Tactical Breach Wizards

Tactical Breach Wizards

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How to damage ███ during the final encounter (endgame spoilers)
By Mettle Meek
A list of ways you can damage ███ during the final boss fight against them, where they gain the ability to swap places with one of your team.
How to damage Liv during the final encounter

During the final encounter with Liv it's impossible to damage her by targeting her directly with most attacks as she will instantly swap places with one of your squad who will take the damage instead. To take out her clones you will need to find a way to damage her during the same action that she swaps with a teammate.

Target a teammate with Zan's predictive shot then force her to swap with them.
Zan's predictive shot only fires when an enemy passes in front of it. You can see which of your team members will be swapped with when you attack Liv, so aim a predictive shot at that person and then attack Liv with someone else on the same turn to make Liv swap with them and immediately get hit by the predictive shot.

Use Jen's Gale Grenade when Liv is near her swap target.
Gale Grenade has an area of effect so you can hit both Liv and the character she plans to swap with in the same action if they're close to each other. With the right positioning you can ensure that after the swap she will be knocked into a wall, into a Death's Door, into a Predictive Shot or off the roof. There is an achievement for knocking the final Liv off the roof after she's used up all her clones.

Use Rion's Spore Bomb when Liv is near her swap target.
By this point in the game you will necessarily have the Spore Bomb upgrade that makes it only damage enemies and not allies caught in the damage radius, so if Liv and her swap target are within a 3 tile diameter you can hit both of them with the Spore Bomb and only damage Liv.

Use Jen's Chain Bolt on both Liv and her swap target.
Jen's lightning attacks don't do damage directly, only pushing characters back, so depending on the angles you can safely chain a shot through an ally without damaging them. If Liv is in a position where the knockback would not damage her, but the ally she's going to swap with is, then after the swap she will take damage.

Make her swap with someone standing in the damage radius of an enemy grenade.
She will take damage from the grenade at the end of the turn.

Use Banks' Transcendence ability to transfer damage to Liv.
Liv will still take the damage even after swapping places with someone, and if you have the perk that refunds your mana if the protectee is an enemy then you can just keep using a standard enemy as a punching bag to transfer damage to Liv.

Stun her with an electric barrel and then hit her with any attack.
If you detonate an electric barrel next to her then she won't dodge it because you didn't target her directly, and once zapped she will be stunned and unable to swap to dodge any attacks until it wears off.

Throw one of Banks' sedative bombs at Liv when she's close to her swap target.
Both of them will be hit by the effects of it.

Use Dall or any character with knockback to knock Liv's swap target into Liv.
If you knock someone into Liv who is standing next to her they will both still take damage after she swaps positions with them.

This list is currently incomplete, please comment with any other methods not mentioned here.
Cloud Ring 12 Sep, 2024 @ 10:29am 
Among other things, I was able to throw skulls at her: once she swaps, she doesn't do that the second time within the same attack.
Blastaz 11 Sep, 2024 @ 2:58pm 
Super cheesy way to kill her in turn 1 with just Zan and only requires two talent points in clones, for fire and refund.

Move Zan to the intel just to the south east of you about 4-5 squares east of the west edge of the map.
Use clones to make Liv clear all the random objects,
I used a clone to move Liv to the east of me, so she couldn't see through me to the western map edge.
I then set up two clones on the west side, one on the map edge and one one square east of it.
I then set up the third clone one square to my south east so he could see both Liv and my two other clones.
On deploying him he fired at Liv causing her to swap with my two clone group. The first clone gets shot but the second clone ends up pushing Liv off the map.
Then move Liv back to her starting position east of you and repeat.
Frown 3 Sep, 2024 @ 2:55am 
if you stun her via one of the electric barrels' explosions (most easily done by having dall swap one next to her and then tapping it with zan or jen; because you didn't target her yourself, she won't dodge) she can't swap until it wears off. makes her easy pickings for being kicked off the stage or into a door
Cosmo 2 Sep, 2024 @ 4:09am 
Personally i didn't even bother with damage, plus i didn't think it would matter, i didn't click on the hints. I just moved all my team to be near the same southern 'drop', and then i just threw her off the roof five times with chain bolt.
Wijama 2 Sep, 2024 @ 12:36am 
You might want to note that one thing that does not work that would normally is setting up a predictive bolt and then knocking Zan in front of Liv. You get a cool animation and funny text though, recommend trying at least once
Wiggler-sempai 30 Aug, 2024 @ 5:24am 
I'll note you can use Death's floor on her and she won't swap. Pairs great with Zan's Predictive shot, shame you can only do it twice.
Mandragore 29 Aug, 2024 @ 2:59pm 
There is a cheesy, super easy way: just spam Transcendence with Banks, with the perk that refunds it when the Protectee is an enemy.

Make an enemy Protectee, make Liv the Victim. Hit the enemy, she takes the hit directly. Repeat until she's dead.

I haven't tried myself, but I suspect with Zan's Suppressing Fire II and Banks being the first on scene (so you have to Blink her out first in the underground encounter), you can dispatch her on turn 2 with zero hassle. Not that the mission is very hard in the first place.
TheSquirrelofHuscurl 29 Aug, 2024 @ 1:59pm 
I was able to beat Liv on turn 3, but I happened to have Jen on turn 2 and Dall on turn 3, so I could create cover anywhere, swap for better positioning, strong knockback for defenestrations (as well as knockback resistance on Dall, perfect for chain lightning), and predictive bolt and clone with Zan. You can use the chain lightning knockback to not only defenestrate or damage Liv, but also push Liv into predictive bolt, ontop of using clones as sacrificial lambs with Jen's Chain Lightning to get better angles with your lightning... clones refund their cost when they die, so infinite mana. I had no issues with this fight at all and absolutely demolished it so hard I had to replay it intentionally dodging kills in order to get the confidence challenges done.
Ro 29 Aug, 2024 @ 11:47am 
Nevermind: Trial and error.

Keep the ground clear until all your team is there.
Use Rion + Banks + Zan + Dall to kill the enemy reinforcements

Predictive strike + Swap is pretty consistent
Jen double Chain Lightinging into the riot block is consistent.

If you got the Genius Grant perk for Banks I think it's quite easier. Bump a tank into the wall repetitively and keep killing clones in a turn.
Ro 29 Aug, 2024 @ 11:15am 
It's so frustrating to be 99% done with a game and they throw this kind of puzzle suddenly.
Hoped this guide would've pointed a better solution ... because I genuinely suck at this last boss