Bendy: Secrets of the Machine

Bendy: Secrets of the Machine

Changes/Additions to each update (Updating everyday)
由 Games Before Life 發表
Updating every night, just small or big things that have changed or been added to the game
In the first version, spinning all characters to their evil counterparts reveals the 3rd game
Spinning only the right side gets you the teaser with bendy holding a gun (I think it's teasing the movie)
spinning only the left gets you a strange image

In the second version, the wheelchair and some bendy cutouts are moved
Weird side note, i think I saw a black figure appear and then fly upwards?? idk if that was just me
The banner is also changed from "Happy 414" to something else
If you knock out the lights in the windows near the right side door, it'll unlock it sending you to a room with a family portrait and a black pen.

Press E on the paper on the floor as well as the lines on the right wall, those are measurements. After a bit the parents get blood on their faces and you can continue into a strange room.

It's a middle school hallway. I'm assuming your parents are fighting with the school's psychologist. He's telling your parents how your name is Riley and you've been scaring other classmates with drawings you've been making. After the light goes out, a record player now sits behind you, it starts playing and the doors on the right wall light up (idk why).

Then the door opens back into the family portrait room. Now there's ink bottles everywhere and a paper on the floor. Press E and pick it up. Now press E on the new desk that's in the room and press E again once the paper is on the desk. You'll draw a car with blood spilling out. You'll hear a knock and a letter will slip under the door. Joey has hired you (Riley)

Grab the drawing and go into the studio. Draw on each of the papers in the hallway. Joey will appear behind the door and give you a new letter. He fired you. When you finish reading, behind you is a door to GENT. Go through the door and touch the can on the floating(???) table. Now you're back at the archway

Going back into the Drawing board, you can't get into the main room. Keep walking down the hall till you see the car you created. It starts up and then runs you over, sending you back to the archway AGAIN. This time allowing you into the main room.
* Drawing board is open now (I think it's only open during the daytime, closed during night, I'll try to figure out when it is exactly, part of me thinks it's 9-5 maybe)
* New Bendy statue in main room
* Coffins keep appearing, last I remember there were 3
* Bendy statue moves now and whispers Build Our Machine Backwards in your ear (From now on I'll call him Bender)
* Figured out how to open Cinema (3 cans into the horn looking thing in the corner of the main room)
* Crashed after bullying the sailor dude by throwing cans at him
4/17 (newest)
* Coffins now have candles
* The room straight down the first hall now shows a pentagram forming on the ground
* The Wheelchair and box moved (any significance???)
4/18 (Sammy Day)
* Found the rave. Open cinema, go inside to be sure it's done, then clench all hands (Cinema, Teaser Room, Duct near can dispenser), eat ONLY BACON SOUP (dw eating beans won't mess it up, I would know) eat about 25 (honestly just eat until you hear a burp), grab a can and throw it at the "Little Devil Darlin" poster. It'll rip into pieces when you'll see a hole in the wall. Idk I thought it was funny, thx to Ignation
Questions I Have
* There are Bendy hands scattered through out the main room
* Question box in the room with teasers (moves now???)
* There are holes you can throw soup cans in (I saw bendy peeking at me through one of those holes near the teaser room)
* Bullseyes in main room
* What's with the new bendy statue?
* Why do certain things move, but some things stay. Like the cockroaches on the main bendy podium are gone now. The wheelchair moves, which the wheelchair seems to be a common motif in the series.
* What is everything trying to tell us
Side Notes or Dumb Stuff
* Shift + K + 4 + 1 + 4 instant kills you (semi useful)
* Can't get the rave thing, idk
5 則留言
RE4PER247 2024 年 5 月 12 日 上午 3:29 
The Bendy Holding a Gun Image is teasing The FPS Bendy Game just to say...
littlered721 2024 年 5 月 10 日 下午 3:24 
nice guide
Ignation 2024 年 4 月 22 日 下午 2:23 
Hey, I'm thankful for the shout out for the rave! You should check out the pentagram in the back of the hallway where you could find the car if you completed the Riley Wells section. It's been building for the last couple of days. It might be a shout out to Sammy Lawrence coming back again or his importance to the upcoming projects.
Firelight360 2024 年 4 月 20 日 下午 2:52 
You guys can join our discord for these questions. We currently have 70 people that can help. And Ducc6969, that did work, just did not do anything.
Ignation 2024 年 4 月 18 日 下午 4:07 
Rave thing has to in order from what I've tried. Open the theater, clench all the hands, throw a can at popcorn sign, eat 25 bacon soup cans (only the Bacon Soup Cans, not beans), and then throw a can at the bendy poster in the theater