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Wobbledogs Analysis and Research
By joll the funny guy
This was inspired by a guide by the steam user v4sc0._ although i wanted to make it with my own time, as im not very busy
This guide shows the diseases/issues with wobbledogs and what they are.
Wobbledogs are unique, alien-like creatures that have mainly become extinct, however have been captured, domesticated and kept in cells/rooms to let the species live on. The wobbledog was named due to the flexibility and bounciness of the animal, and the noises and actions resembling of a dog.

Lifespan and lifestyle
Wobbledogs dont age normally, they pupate. A normal wobbledog pupates 4 times, puppy to juvenile, juvenile to teen, teen to young adult and finally young adult to adult. When becoming an adult, the wobbledog will lay atleast 1 egg and atleast 1 capsule. This also puts the wobbledog in breeding age. No known information is of how wobbledogs reproduced in the wild, however using advanced tech we can use a "Breeding simulator" for the wobbledogs so they can have offspring.
Sometimes, wobbledogs will become ancient after eating a dog core and having their lifespan extended.
Wobbledogs often change their coloration and other things like size whenever pupated. This is due to flora that comes from their foods. For example, whenever these creatures consume lasagna they have been examined to become larger. In order to keep the looks of the dog mostly the same, it is reccomended you feed them burnt dog biscuits (burning them via microwave or oven) or dog biscuits.

Disease carrying food.

Wobbledogs might puke up half of their food, or poop it out after eating. Dogs may also throw up if given a lot of food in a short period of time. If a dog eats half eaten food, poop or failed eggs also known as dud eggs it will give them a common virus named Scaph. This virus will often spread in the gut of the dog, overpowering other floras and possibly filling the gut if untreated. The treatments to the virus is puking the source out, feeding the dog burnt dog biscuits to exterminate the virus and sometimes just waiting. The virus can cause dogs to not hang from a item when pupating, acting slow and getting fevers. Heal it as soon as you get signs.


The mutations on a dog are extremely odd. This can consist of: Having more/less than four legs, getting tails, getting wings, having patterned fur and differently shaped ears/noses.
Default wobbledogs
Wobbledogs appear with a rectangular body, no tail and rounded tall ears with a circle nose regularly. They have a pink body, and a black nose and ears. This is the most common looks for a wobbledog. However, there can be other instances. All wobbledogs have their nose and ears the same color, legs and head the same color and torso, wings and tail all the same color.
The gut

The gut of a wobbledog is very large, holding flora and also desolving food eaten. The gut in a wobbledog is very powerful as it can desolve stuff like wax, paper, plastic and fiberglass with seemingly no problems.

The core

The core of a dog is the most important part, keeping the dog alive. It is also known as a heart due to its importance. This core also holds the lifespan of the dog and if it is removed it is common the dog will die. Whenever the core is cracked open, it can be fed to another dog to extend the life of the dog. However, from tests it has been learned that the core can only make the life of dogs longer, not humans or any other animals.

The legs

The legs of a wobbledog are extremely important, helping them wobble, walk, dig and more. Although wobbledogs without legs exist, they often need a lot of care to operate. The legs of a wobbledog are a very needed part.

The head

The head of a wobbledog is quite empty, only holding half circles for their eyes and a very sensitive brain that varies in size. The only other thing in their head is a tube acting as their throat, and leading toward their gut. Wobbledogs have adult and baby teeth, most adult teeth being extremely strong and chewing food into pastes and powders to be eaten easier. Baby teeth however, often fall out while they shred their food in their mouth. Some dogs dont have a mouth, leading them to absorb the food through the mouth area.

The egg-spot

As an adult wobbledog, every wobbledog grows and lays an egg. This egg has a small spot that slowly grows as the dog reaches adulthood, and starts growing the egg. The egg has been examined to form when the young adult is in its final cocoon. There is an egg-shaped void area where the egg grows.

The ears and nose

The wobbledogs hearing is very strong, being able to hear from the neighbouring pens. However scent also works well when the dog is hungry. If the dog isnt hungry, they usually dont have a good sense of smell. But when a dog gets hungry it just kindof clicks, leading a dog to the nearest food source.
Bending syndrome

Bending syndrome is when a dog folds their head into their body, or bends their body in such a way it gets stuck curled. The way to fix this is usually giving the dog a good shake, although it can return.

Wide-eye syndrome

Whenever a dog is stressed, sometimes the eye will stay that way. The pupil will most likely be seen small, and might stay in place. This usually fixes when the dog pupates, but if an adult there is no way to fix this. It usually doesnt hurt however.

Curling legs disease

If a dogs body is too short and its legs are too thin, the dog has gotten Curling legs disease. Dogs with a lot of the flora "Ectobacter" have been examined to get the disease more commonly. This is a very dangerous disease, as it is common and makes the dog unable to care for itself as usually the animal cannot walk or move in any way beside spinning. This also makes dogs stressed at times.

Melting disease

Melting disease appears when multiple dogs have low flora in their gut, causing them to mold together in a form of many legs and heads. This disease is rare, but uncurable and causes extreme defects. Here is an image of melting disease: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2538423216274030076/EF2D5D19346A3085966DE63A0981E0DF71E90405/?imw=256&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false

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