Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

557 évaluations
Battle Events
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12 juil. 2024 à 11h13
23 janv. à 6h21
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Battle Events

Dans 1 collection faite par Yefreitor
Yefreitor's Mods
9 objets

"Battle Events" is a mod that introduces a handful of flavor events that won't spam you every time you're in battle. Events are displayed as messages and will trigger as soon as your battle ends.

You can obtain one of the commander traits, the hastiluder trait, or hastiluder experience through these events.

Additionally, depending on your prowess, you may duel an enemy knight or commander and potentially become a blademaster. Be cautious if your character has the brave trait, you might end up dueling a lot.

You can turn off the features you don't like using the game rules, and you can also adjust the chances of the events.

Supported Languages

Compatible with all mods, including total conversions, except AGOT.

For AGOT, use the AGOT compatibility patch.

Save game compatible.

Recommended Mods

  • Thanks to tony_sm, I was able to find and fix compatibility issues with other mods.

My Other Mods
Discussions populaires Tout voir (2)
14 juil. 2024 à 8h14
Russian translation
13 juil. 2024 à 6h47
Traduction Française / French translation
218 commentaires
That Darth 28 janv. à 14h48 
@Yefreitor you a are king among mere men
Yefreitor  [créateur] 26 janv. à 10h30 
@AFrenchBaguette @Lumo @That Darth I just uploaded the AGOT compatibility patch. You can find it here.
That Darth 25 janv. à 17h44 
@Yefreitor I know you just updated again, and in description you say you will make a AGOT patch.
Just wondering if there was any progress on that? or if there is anyway to help?

fantastic mod. a must have.
Avan 25 janv. à 9h03 
Haven't tested the update yet but I like the idea of streamlining things, I usually set the event chance to the lowest possible setting.
Lumo 24 janv. à 2h33 
Yeah, nah, I've just tested it and it still has the infinite duel bug. Not only that, but 3 battle duels were triggered at the same time, the third was the inifinite one. It could be because I put duels to 200% to test things, though. Nonetheless I'll keep playing it with AGOT with 0% duels rule.
Lumo 24 janv. à 2h23 
Did the update fix the issue with AGOT's dragon events?
Majorian476 22 janv. à 18h47 
Does this Mod has compatibility with Better Battles?
rafael.bastos.96930 20 janv. à 14h56 
Incredible mod man. Congrats
ArcticBear-II 18 janv. à 5h15 
Hi, i have a problem...When I kill the enemy ruler in battle, this true will be declared null and void
lonely lurker 4 janv. à 23h20 
does this let your ruler contribute to the battle like a regular knight in terms of unit kills?