Brick Rigs

Brick Rigs

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2035-2062 Omega Landhauler (EXPERIMENTAL 1.7 REMASTER)
Era: 2000s
Category: Civil
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14 jun, 2024 @ 17:49
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2035-2062 Omega Landhauler (EXPERIMENTAL 1.7 REMASTER)

I 1 samling av KrazyEights
Omega Official Collection
39 artiklar
One of the largest vehicles Omega has ever built in its class. An absolute monster in size and costed Omega a massive heap of money to build them, reasearch and development back in 2029 was very slim but in 2031 it picked up steam when the first test engine was started. 1769 Bricks

press X to lift the dump up or down, to open the engine compartment press the button on the left side of the engine (REMEMBER TO HAVE THE DUMP ALL THE WAY UP)

Note: there is a bug in experimental where the scalable text brick font gets a border