26 ratings
INSOMNIA: The Ark [Lets fix it!] for EN version
By CubicRubik
Mod / patch aimed to fix many bugs and issues that are still in Insomnia after 1.7 official patch.
General information
Sorry for lack of updates till now. Development was shifted to RU version, because I managed to find good fix testers, and couple of guys from original dev team who are sharing different information.

In recent times, testing of 0.6 version is in process, it take some time because there will be changes to balance of game, to create more consistent flow for player and fix some old issues with it.

If you interested in changes list, what are in testing and what will be later, here is a link to Google table, that is on russian for now (if you want you can translate it by any means), EN version of table and fix will be ready when testing process will be completed:

Google table of changes that is in testing plus changes from older versions and planned ones[]

Hello there!

So, in general, while we are still waiting for future decisions on game destiny, I decided to create lets say, a community patch of sort, for Insomnia: The Ark.

Beside a patch itself, here you will find list (that will evolve based on new findings and players input) gathered from different sources (wiki, game, Steam/GOG and other forums) about different aspects of game, locks in game, what you need to keep, different facts/hints that I managed to find myself or gathered from other sources.

Please read this guide to the end, especially "Unified style" part, and maybe questions "why this change are here" will be answered automatically.

Thank you :)

And in any case, I hope that this project will be somewhat of community one, with discussion, and decisions related to questionable parts will not be done by myself :)

Meantime don't forget to visit Insomnia: The Ark wiki[]that is maintained by urdnot_wrecks and other people, you can find information about items, quests, npc, locations and other needed stuff for your walkthrough.

Big thank you to:
to urdnot_wrecks and Keizuka for helping me by reporting bugs/issues and motivation :)
to my good friend Gusovski for creating/editing icons and textures for game items :)

Check recent steam discussion from BowShatter to give him your opinion and motivation to work on his future mod :)

So lets move to the our topic...
Changelog [Part I]
All changes are based on newest iterations of texts in game version 1.7, plus compared to russian version of texts (as there are more wisdom regarding what developers was trying to write/show/tell).

v0.5: not yet released!
  • thanks to good people from HeroCraft, in steam returned 6 long lost achievements. Now we have 30 of them (previously its was 24). Full availability to acquire new achievements are still in testing;
  • now in main game menu you will see a version of mod installed (for example 1.7.05, or 1.7.12, etc.) to know what version you have, and if you install mod correctly);
  • final editing on all names/locations/objects/texts - after that only minor fixes to mistakes in words or incorrect translation;
  • Twelve Commissars station travel icon now disappear from Global map as intended (there no any post-mission state of map, and npc related to quest will stay here even if his post-mission twin will be created or mentioned as dead in another locations);
  • added experience to some books pages reading reward that earlier stated as 0 XP. Now you will receive 10 XP per page as other books have (there is some unique books or notes that will give you more XP);
  • restored description to all in-game achievements plus unified their names and descriptions with steam names (those removed achievements also have names and description based on release version before they was removed);
  • Lashta, Gosp, Morthy now have designated friend-enemy groups, that allow them to not shoot randomly "good guys" in missions and game hubs.
  • restored/fixed dialogs for:
    - Somand (post main story B-27 dialogs);
    - Nasma???
    - Valk???
    - Sylar???
  • corrected position of entrance red door to Antique shop to not overlap with wall and not to hang above the ground;
  • fixed/corrected conditions checks in "Hunt begins" quest (location Wild Grove), so you can properly complete quest via 3 ways with proper answers from hunters (now hunters tell correct lines based on your quest choice):
    - help creature escape by hacking big door terminal;
    - kill creature;
    - kill creature with hunters help (Leadership perk needed).
  • Hierarchy leggings - fixed unavailable "Fix" (repair) option, now you can repair this item;
  • changes to books and notes items for weight and price fields: added weight (0.5) to books that was not having this field; removed "Average price" and "weight" values for couple of notes and journal pages to be consistent with another items of same type;
  • fixed "No Icon" in fast slot on screen for weapon on black MAS Chimera - now there is proper weapon icon;
  • corrected naming issue with Drasslers Encyclopedia III and Drasslers Encyclopedia IV, now tome IV are available in game;
  • Vulture chest armor and legs armor now have proper item icons that represent in game model of those armor set parts;
  • edited icons of Patient pullover and Patient legs item icons to represent in-game models (edited white and blue parts on icons to be orange with different saturation shades);
  • swapped icons for Handmade bullets and Fabricated (Standard) bullets items, to correspond to icons name and visual look of bullets in icons (by default game has icon of handmade bullets for Fabricated, and fabricated icon for Handmade);
  • default icon for Manifest Distillate swapped to new handcrafted unique one (based on bottle from default icon) to have a look of elite booze and visually differ from Spirits craft resource icon;
  • corrected MG-200 Defensive variant icon and 3D view model to be consistent with description of this modification and with MG-220 models (Defensive variants - more ammo with no shield; Assault variants - shield on weapon);
  • corrected description/name and icon for Radul legs armor - game state that this is Hierarchy leggings by description, but he wear Vulture set thus leading to doubling Hierarchy leggings in game. Now his legs armor item use correct name and description plus icon;
  • implemented first iteration of global fixes aimed to reduce/remove ability to acquire NPCs specific clothing or creatures items (items that often have no description, have technical name, and no stats) by reducing to zero lootable chance or by modifying loot chance for creatures to remove situation where for example Old Chelicet will always give you same set of items:
    - Ghetters: ???
    - Tyrang Soldiers: ???
    - Creatures:
    a) Rakhs - removed chances to drop their items (roaster of items was having one tech item (not meant to be dropped) and 3 items that cant be logically inside of those creatures);
    - Junk piles:
    a) added to pool of available items to drop couple of items that was unused or was having very low chances to drop (almost impossible to acquire due to big number of other items in database);
    - Containers: ???
    - Vendors: ???
Changelog [Part II]
  • fixed Thirst / Hunger / Overload labels on screen — they not jumping anymore;
  • restored somnia label on screen — has 3 levels same as Hunger / Thirst / Overload;
  • fixed game crash when you try to disassemble "Assault helmet" — now it works as intended;
  • finished unification of NPC and other named objects;
  • additional corrections to different texts;
  • fixed absence of collision on one of forklifts in Asagras military base;
  • aligned two ventilation grilles on kitchen walls in military base to not hang in air;
  • Steam achievements now works again! You can receive achievements only on saves where conditions for that achievement to unlock still not completed, or from fresh save:
    - quest related achievements works (couple of them that leads to cutscene still don't);
    - hoarding achievements works (some of them not, as counters to store data in global save file are resetting) - additional fixes to those unavailable in next versions.
  • partially fixed rocketing to space Thirst/Hunger labels on screen;
  • fixed entities "?" on maps, now they have correct interaction text "Neutralize";
  • fixed price for booze in quest "Last Will", now 400 coupons will be removed as dialog text suggest (earlier was 200);
  • fixed quest "High Society" way to obtain unavailable in-game Manifesto Distillate, now you can acquire it via dialog from barman in Square of Glory as was intended by developers (special dialogue checks if you Jaeger, Tector, Ordinator or have Trader perk);
  • fixed "Closed Showing" quest karma reward. Now when you complete quest, you will receive +5 to Karma as intended (variable for reward was misspelled);
  • additional changes to texts, and fixed missed tags, gender variables;
  • fixed destructible quest objects on maps that was still on russian language (Резервуар);
  • fixed Fumbler first dialogue page that was on russian language;
  • fixed ДА / НЕТ (YES / NO) in repair item window (when you fix armor or weapon);
  • clarified additional NPC names (names added to Unified style guide section);
  • different minor fixes to dialogs, quest journal logs, etc.
  • fixed majority instances of incorrect NPC names that still was used in-game from alpha/beta;
  • fixed visible (not closed, mistype) tags in texts (q>, g}|gender, <chair>, <lt>, /gt>, etc.);
  • corrected gender choosing for hero in dialogs (buddy, lady, pal, girlfriend, bastard, b**ch));
  • fixed numerous style issues in dialogs, quests and items descriptions;
  • fixed cases of russian language in english version:
    - Tower of Dream (I and II tome) book description;
    - Lost knowledge (Утраченные знания) quest name and questlog stages;
    - NPC dialogs that was on russian language;
  • unified names of ranks, shops, zones, organizations, and other lore-based stuff across game;
  • fixed items descriptions that consisted alpha/beta text parts;
  • some little changes to interface descriptions of different status effects, and traits;
  • corrected particular cases of loading screen texts to be more consistent with general style;
  • updated quests description to be more precise with highlighting of actions you need to do;
  • unified "under the game hood" text formatting style (not visible to players);
  • kickstarter campaign backers names changed to more appropriate based on visuals and location (Ghetter, Skeleton, Corpse, Hunter, etc.). This change done for lore and atmosphere reasons (some are still missing, because to change something I must see it visually, and I was unable to find couple of names in game).
Installation and links
Link for mod: Google Drive[]

Mod ONLY for english language. Version for russian language in another guide.

Install instructions:
1. Download file provided via link above
2. Navigate to your Insomnia: The Ark installation folder
3. From there navigate: Insomnia_V2\Content\Paks\
4. Copy mod file to this folder
5. Check that in Paks folder you have two files: Insomnia_v2-WindowsNoEditor and Insomnia_v2-WindowsNoEditor_p
6. Done, you can launch game

Uninstall instruction:
1. Navigate Insomnia_V2\Content\Paks\ folder
2. Remove Insomnia_v2-WindowsNoEditor_p file
3. Done, you can launch game

Couple of mentions:
1. GOG version must work too, I don't see any reasons why it can't.
2. Mod is completely harmless to original game files, this means that you can install or delete mod in any time of your play-through (for now this is true, as I don't find any issues with such process yet)
3. Mod work in way how Unreal Engine classify patch files: UE engine look for files to load at start of game, and if there are newer files, then newer files (mod with fixes) will be loaded and not the original ones.

So again no any rewriting of existing game files, and you can be sure that you don't need to re-download whole game if you delete this mod.
On to-do list for future work
  • some items disappear from KZ0012 locker in Vulture Nest
    (this is due to location reloading based on map state. Couple of locations in-game has different states between story events. Personal locker marked as shared between those states, sometimes game cant handle permanent state of different objects even if story events still not occur, leading to re-spawn items in lockers. Devs was fixing this issue by creating internal database of items ID's that can persist in KZ0012 locker in any gap of time, but this database don't have all ID's of available in-game items recorded, leading to behavior that when location reloads, locker condition checks will remove only those items from locker that not recorded to list and leave other in place) - to fix this, we need to add those forgotten items ID's to the available list;
  • more corrections to dialogs, names, descriptions, etc.;
  • visual pass on quests and items descriptions to not look like a bunch of words (add paragraphs and indents);
  • do texts in books from game actually look good and readable;
  • add separate version for translation mod but with names of backers preserved.
  • Paintings quest (condition for quest to finish is set to 20 by devs, but its still not working, I need to play with conditions checks in quest logic;
  • Nocturne quest that involve Vladek and piano fix (in Vulture Nest) look for distance for Vladek interaction zone, need to be increased because now you must stand almost near him to be able to start dialog;
  • Farka dont have Hierarchy chest armor in his trade pack (only sell helmet and legs), add it to him;
  • dead scientist have lootable suit with "No Icon" image;
  • Jelly must remove 50% HP when used, but remove 100% HP;
  • Talik in Gloss (Luster) must give you 2 Omaburgers, 1 Manifest Distillate, 1 Fried Meat via biography check dialog, but always only give you 1 Manifest Distillate (game can't find Omaburgers and Fried meat entities to be spawn, because cant find such food in spawn list);
  • SP-18 visor uses SP-12 visor description text, and files dont have text for SP-18;
  • Tyrang female soldier Nasma in Crematorium have dialog and mini non-journal quest, but will never give you her lines, because her NPC class use default tyrang class who's dont have added smartdialog owners blocks;
  • npc "Valk" in Crematorium must have looping enabled for his dialog. So when you bring him chocolate he remove -30 of somnia (and after trigger his line that he tired and want to eat, so you again can bring him chocolate). For now his last line:
    [The tramp stares in your direction for a long time, his eyes slightly rolling.]
    I know you don't always have the strength to fight. I can help... But right now I'm tired.
    Do not triggered because dialog are not looped in;
  • soldiers near Riebel office in Vulture Nest show their "late game" dialogs on early stage of game even if condition for proper time to show them are included in "when to show" check;
  • sometimes main locations reloading (resetting) that leads to respawning of items in chests, lockers; refreshing inventory for vendors; loosing some part of items from personal KZ0012 locker (not all items, just chosen by random couple of them); and locking doors that was unlocked by fixing generators / hacking terminals (you need again to fix generator / hack terminals);
  • find a ways how we can edit Random events and do we have a possibility to make some one-time only, so we dont have broken scripts on those events;
  • Thyper as follower dont have his HP bar on screen and dont receive experience;
  • conditions are broken for Anakhe in Vulture Nest. She and other soldiers has whole bunch of dialogs and whole war scenarios with different stages when you reach certain point in story that involve defending base.
  • flying in air radio in Asagras kitchen hall;
  • missing collision for junk piles and standing soldiers in that junk piles in B-27 (after main quest here);
  • couple of misplaced furniture object in Liquid Sky nightclub;
  • couple of misplaced lockers in Tanaber room on Asagras military base;
  • when you try to disassemble Fetters of Conscience on Thyper face in Prologue and load earlier save after, sparks effect will be still there;
  • when you arrive to Asagras base via Comet station monorail, and exit from transport capsule there is no closing doors animation on capsule (need to copy it from Adaptation Block location where it on place);
  • NPC Ulana don't have her name written in dialog window with her;
  • Door to Thyper shelter can be opened before quest to find Thyper are acquired, because condition to open door with key is not present (need to check it);
  • some ammo types (especially different armor-piercing, incendiary, have negative and positive stats doubled;
  • in Workbench windows crafting option for Standard 18.5 cartridges have 4 same recipe available;
  • some items have different icons in Inventory window and in Fast slot on screen (HUD interface);
  • Vulture chest armor, Vulture leg armor use icons of another items from game, but has their correct icons in files;
  • some items in game has very limited rules to be dropped (for example Hot Plate item only from rakh little ones) or chance with values 0.01% in junk piles / containers / dead bodies;
  • there are some items (mostly tools items) that uses same icon but have different stats (for example First Aid Kit and Reanimation kit);
  • Drassler Encyclopedia IV has name in game Drassler Encyclopedia III (so there is actually two different items, but with same name Drassler Encyclopedia III);
  • There is multiple inconsistencies with items icons in inventory and items models dropped on floor when you choose "Discard" option on item due to missing 3D models or temporary templates applied;
  • Bardon near entrance to Hall of Valor on Asagras base will tell that the fight was epic, even if you resolve Soult and Chicub quest peacefully without fight;
  • add unique icons to Hierarchy leggings and chest parts of armor;
  • Sulfur Geyzer location travel icon must properly be removed from global map when quest there is done, because returning to this location after related quests is done reload location with same NPC;
About quests and bugs
On this moment we can encounter major issues in this particular cases:

1. Collector quest:
here is difficult one, one of quest condition tied to in-game achievement that says about 20 pictures. Even if we viewed 20 or more, we still don't get in-game achievement called "Art Connoisseur", so for now I think that there can be two issues: or game do not count viewed pictures at all... or count but some trigger is broken so we don't get achievement and in any of this two cases can't finish quest (as I write above, when we speak with NPC giver to be able to move his quest game checks condition "do we received achievement" or not)

2. Hall of Mirrors quest:
here is simple, we need complete Collector quest to be able to complete this one.
Hall of Mirrors check conditions ("do this quests completed") for: "Nocturne under overpass", "Extra ticket", "Ancient One", "Child's play", "News from front", "Society of Unrest", "Old Friend", "Collector" (only Collector cant be completed for now)

3. Random encounters:
this is mess, around in middle of game they always "reset" that will lead to repeating again those encounters, with same scripts and dialogs but those scripts will be broken, so, you can complete them, but will not get in half cases of those stories rewards or correct completion of them. No big deal for now, they do not influence on other quests. Will look what is happening with them later...
Unified style [Part I]
Game consist enormous amount of text, and in process of creating game, developers outsource many assets/texts to different people to write/record those in-game dialogs, names, item and location and quests descriptions.

Outcome of such process have two moments:

- messed names, different styles in texts, and fragmented blocks of text (part of dialog lines can be in one file and other part in another, even if whole dialog take place in one moment of game).
- game has texts that dating first alpha/beta versions of game that still used and was never formatted or deleted. But in alpha/beta versions period names of NPC, locations, items, quests descriptions was different, that give us such inconsistency today in-game where one NPC can have couple of different names (in dialogs, in mentions, in quest log, etc.), same situation with items, and locations.

So, to standardize all stuff, unified style must be created. Again, I dont add anything that is not in-game, I am studying already existed texts, compare them with official russian translation, and look what was in earlier alpha/beta part of text blocks, then looks for references in other texts to be sure that devs clearly choose this particular name, description, etc.

Here what will be used and what still under question:

NPC names (left column correct and right column deprecated variants):
Thyper Typer (alpha/beta); Zerden Zarden (alpha/beta); Farka Farkah (alpha/beta); Svar Swar (alpha/beta); Yorn Jorn (alpha/beta); Yacob Jacob (alpha/beta); Ravva Ravvah (alpha/beta); Yosha Josha (alpha/beta); Thel Tel (alpha/beta); Koko Coco, CoCo, KoKo (alpha/beta); Morthimer, Morty Mortimer (alpha/beta); Gorbo Humpback (alpha/beta); Crass Crassus; Maurits Maurice, Mauritz; (Number 4 will be used too, because its his nickname); Reyske Raiske, Rayske; Gvara Gwara (alpha/beta); Raigo Rygo; Gonphor Gonfor; Kraton Craton; Haderra Gaderra; Zellerk Zelerk (alpha/beta); Radul Radool (aplha/beta); Cereb Tsereb; Tennan Tannen; Chicub Chikub; Baxmer Baksmer; Livye Livy; Vanda Wanda (her shop logo spell Vanda); Korbin Corbin; Rotvang Rotwang; Groph Grof; Vathos Vatos; Fumbler Scuffler (Fumbler is a nickname, real name revealed in his dialogue); Messenger Bulletin; Girf Gryph (original name on russian is Girf); Vagapo Ghetter (memo to alpha story) - still not changed; Varo Dekam Varo Decam, Baro Dekam, Baro Decam; Bern Suaresh Bern Swaresh; Aber Kryor Aber Krayor; Frake Pestor Fraic Pestor; Ancient of Days Ancient one; Somand Soman; Sylar Sailar; Grove Cogbern (related to achievement, name now same as in description); Will be in next version (must to be sure what to use): Carnoon or Carnun Raisger or Reyzger (alpha/beta);

Ranks names (in any part of dialogue line):
Unitor, Tector, Captain, General, Commander, Commandant, Commissar, Prime Sergeant, Sergeant, Lieutenant...

For this part I used the rule:, because game has mixed style (like 50/50) for this one.

So for example, if we have cases when:

rank accompanied with person name will be capitalized: to Captain Riebel, to Sergeant Russ, etc.

rank without person name not capitalized:
...general said, ...go see captain, etc.

same rule applied to "ranks" in some other professions but not for all:
...speak to Doctor Redden, ...tell Doctor Rokh and opened his bag, etc.

Correct: Prime Sergeant Chikub, Captain Riebel, Colonel Sabra, Doctor Redden, Unitor Sholke
Not correct: Prime-sergeant Chikub, captain Riebel, colonel Sabra, Dr. Redden, doctor Redden

Still under consideration:
Must say double name ranks may be changed later. Game consist different variants, like: Prime-Sergeant as well as Prime Sergeant.
Wikipedia says that in general it will be Prime Sergeant, but depends on what country we speak.

One more interesting case about General Azar. Game mention him as General Azar ...but there was news on Steam from devs that was describing organizations and he was written as: Prime-General Azar (which is more correct based on lore), and couple of instances in game of such writing, so still deciding what to use.

Locations, zones, shops (in any part of dialogue line):
Hubs or wast areas with big numbers of citizens in it: Urb, Limb, Near Range ...and others:

Correct: Urb, Limb, Near Range, Junkyard...
Not correct: urb, limb, Limba, near range, Near-range, near-range, Near-Range, Junk Yard...

Object 6 has 12 sectors that has letter naming, and those sectors in almost all texts has capitalization: Sector B, Sector H, Sector C, etc., but will not be capitalized if letter of sector not mentioned:

Correct: Sector B, Sector C, Sector H...
Not correct: Sector b, sector C...

Every sector has reservations, checkpoints, zones. Names of those will be capitalized:

Correct: zone H-88, outpost D-101/58, reservation D-106, checkpoint B-27, overpass M-5...
Not correct: Zone H-88, zone d-101/58, Reservation d-106, checkpoint B27...

Shops, bars, etc. (in any part of dialogue line):

Second Breath pastry shop - (sometimes mentioned as bar) - yeah, its actually called like that (Second Wind is a slang name that was incorrectly used by translators);
Gloss (Luster in-game but actually its called Gloss. Luster and Gloss have similar meaning);
Junk Bazaar - returned original name to Square of Glory trash-market (he was called Trash market in-game, but we can see billboard that says its Junk Bazaar);

Organizations and manufacturers and religions (in any part of dialogue line):
People's Wrath
Bea Kera
Sons of Morakh
Citizen Militia
Nomah Autonomy
Nomah Hierarchy
SORG Regime

Omaburger - Ohmaburger, Omburger (alpha/beta);
Sapphire-5 - Sapfir-5 (alpha/beta);
Krikk - Crykk, Krykk (to be consistent with in-game label on icons of beverages);

Vehicles (in any part of dialogue):
Crawler IV - Crauler IV, Cravler IV (alpha/beta);

Other notable mentions:
somnia and Somnia (same word but in some cases its used as medical condition and not capitalized, and in another case we capitalize it. So its depends on context and who is talking about it)

NPC action description in dialog window:

Correct: [Sergeant looked at you with his tired face.]
Not correct: [Sergeant looked at you with his tired face]. or [Sergeant looked at you with his tired face.]
Unified style [Part II]
Ammo standardization:
AP - armor-piercing, INC - incendiary, HM - handmade, ST - standard, CST - canister shot.

So, now all ammo have unified marking:

Correct: INC 7.92 mm cartridges, HM 9 mm cartridges, etc.
Not Correct: 9 mm HM cartridges, st 7.92mm cartridges, etc.

Still under consideration:
what marking use: 10 mm or 10mm

Diagrams, recipes:
Changed general representation to be more consistent and easy read. Now its:
Diagram: ITEM NAME, Recipe: ITEM NAME

Other grammar remarks:
Moving from US grammar to UK grammar (kinda):
1. in US english there no any spaces before and after dash (and its called Em dash) and comma always placed before quotes closed.
2. in UK english there are spaces before and after dash (and its called En dash) and comma placed in general after quotes closed, but also can be inside, its depends how people like it.


Correct: Urb — big city, and here is zone Z-51 — we need to visit it.
Not correct: Urb—big city, and there is zone Z-51—we need to visit it.


Correct: we call it "stuff", try it.
Not correct: we call it "stuff," try it.

So, lets start with spaces before and after, and comma after quotes. I am opened to discussion do we leave as it is, or roll back in next versions.
Tips and hints. Items and quests
Here will be list of different interesting findings or not widely knows facts:
  • did you know that you can toggle "walk mode" in-game by pressing "\" key on your keyboard;
  • did you know that in Vulture Nest there is quest that involve fixing piano for "man" named Vladek;
  • did you know that game has fully implemented dialogs for female main character, and almost half of needed files for model/textures and animations (we was soo close);
  • did you know that announced in one of latest patches encounter with little girl and her protector do not work; (based on dialogs and description its reference to Bioshock game: girl with big eyes and syringe in her hands, plus MAS protector);
  • did you know that when destroying blue plastic boxes (and barrels but with less lower chance) on locations sometimes game will spawn ammo and grenades on place of barrels and boxes;
  • did you know, that when you type your name in process of creating your hero, you can write your name in correct way with first capitalized letter (even if game shows to you that all letters are capitalized);
  • did you know, that in pre-alpha stage, game was with top-down view, and later changed to 3rd person view. This is why we cant look up - there is empty space, no any ceilings;
  • did you know, that there Developers Room easter egg in-game, where you can find all main developers of game as NPC with their stories;
  • did you know, that game use Karma reputation system. When you do some good actions in quests or find particular journal notes, answering with "good tone" to NPC, you receive plus or minus to your Karma level (your blue or red skeleton flashing). In the end game game will check your Karma level and based on number you receive one of endings. (Similar system as in Mass Effect game series)

  • most "safe" locker where you can keep your items is KZ0012's locker (locker left to this one is not so safe);
  • also you can use one of lockers behind locked door (that can be unlocked by hacking terminal) on Asagras military base. This is most stable location in terms of reloading;
  • in one part of game you will receive Urn (can be used as backpack) keep it on yourself or in your inventory till the end of Halls of Mirror quest;
  • always have with you in inventory:
    ~10-15 Lockpicks
    ~5 UA Cards
    ~30 Complex parts
    ~30 Capacitors
    ~30 Circuits
    ~30 Parts
    ~2-3 Printed Circuit Board
    ~30 Simple Parts
    *this is items that needed to repair generators, hacking terminals, opening containers - that can have different items or secret rooms, etc.)
  • technically game divided into "Chapters" that consists of main quest branch, related secondary quests, side quests, and mini quests that do not have records in Journal:
    Main quests branch
    move you through story;
    Related Secondary quests branch
    tied to main story quests completion;
    Secondary quests branch
    do not have impact on storyline;
    Non-journal mini quests branch
    just simple "find item for NPC" fillers on locations.

    All quests except only 3 for now (if use patch, then only 2) are working without any issues if you complete Related Secondary quests in-time, without rocketing through Main quests branch quickly. I will create list of dependencies later, but always read Journal log for quests and do secondary objectives first! So you will not face situations where Riebel wont speak with you, or some NPC not in his place, or some doors not opening, or you cant leave locations, etc.
Items for quests

Here is a list of all items that will be needed in different quests across game:

Child's Play: Ball
High Society: Manifesto Distilatte
Nocturne under overpass: Strings, Piano keys, Pedals
Missing Book: Timeless Saga I
Extra Ticket: Tickets (all that you can find)
Harvest: White Bell (x3)
Egg Thief: Chelicet Egg
Antiques Shop: ECHO-8, Faces of Inmran, Pride of the Nation Teapot, Scale Weights, Telephone
Faceless: Demon mask or Baby mask or Old man mask
Last Will: Bastard Snail
Medicine for a Patient: Ketorolac
Old Friend: Shovel
The Masquerade Massacre: Sea Glass (x10)
The Long-Awaited Promotion: Owl Figurine
Closed Showing: Comics
Blue Screen: Sapphire-5
Bad Dream: Ketorolac
Prison Inside: A-Mezon
The Well-Forgotten Past: Projector
Bane of Mills: AI Module
Back in the Saddle: MAS Battery, Cooling system blueprint

Voznek's Microchip, Rabbit, Translator, Chocolate, White Bell

CubicRubik  [author] 1 hour ago 
0.5 is already passed, 0.6 in closed beta test now, and will be released in near time if all will work as expected.

As highlight of 0.6:
- fixed paintings quest; - still in test!!!
- fixed achievement for disarming mines; - still in test!!!
- fixed stimulators/food that was giving permament bonuses for entire game;
- added couple of new items that was planned by devs;
- fixed issues with perks;
- rebalanced some weapons based on their description;
- fixed random encounters on global map to work as intended (almost 90% of encounters must be one time encounter through game, but due to broken logic they was encountered by player many times) - still in test!!!
- and many more fixes related to animations, triggers, objects, scenes, etc.
QweSteR 2 hours ago 
When will 0.5 be released?
Wise Primate 19 Jan @ 3:22pm 
I shall play again when the quest about the paintings can be completed. You are the champion of the world.
ThyLastDay 14 Jan @ 8:30am 
Thankyou for the effort in fixing this hidden gem, I used your patch and it worked very well.
The atmosphere and art design in this game are fantastic, and the fact that it was abbandoned so close to the finish line is quite sad.
I wanted to ask you'd be interested into making a separate mod that adds more equipment to the game and maybe let us acquire the Volture armor set before the endgame, maybe by adding stuff to merchants inventories.
Fantastic work.
Manuches 13 Jan @ 5:56pm 
Thanks Cubic. It's great you are helping fix this and awesome you were able to get actual Dev help. Good Luck!!
CubicRubik  [author] 13 Jan @ 11:20am 

Yeah, its an original game issue with followers and issue is related to locations reloading, that is on major issue list, but fixing this is hard one, so time needed, I am in contact with some devs from original team, they will look into it and how to resolve those issues, because its C++ part of game (code need to be reviewed).
Manuches 13 Jan @ 8:52am 
If you haven't already can you please look at fixing Mort. I'm replaying with your patch and he never shows up in Vultures Nest. Companions also take forever to show back up to the nest when you finish their quest (still haven't seen Lashta either.

Companions also become bugged if they 'die'. So they will be with you but do nothing or they will not be in the zone at all.

There is a lot of english grammar issues also that I have been taking notes on, but will see what you come out with when the next patch is released.

Thanks for fixing this game, This play through has been a bit smoother so far.
CubicRubik  [author] 13 Jan @ 8:29am 
sorry that it takes a lot of time to release, I am waiting for balance changes tables from other guys to implement in the patch (to try to fix game issues and players reports that some armor or weapons or perks/skills are useless and cases when you always stick to only one gun because it kills everything and you dont need anything else). Plus I will need to do personal walkthrough to be sure all is work as needed. Its one of minuses of Insomnia testing, to see if something work you need in general to complete half of game :) )
CubicRubik  [author] 13 Jan @ 8:24am 
@Thulsa Doom, I will recommend to not start now. Wait till next release at least. There will be many new additions compared to version that you have now.
Thulsa Doom 13 Jan @ 7:52am 
im thinking retry a new start with the patch, and i come after to tell you if it works well, thaks @CubikRubik for your work, i love this game so much but some breaking bugs.