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Division of mini-games during morning
By BananaPeel?
This guide will break down the level "morning" into measures in order to make it easy to make remixes and the like for it.
This guide will walk you through the division of mini-games in "morning" in order to make custom levels easier if you want to remix it or use the same song. If you know much about the editor or music theory in general, this should be pretty simple but I'll explain it just in case. When I say "beat" I mean one of the circles in the editor (there are 4 beats and 4 offbeats in every bar) When I say "measure" I am referring to the four beat groupings. For simplicity I will use beats for all measurements in this guide. (keep in mind both normal and harder versions divide the same)
[intro] (32 beats) (8 measures)
- 2 beats on each mini-game

[section 1] (64 beats) (16 measures)
- 4 beats on food
- 8 beats on followers
- 4 beats on food
- 8 beats on tech
- 8 beats on shopping
- 4 beats on food
- 8 beats on followers
- 4 beats on food
- 8 beats on tech
- 8 beats on shopping

[section 2] (64 beats) (16 measures)
- 8 beats on fitness
- 4 beats on work
- 4 beats on dating
- 8 beats on money
- 4 beats on work
- 4 beats on dating
- 8 beats on fitness
- 4 beats on work
- 4 beats on dating
- 8 beats on money
- 4 beats on work
- 4 beats on dating

[section 3] (64 beats) (16 measures)
- 4 beats on time
- 4 beats on mind
- 4 beats on time
- 4 beats on mind
- 16 beats on space
- 8 beats on nature
- 4 beats on time
- 4 beats on mind
- 8 beats on nature
- 8 beats on space

[section 4] (64 beats) (16 measures)
- 16 beats on stress
- 16 beats on desire
- 16 beats on the past
- 16 beats on the future

[section 5] (80 beats) (20 measures)
- 4 beats on food
- 4 beats on tech
- 8 beats on shopping
- 4 beats on followers
- 4 beats on work
- 8 beats on fitness
- 4 beats on money
- 4 beats on dating
- 8 beats on space
- 4 beats on mind
- 4 beats on time
- 4 beats on nature
- 4 beats on stress
- 4 beats on desire
- 4 beats on the past
- 8 beats on the future

[outro] (64 beats) (16 measures)
- 4 beats on each mini-game