Balance 100
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Balance 100 - 100% Achievements
От SadSensei
Listing all achievements for your convinience.
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The game has 7 parts divided into several levels. You don't need to place the items 100% perfectly co complete a level, but you'll need to do so to get all the achievements.

Each level has a cat sticker. You need to search the area for hidden coins - they become visible then a hand is nearby. Finding all these coins (three on each level) will give you the sticker.

After exhibition 4 you'll get a level with Earth and some end credits. To go to exhibition 5 click "play" button and then "forward" button.
Exhibition 1
This part has 6 levels with a sticker attached to each.

Part 1.
Prepare for the 1st exhibition.
Garbage Classification
Garbage collection day. (1-1)
Cat Sticker #1
Name: Luna (4) - Likes to scratch mosquitoes.
Morning, Afternoon, Evening
Separate use. (1-2)
Cat Sticker #2
Name: Bella (2) - Likes to eat fish.
Spin and Satisfaction
All thanks to the help of the redditer. (1-3)
Cat Sticker #3
Name: Oliver (3) - Likes to snooze.
Book Collector
Putting it this way is actually not convenient for viewing. (1-4)
Cat Sticker #4
Name: Max (5) - Likes to catch mice.
Screen Cleaner
I prefer a solid color desktop without icons. (1-5)
Cat Sticker #5
Name: Coco (1) - Likes to chase the light.
Seat for 6
Happy family. (1-6)
Cat Sticker #6
Name: Charlie (6) - Likes to catch cat hair balls.
Exhibition 2
This part has 4 levels with a sticker attached to each.

Part 2.
Prepare for the 2nd exhibition.
Double Yellow Line
No crossing over! (2-1)
Cat Sticker #7
Name: Simba (3) - Likes to roll around.
Zebra Line
Watch out for traffic safety. (2-2)
Cat Sticker #8
Name: Leo (2) - Likes to play with balls of wool.
Dateline Mania
Throw away the extra cable. (2-3)
Cat Sticker #9
Name: Milo (4) - Likes to catch the fishing pole.
Hesitate for a long time. (2-4)
Cat Sticker #10
Name: Jasper (5) - Likes to play with boxes.
Exhibition 3
This part has 4 levels with a sticker attached to each.

Part 3.
Prepare for the 3rd exhibition.
I've been using the basket for a long time. (3-1)
Cat Sticker #11
Name: Tilly (1) - Likes to run around.
Cloud, Cloud, Cloud
Smiling at me. (3-2)
Cat Sticker #12
Name: Kiki (6) - Likes to sleep under people's feet.
Three Door Problem
Change the door! (3-3)
Cat Sticker #13
Name: Cleo (3) - Likes to catch toy birds.
Get a little closer
Heartbeat. (3-4)
Cat Sticker #14
Name: Willow (2) - Likes to climb trees.
Exhibition 4
This part has 6 levels with a sticker attached to each.
On level 4-2 you need to simply turn off all the lights.

Part 4.
Prepare for the 4th exhibition.
Free Sleep
Floating in the universe. (4-1)
Cat Sticker #15
Name: Whiskers (4) - Likes to catch ants.
Turn off the lights at night
Cherish the earth. (4-2)
Cat Sticker #16
Name: Felix (5) - Likes to jump high.
Sunflower Replica
Not bad. (4-3)
Cat Sticker #17
Name: Pippa (6) - Likes to catch butterflies.
Banging on the TV
Fix it! (4-4)
Cat Sticker #18
Name: Ginger (3) - Likes to hide in the cat box.
The root of all evil. (4-5)
Cat Sticker #19
Name: Callie (2) - Likes to eat meat.
Take Medication on Time
Schedule the dates for taking the red pill and the blue pill. (4-6)
Cat Sticker #20
Name: Salem (4) - Likes to sing.
Exhibition 5
This part has 6 levels with a sticker attached to each.

Part 5.
Prepare for the 5th exhibition.
Pisa Vertical Tower
Don't push the air, look at me! (5-1)
Cat Sticker #21
Name: Smudge (5) - Likes to play with water.
Just Middle
Walk on the road and look underground. (5-2)
Cat Sticker #22
Name: Socks (6) - Likes to fight.
Traditional Games
The most primitive pleasure. (5-3)
Cat Sticker #23
Name: Peanut (3) - Likes to watch fish.
Parking War
Parking is too expensive. (5-4)
Cat Sticker #24
Name: Teddy (2) - Likes to hide under the covers.
Have a Seat
Where would it be better to sit? (5-5)
Cat Sticker #25
Name: Cinnamon (4) - Likes to eat fish bones.
The Moon and her Star Pals
The moon and the stars are in a line. (5-6)
Cat Sticker #26
Name: Snowball (5) - Likes to roll around.
Exhibition 6
This part has 8 levels with a sticker attached to each.
On level 6-5 you need to make all cubes face the same side.
On level 6-7 you need to turn off all the lights.

Part 6.
Prepare for the 6th exhibition.
The Perfect Orange
Only three cuts are needed. (6-1)
Cat Sticker #27
Name: Precious (6) - Likes to sleep on the windowsill.
It's counterproductive. (6-2)
Cat Sticker #28
Name: Gizmo (3) - Likes to catch ants.
Line up! Shower gel!
Always get lost in thought when taking a bath. (6-3)
Cat Sticker #29
Name: Chai (2) - Likes to play with the tow strap.
Blind alley
The usage rate is 100% of some people even if it is 0.1%. (6-4)
Cat Sticker #30
Name: Shadow (4) - Likes to play with broom.
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6. (6-5)
Cat Sticker #31
Name: Muffin (5) - Likes to play with fruit leather.
Home of the nails
Neat and tidy. (6-6)
Cat Sticker #32
Name: Puddles (6) - Likes to play with water.
Turning off the lights in the morning
Cherish the earth. (6-7)
Cat Sticker #33
Name: Fluffy (3) - Likes to play with plastic bags.
Too much! Weather doll!
Lovely is the greatest utility. (6-8)
Cat Sticker #34
Name: Misty (2) - Likes to play with brooms.
Exhibition 7
This part has 4 levels with a sticker attached to each.

Part 7.
Prepare for the seventh exhibition.
Come in
Why are you so close to me? (7-1)
Cat Sticker #35
Name: Mochi (4) - Likes to play with fingers.
Three Faces
Optimism, Pessimism, and Me. (7-2)
Cat Sticker #36
Name: Koda (5) - Likes to play with paper.
File Mass
My reality game. (7-3)
Cat Sticker #37
Name: Archie (6) - Likes to play with scented things.
Let it be. (7-4)
Cat Stickers #38
Name: Mr. Purrfect (3) - Likes to play with coils.
Other Achievements
Stop shaking
Manual earthquake. (?)*
Just a little bit closer
So close, but it's time to quit the game and go take a break.**
Balance 100
100%! Perfect! Now you can quit the game and take a break.
Cat Sticker Collector
Oh my God! You've collected all the cat stickers!

*After exhibition 4 there is a level with Earth, that will give you this achievement.
**I got this one after completing a level with Earth (exhibition 1-4 completed with all stars and stickers).

Also, you don't need to 100% the mentioned level to get "Balance 100" achievement.
Playing other game modes does not give you any achievements.

Final Words
Thank you for reading my guide. I hope it was helpful!