Age of Wonders 4

Age of Wonders 4

113 valoraciones
Hudson's Icons
Etiquetas: Mod, Visuals, Interface
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2.560 MB
27 JUL 2024 a las 12:18
6 ENE a las 16:06
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Hudson's Icons

En 1 colección creada por Hudson
Hudson's Mods for Age of Wonders 4
8 artículos
• Adds 96 banner icons.
• Added icons are categorized separately.
• Includes associations with cultures for random selection.
• All icons are high-quality and respect theming.
• Maintains all original icons.

Part of a collection of mods that I've made for Age of Wonders 4:
11 comentarios
Hudson  [autor] 4 AGO 2024 a las 18:09 
I'm very glad that you're enjoying this mod.
The pistols are one of my favorites as well.
Along with the tower, sheriff badge, and oni mask.
Saxon 4 AGO 2024 a las 12:48 
Thanks for making this amazing mod! They are all so high quality and fit in so well that it feels like they are part of the base game.

As an unapologetic Dragoon spammer the crossed pistols has become my personal favorite.
Hudson  [autor] 30 JUL 2024 a las 16:55 
I have updated this mod with the following changes:
• Added 8 new banner icons.
• Added associations with cultures, which allows for random selection.
• Minor visual improvements to existing icons.
That Human 28 JUL 2024 a las 21:59 
Of course! You do you. Just wanted to provide feedback!
Hudson  [autor] 28 JUL 2024 a las 21:44 
There is no issue.
I have included the clock icon because I wanted to.
And I will not change it.
If you're bothered by it, you are not obligated to use it.
I appreciate your candor and your feedback.

Also, my comment about the undead ants was a joke.
I didn't think that needed clarity.
That Human 28 JUL 2024 a las 21:06 
They did not look like a 1800s style pocket watch. I would not use the "it's fantasy so you can stretch it to high heavens" argument ever since it is an obvious fallacy; in that case why not add laserguns and ferraris, and why is everyone not eating icecream? You need internal consistency or else it all falls apart.

I think the issue could be solved with either adding a steampunk culture or the simpler solution; switch it to a sun and moon symbol or something else representing time, maybe even a collection of the four seasons which also plays well into the Toll of Seasons and Tome of Cycles.
Fenragon 28 JUL 2024 a las 5:14 
@That Human
In real life, the first small clocks with a spring mechanism were made in the early 15th century. They used the mainspring which was made for flintlock guns.
Seeing as we have magelocks and the like, it's not a stretch at all.

Also, "anachronistic" is meaningless when the game takes place in a fantasy multiverse which doesn't have our timeline.
Aktuarus 27 JUL 2024 a las 22:50 
Oh, double-headed eagle! That's what we need.
Hudson  [autor] 27 JUL 2024 a las 16:10 
It's true that the icon you're referencing is rather technological.
I personally wanted another time-related icon that wasn't an hourglass.
When I created that icon, I was imagining chronomancy.
If it'll help maintain your immersion, just imagine it's a magical clock.
It's powered by undead ants.
That Human 27 JUL 2024 a las 15:12 
A good addition but I wonder, isn't the pocket watch very anachronistic? Even with the fantasy tech used by reavers it seems out of place.