Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight

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how to get flashlight as bubba(SUPER MEGA SECRET BAG!! NOT FIXED!!)
By aba
today, we are going to get a flashlight as bubba. be careful and dont skip any steps, or it might not work!!!!
first off: choose bubba.
second step: join a public match.
third step: find a closed chest (if there is already opened chest in the game, it will not work, you need to rejoin.)
fourth step: when you found a closed chest,follow the instruction below (CAREFUL!!!!)
make sure you are looking straight at the chest.
then: rotate 3 times
after that: jump !!!

now , u get a flashlight as bubba, congrats!!!

You see Ned. Ned is dead. 20 Jul, 2024 @ 1:06am 
i have been looking for that bubba flashlight pic for so long can you upload the full size and link it plz
:3 18 Jul, 2024 @ 9:02am 
now the survivors know how we feel
jons papa 18 Jul, 2024 @ 3:53am 
i blinded all 5 survivors