject at the end of the guide.
The basics of the game's health mechanics
Every creature in the game has a statistic called Max vitality. A human’s Max Vitality is about 100 (this depends on the role and other factors) - if the value of Vitality falls to zero then the character enters a critical state – the player loses control of the character, with simultaneous stopping of breathing. The character will die if loses as much vitality as it takes to bring it to a critical state. So-called Afflictions can change the Vitality value from its default maximum value. Afflictions are effects applied to a character after an event, such as a mudraptor attack. There are a lot of afflictions in the game, but few of them are common, and these are the ones I'm going to show you in the following sections. Most afflictions can be treated with medical items, which can be administered to characters in the medical interface (accessible by default under the H key). Medical Items are administered by moving the medicine to the appropriate part of the character's body. Below the text, I have included a screenshot with the medical interface open, where I want to cure the ailment Internal injuries I drag morphine (medical item).
Most medicines have skill requirements - if our character's medical skill level is lower than the medicine's skill requirement, it will work less well and may have a greater negative effect on the character. For this reason - if possible - medicines should be administered by a Medical Doctor, as they are usually the ones with the highest medical skills.
Basic afflictions
I describe in this guide a selection of, in my opinion, the most important afflictions. Use Wiki or other guides if you want to expand your knowledge.

Table of afflictions:
Icon and name
Medical Item
Limb specific?
Weapons and monsters
Rapid increase of Bloodloss and reduction of vitality
Antibiotic Glue (55)
Plastiseal (25)
Bandage (40)
Slow decrease
Treatment of Bleeding is key to the long-term management of Bloodloss
Reduction of vitality
Blood Pack (40)
Saline (40)
Alien Blood (35)
Slow decrease, unless Bleeding occurs, then rapid increase
Treatment of Bloodloss in a major fight is always crucial
Repairs and Fractal Guardian
Reduction of vitality
Plastiseal (25)
Bandage (40)
Slow decrease
Weapons, monsters and repairs
Reduction of vitality
Morphine (40)
Opium (60)
Less effective:
Pomegrenade Extract (25)
Damage is a group of seven different ailments with different icons and origins but identical mechanics
Oxygen Low
Breathlessness and certain medications
Reduction of vitality
When the character is conscious: provide access to oxygen, when not - also resuscitation (CPR)*
If the character is breathing - slow decrease, if not - rapid increase
If the character is unconscious - check for any negative afflictions other than low oxygen levels - if they have, treat them before you start resuscitation

* CPR is performed by pressing the green button in the medical interface (available under H). Below is a screenshot with the resuscitation button visible.

Column name description:
Icon and name - the icon that appears above the vitality bar and in the medical interface, and the name of the affliction
Causes - the most common reasons for the affliction
Effect - effects of the ailment directly affecting the character, such as reduced vitality
Medical Item - the basic medical item or treatment for the ailment (along with the required medical level)
Limb specific? - in simple terms: does the treatment have to be administered to the exact body part affected to cure the ailment?
Dynamic - how the strength of the ailment changes over time
Notes - various indications and comments

Barotrauma is also worth knowing - it is caused by being in high-pressure water without a diving suit. This affliction kills very quickly, and the ways to save your character are to put on a suit, get your character out of the high-pressure water area or take a pressure stabiliser (you can ask the ship's Medical Doctor if you have one).
Specific afflictions
Specific afflictions are only caused by a certain type of monster. It is useful for you to know them if you do not have a board medic in your crew or if you want to be more independent on expeditions. Layout of the table as for basic afflictions.

Icon and name
Medical Item
Limb specific?
Husk Infection
Husks and Husked Crawlers
Death after a long time, then turning into Husk
Calyxanide (38)
Broad-spectrum Antibiotics (25)
Less effective:
Rum (-)
Slow increase
After 20% progression of infection becomes detectable to the Medical Doctor, after 40% progression there is a fever
Infected Wound
Reduction of vitality, in advanced stages causes Damage and Nausea
Antibiotic Glue (55)
Broad-Spectrum Antibiotics (25)
Less effective:
Rum (-)
Ethanol (-)
Slow increase
Only use less effective medications immediately after the onset of the affliction. Do not mix ethanol (and rum) with antibiotics!
Morbusine Poisoning
Causes Oxygen Low, in advanced stages also Stun
Morbusine Antidote (40)
Europabrew (-)
Less effective, when medical skill is too low:
Stabilozine (25)
If weak: slow decrease, otherwise increase
You can make an antidote with loot from the Viperling and Stabilozine
Radiation Sickness
Irresponsible behaviour of the crew, Fractal Guardians and Jovian Radiation
Causes Burn and Nausea
Antirad (25)
Europabrew (-)
Less effective, when medical skill is too low:
Stabilozine (25)
Slow decrease
Leukocytes and Mantis
Stun after a long time
Anaparalyzant (64)
If weak: slow decrease, otherwise increase
Medical Items
As you can see, the use of medicial items is very important - so I have decided to describe in more detail the essential medicines that every crewman should carry. Of course, this is a suggested kit - it is best to ask your medic what you should take with you on board and on expeditions. The order of medicines in the first column matters - the first medicine is preferred.

The proposed kit:
Medical item (with required skill)
Suggested number
Treated afflictions
Antibiotic Glue (55) OR
Plastiseal (25) OR
Bandage (40)
4 (Antibiotic Glue)
8 (Plastiseal and Bandage)
Infected Wound (only Antibiotic Glue)
Blood Pack (40) OR
Saline (40)
Morphine (40) OR
Opium (60)
4 (Morphine)
6 (Opium)

Only the essential medicines required to treat basic afflictions are included in the proposed kit. The kit should be expanded as needed (for example, with medicines for characteristic monster afflictions) or others as indicated by the Medical Doctor.

I have decided to skip the topic of drug manufacturing in this material, as this is very often dealt with by medics, and that is not the purpose of this guide. If anyone is interested in how medicines are made, I recommend walking up to a medical manufacturer and typing in the name of the medicine, a recipe will immediately be shown, or find the recipe on Wiki:
Materials for Medics
If you want to expand your knowledge of medicine then I recommend:
That is all. I hope I have managed to help you a little. Polish, orginal version:
Would like to upload an updated version of this tutorial to the Workshop, that's fine with me, I would just ask you to include a link to this tutorial in the text.
15 megjegyzés
Pyrokar2137  [készítő] jan. 29., 3:54 
@Azrathiel Thank you!
Azrathiel jan. 28., 18:08 
Precise and very informative with in-game icons and items displayed. Favorited and big thumbs up!
Pyrokar2137  [készítő] 2024. szept. 17., 14:07 
@Schnurriken Thank you again!
*I was familiar with the rum Husk Infection treatment method, I intentionally skipped it. However, the moment I mentioned rum elsewhere, it was an inconsistency to omit it. Added.
*I didn't know it about Mantis. Added.
*I never used Hallucinogenic Bufotoxin - it wasn't necessary. I think it may not be in such a basic guide. Skipped.
Wissenkatzler 2024. szept. 16., 8:07 
Yes, looks good, here are some more additions:
*Rum can also be used against Husk infection.
*In addition to leukocytes, mantis can also give paralysis.
Hallucinogenic bufotoxin (that's the stuff that psilotoads give off) also works against paralysis.
Pyrokar2137  [készítő] 2024. szept. 15., 11:32 
For the moment, I have finished modernising the guide. Main changes:
* Added afflictions: Infected Wound, Morbusine Poisoning and Radiation Sickness
* Added medicines for new ailments (especially Antibiotic Glue)
* Added information on game version
* Emphasised the guide as introductory material
Wissenkatzler 2024. szept. 13., 17:06 
to 8: My goal was to explicitly leave something in German, as this was not available until now. My English is also too bad, so I use translators myself and they are rather unsuitable for this large number of words.
Wissenkatzler 2024. szept. 13., 16:58 
to 6: I can understand why Deuszine in particular is underestimated.
Even if the inferior version is used, it's worth using for the basic crew (especially in auto-injectors alongside combat stimulants) because it heals almost anything a person could be injured by in combat.
Deuszine heals blood loss, all damage for which morphine is used, restores oxygen and, most recently, gives the Vigor buff. The Vigor buff gives damage reduction. The fact that it heals almost everything makes it the first choice for beginners, as it can be given to beginners with the words: “If you see someone lying on the ground, give them this and call for help”.
If this is explicitly aimed at non-physicians, Fentalyn is in fact rather misplaced, although it is not much different from morphine in terms of opiate overdose, it just happens faster.
Wissenkatzler 2024. szept. 13., 16:48 
Re 3 and 5: Radiation sickness can develop relatively quickly, as there are various sources. The most common source is probably the crew's own stupidity, uploading reactors, using Volatile Fulgurium Fuel Rods, firing nuclear weapons too badly, etc. Once per run, there's always someone who has this.
But as I said, guards can cause this as well, it's a bit rarer but can happen.
Wissenkatzler 2024. szept. 13., 16:43 
to 2.2: Oxygen and especially pressure are two of the most common causes of death in the game and with the “miracle in progress” aura, patients can only die from pressure. This means that if you have this aura, patients can only die if you move 6 meters away. (6 meters is roughly the range at which the health scanner displays the values)
Wissenkatzler 2024. szept. 13., 16:42 
To 1:
Okay, that's a mistake on my part.
To 2:
Adrenaline rush has the advantage that the person gets up again immediately, so they can “breathe away” potential air loss themselves straight away, and the person is also “able to act” for a short time. The disadvantage is that they are “able to act” for a short time, i.e. the person can simply run away from you if they have not fallen over due to bleeding and blood loss, for example.
If the bleeding is too great, for example, the person can fall over instantly from consciousness to death without reaching the “unconscious” state.
Pressure stabilizers have the advantage that they give the “pressure stabilized” buff. This means that they are pressure-immune and also that they no longer need oxygen for this time or oxygen is supplied.