Void Crew

Void Crew

53 ratings
Void Crew Master Engineer Guide
By ExplodingSquirrel
Don't listen to any other guide on this list. Engineer is by far the best role in the crew, and without you, every ship will crumble. Here are a few tips and tricks that I have developed in my extensive time playing this game.
The Engineer Schematic
Here is the list of everything that you need to know to truly reach your potential as the most crucial class in the game.

1. Trims are the most important thing an engineer can work on. If even one trim is active, you must drop everything to fix it as soon as possible. Your captain will thank you.

2. An exception to rule #1, if any member of your crew happens to mention that you should fix trims, turn off whatever equipment that they happen to be using. This should teach those silly crew members to never tell you what to do. If questioned, simply say that you were trying to manage the power and ignore any further complaints.

3. Since your gene tree grants you extended enhancements, no one else on your crew should even think about touching those panel. It simply wouldn't be optimal for your crew to try and "help" you by placing their grubby hands on those panels.

4. Power is your responsibility. You should never allow your crew mates to touch anything. A firm reprimand will likely be required to ensure that none of your crew even thinks about touching a power switch again. (This comes in handy when enforcing rule #2)

5. If your precious baby ship takes any hull damage, it is your responsibility to fix it. It doesn't matter that the scavenger has better maneuverability outside of the ship, you're an engineer. It is your responsibility to keep the ship in tip top shape. As a result, you should be racing out that airlock the second any hull breaches occur, regardless if the ship is under fire or not.

6. Since you should only have one gunner on your crew, they only need one gun. Attempts to add an additional weapon to the ship should be met with harsh resistance. Additionally, all remaining power on your ship should be allocated toward shields and utilities to ensure that the everything is in tip top shape.

7. Finally and most importantly, the void drive is your responsibility. It's in the engine room after all. Nobody should be touching that but you. If the ship jumps, its because you made it happen. If one of your crew mates attempts to engage the drive, be sure to reset it so that you can be the one in charge of the jump.

Follow this guide to the letter and enjoy the experience of becoming a prime engineer. If anyone attempts to question your methods with their puny intellect, be sure to exhaustively explain how what you are doing is the optimal way and that they should shut up or choose a simpler game that would better fit their skill set.
Baka Racker 23 Feb @ 7:39pm 
Brilliant, Scotty would be proud!
The Guy in Your Closet 19 Jan @ 10:41am 
As a bonus, something I recommend for your gene tree, if you are max level 30 you should put the minimum amount of points needed into the gunner tree so you an acquire both of the upgrades they are able to obtain

When running a fully automatic ship with brain turrets, they will come in handy
m2cent 3 Jan @ 1:10pm 
Rule # 8. Politely, yet in a stern manner, remind the pilot to keep their rear-end planted firmly in their seat.
Wittyson! 5 Aug, 2024 @ 2:28am 
Great guide! I also make sure the gunner uses the power optimizer only. They can NEVER be allowed to overload the grid.