Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy

Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney Trilogy

65 ratings
Dual Destinies Walkthrough with Achievements
By Pandeinos
Full walkthrough with achievements for Ace Attorney - Dual Destinies, the second game in the Apollo Justice trilogy (aka Ace Attorney #5).
…And I’m back with game two! Compared to the previous games, Dual Destinies really streamlined the investigations. It makes the game (and the guide-making) a little easier, but I genuinely missed examining the office every day.

<-- To my AJ:AA guide
To my Spirit of Justice guide -->

I’ve spoiler tagged anything I'd consider the solution to a puzzle (and occasionally, surprise witness names and other details you wouldn't want to see accidentally) but not actions any self-respecting player would try like "Examine the murder weapon!" or "Talk to the person standing in front of you!" In the trial sections, I’ve tried to strike a balance between giving enough keywords for players who want to quickly look up the part they’re stuck on without spoiling developments for the players following step by step. Achievements, and funny/interesting dialog that isn't necessary to progress the case will be described in italics.

For the 3D crime scenes, the view on first entering the scene will always be Angle 1. One rotation with B will be Angle 2. A second B rotation (the equivalent of one M rotation) will be Angle 3.

General Tips:
  • If you’d prefer the Japanese audio: from the title menu, choose Options >Language. You cannot change the language from the in-game/pause menu.
  • Make sure ‘reader’ mode is off as it will disable certain achievements.
  • If you start on a Psyche-Lock and then discover you don't have the right evidence, you can back out with no penalty using Z/right mouse.
  • You can hold Z/right mouse to skip through text.
  • If you've missed an achievement, jump to the right part using the chapter menu (choose episodes on the title screen). It’s much easier than keeping a bunch of saves.

Before starting a new game, you can...
Stylish Threads
Change any of the characters’ outfits from the Costumes tab then enter the game. This can be done in Dual Destinies or Spirit of Justice.
Turnabout Countdown - Achievements
Turnabout Countdown
Finish the first episode
Day 1 - Trial
What was unique? It was inside a stuffed animal.

When talking to Athena, choosing “Nah, she’ll be fine” will let you skip the tutorial.

-When the Bomb Went Off-
Present the HH 3000 Bomb on statement 4.

--Juniper’s Mood Matrix--
Follow Athena’s instructions to pinpoint Happy.
After the update, pinpoint her Sadness (blue) on statement 5.
Present the Phony Phanty Tail on statement 1.
Point out the rhino’s tail on the lower right of the poster.
Day 2 - Trial
-Alone with Apollo-
Press on statement 2.
Present Courtroom No. 4 Diagram on statement 3.
Where was the case? Point to the writing on the ground.
What proves it? Point out the wheel tracks on Apollo’s bandage. The area considered correct is unusually small on this one.

The Writing:
Who could have left it? Choose"someone else" then presentCandice Arme.
The meaning: present the Bomb Transport Case.
Make it match: Erase two lines.
Identify Ted Tonate.
How? He was first to find the body.
The best way: Analyze the DNA.

-After the Explosion-
Present Arme’s Autopsy Report on statement 4.

-The Truth-
(Pressing statements 1 and 4 leads to some banter between Payne and the judge.)
Present Apollo’s Assault Photo on statement 2.
The R: He really saw it.
Point out the broken floor to the right of the 5.

When? Before the explosion.
What could he have used? The HH-3000 Bomb.
Hiding: present the Courtroom Bombing Photo.
Present the Bomb Transport Case.

What should I do? Well, choosing “Run like a yellow bellied chicken” gets you chewed out by Athena and somehow, by the judge, so personally I’d go with “Stand my ground”.

Point out the cracked timer display.

-Post Trial Wrap-Up-
Present the Missing Remote Switch.

The Monstrous Turnabout - Achievements
Ladders and Stepladders
When investigating the crime scene on day 2, examine the air vent.
(Part 4 of 7)

The Monstrous Turnabout
Finish the second episode
Day 1 - Investigation
-Yokai Lane-
Move to Kyubi Manor Garden.

-Kyubi Manor Garden-
Talk to Jinxie.
Present your Attorney’s Badge then talk to Jinxie again.
After the cutscene, talk to Jinxie yet again.
Move to the Detention Center.

-Detention Center-
Talk to Tenma.
Move to Yokai Lane.

-Yokai Lane-
Talk to Athena. (You don’t need to ask about the “investigation” again after she hands you the newspaper.)
Move to the Kyubi Manor Foyer.

-Fox Chamber-
Talk to Fulbright.
Examining the scene:
--Angle 1—
Examine the body outline on the table, the overturned chair (click it a second time after Fulbright interrupts), and the Forbidden Chamber doors.
--Angle 2—
Examine the glittering Fox and Demon Statue and the window.
Talk to Fulbright again.

-Kyubi Manor Foyer-
Talk to Filch.
Move to Yokai Lane.

-Yokai Lane-
Talk to Jinxie.

-Kyubi Manor Foyer-
Talk to L’Belle.

-Detention Center-
Talk to Tenma.
Perceive and focus on his eye (screen left, his right) when he says ”in terms of tourism”
Present the Amazing Nine Tails Glossy.
Talk to Tenma again.
Present the Amazing Nine Tails Mask.
Day 1 - Trial
-About the Murder-
Present the Fox and Demon Statue on statement 5 then choose there are no fingerprints.
The cloth was used to wrap the statue.

-Feathers and Tracks-
Press on statement 4.
Present the Crime Photo on statement 5.
Point out the bloody tengu tracks.

-Guarding the Foyer-
Present the TV Listings on statement 3.
Prove it: present the Foyer Diagram.

-Ears Working Overtime-
Press on statement 3 and choose “Very important”.
Present the Yokai Legend Scroll on statement 4.
Why did he think so? He actually saw Tenma Taro.

--Jinxie’s Mood Matrix--
Following Athena’s instructions, probe the cat standing on the wheel of fire.
Kasha: point out the chandelier.
Pinpoint Fright (blue) on statement 3.
Courage: present the Nine-Tails Flower.

Escape route: point to the hallway door.
The lock: The perp locked it from outside.
How could it be? The perpetrator threw it from outside.
Where? Point out the air duct.
Flight: present the Special Edition Paper.
Day 2 - Investigation
-Fox Chamber-
Talk to Fulbright.
Move to the Wright Anything Agency.

-Wright Anything Agency-
Talk to Wright.

-Detention Center-
Talk to His Malevolence, Lord Tenma.
Present the Fox and Demon Statue.
Present the Blackmail Letter then ask about it. Note: Showing him the letter before the statue won’t work.
Move to Yokai Lane.

-Yokai Lane-
Talk to Jinxie.
Present the Fox and Demon Statue.

-Kyubi Manor Garden-
Talk to L’Belle.
Present the Blackmail Letter.
Move to the Fox Chamber.

-Fox Chamber-
Examining the scene:
--Angle 1—
Examine the door to the Forbidden Chamber and the fox statues.
Click the table to zoom in, then adjust your view with S so you can see under the table. Examine the golden sake cup.
--Angle 2 –
Achievement: Examine the air vent.
--Angle 3—
Examine the folding screen. After the dialog with Athena, examine it again.

Examining the screen: flip to the back, then examine the lock mark and either of the key marks.

– Forbidden Chamber-
There’s a lot to examine here:
  • The gigantic tengu statue
  • The scroll beneath it
  • The weapon rack
  • The rainbow tube of hand cream on the floor
  • The air vent
Move to Kyubi Manor Foyer.

-Kyubi Manor Foyer-
Talk to Filch.
Present the Village Superstitions and chat some more.
Move to the Detention Center.

-Detention Center-
Talk to Tenma.

-Kyubi Manor Foyer-
Talk to L’Belle.

-Yokai Lane-
Talk to Jinxie.
Perceive and focus on the talisman in her hand when she says ”that’s all he said”
Day 2 - Trial
-The Yokai is Jinxie-
Present the Forbidden Chamber Key on statement 4.
The true identity: present the Hand Cream.
From where? Point out the window.
Present the Special Edition Paper
Alibi: Present Florent L’Belle

-What L’Belle Saw-
Present Jinxie’s Statement on statement 5.

-In the Fox Chamber-
Press on statement 4 then choose the murder weapon and call it “very important”.
Present the Fox and Demon Statue on revised statement 5.

--Tenma’s Mood Matrix—
Pinpoint his Happiness (green) on statement 4.
Where was the mayor? Point out the Forbidden Chamber.
Pinpoint his Sadness (blue) on statement 4.
Present the Amazing Nine-Tails Glossy on statement 4.
Red: Present the Crime Photo.

Explain the discrepancy: choose ”Yes I can” then “L’Belle was disguised as Tenma.”
His identity: Present the Amazing Nine-Tails Mask

-The Amazing Nine-Tails True Identiy-
Press on statement 5 then choose the Forbidden Chamber treasure.
Present the Azuki Kozo Figure on statement 6.
Anything conclusive? Of course I do.

Q1 Amazing Nine-Tails Mask
Q2 White Hair
Q3 Florent L’Belle

The last piece of the puzzle: present the Couleur Me L’Belle hair dye.

-Post Trial Wrap-Up-
Present the Amazing Nine-Tails Mask.
Turnabout Academy - Achievements
School Days
When talking to Wright in the hallway on day one, present the Themis Herald.

Turnabout Academy
Finish the third episode
Day 1 - Investigation
-Lecture Hall-
Talk to Means.

-Outdoor Stage-
Examining the scene:
--Angle 3—
Click the body to zoom in then examine the body, the arrow, and the planner.
After Athena points out the rubble, examine the statue remains and the newspaper.

-Lecture Hall-
Talk to Juniper.
Talk to Gavin.
Whenever there’s a pause, just keep on talking until Gavin leaves.
Move to the Hallway.

Achievement: Present the Themis Herald to Wright. Oddly, Courte’s Planner and a few other items also work.
Talk to Wright.
Move to the Outdoor Stage.

-Outdoor Stage-
Talk to Myriam.
Perceive then focus on her fist when she says “for Juniper’s sake”
Present the Themis Herald (the one about the love triangle, not the extra edition you just received.)
Talk to Myriam again.
Move to the Maintenance Area.

-Maintenance Area-
Talk to Newman.
Move to the Lecture Hall.

-Lecture Hall-
Talk to O’Conner.
Move to the Detention Center.

-Detention Center-
Talk to Juniper.
Day 1 - Trial
-The Similarity of the Case and the Script-
Press on statements 1 and 4.
It wouldn’t make sense because It would make her the culprit.

-What Scuttlebutt Saw-
Present the Stage Costume on statement 5.
Who touched it: present the Themis Herald Extra.

--Newman’s Mood Matrix—
Pinpoint Happy (green) on statement 3.
Present the Glowing Costume Photo.
Pinpoint Sad (blue) on statement 2.
Probe Newman’s brace on statement 4 or 5.
The only possibility: You’re a girl.

Reconsider: present the Tape Recorder.
The only way they could’ve known: if they heard it from Junie.
Proof of knowledge: present the Mock Trial Script.

-Around the Time of the Murder-
Press on statement 4 then choose How did you prep for the mock trial?
Present Courte’s Planner on revised statement 4.
Whose voice? The victim.
Because she was scolding O’Conner.
Day 2 - Investigation
-Detention Center-
Talk to Juniper.
Move to the Outdoor Stage.

-Outdoor Stage-
Talk to Gavin.
Pieces of Gavin: There are five in all: two white, three purple.
--Angle 2—
Purple fragment on the ground, white on top of the bench
--Angle 3—
Click the pedestal to zoom in: there's a white fragment to the right of the newspaper, pivot left with A to find a purple fragment.
Optional: Examine the tarp-covered statue on the ground for some banter between Apollo and Gavin.
Click the mock judge’s bench to zoom in: there’s a purple fragment on top.

After Athena completes her artistic endeavors, examine the window.
Examine the white statue, then the lowered banner, twice.

-Maintenance Area-
Talk to Myriam.
Optional: Move to the Stage and show Gavin the sad, burnt remains.
Move to the Hallway.

Talk to O’Conner.

-Art Room-
Talk to Fulbright.
Examine the wall clock.
Present the Stage Set-Up Photos and point out the Backdrop suspended from the crane.
Examine the envelope labelled “USE”, the pottery, the dusty outline on the large table, and the winch.
Move to the Lecture Hall.

-Lecture Hall-
Talk to Newman.
Present the School Camera Photo then ask about it.
What are you so excited about? Present the Tape Recorder.

-Detention Center-
Talk to Juniper.
Perceive and focus on her scarf when she says ”never causes trouble”
Her secret:she’s the snitch.
Proof: present Courte’s Planner.
His secret: present the ”Hugh” Scrap.
Day 2 - Trial
-What O’Conner Saw-
Present the Stage Set Up Photos on statement 3.
Can identify by examining his neck.
The crane was used to move the body.

What was really used: present the School Banner.
It must not have been the victim’s blood.

--O’Conner’s Mood Matrix—
ProbeJuniper Woods on statement 7.
Pinpoint his lack of Happiness (green) on statement 3 then present the Lecture Hall Diagram.
Updated: pinpoint his Sadness (blue) on statement 4.
Who was there? Present Juniper Woods.
Proof of friendship: choose where they’re easy to touch.

The only other person: present Aristotle Means.
The speech was pre-recorded.
One question: point out the definitely-not-white statue.

Using the time: present the Voiceprint Analysis.

-Prof Means’ Testimony-
Present the Tape Recorder on statement 5.

-Prof Means’ Work of Art-
Press on statement 4 then choose Yes I accept it.
We were wrong about the crime scene.
Where was it really? Point out the stage.
Where WAS something: present the School Banner.
What about the rest? Point out the Gavinners’ Banner on the ground.
Transfer to the art room: present the Burnt Fragments.
The crash: present Lady Justice.
In order to point us to the body.

Q1 During the mock trial
Q2 During the speech
Q3 The white statue
Q4 The Wright statue

--A Reasonable Likeness--
The hands: behind my head.
What am I missing? Present the arrow.
Point out Means’ staff.
To prove it: test the spear for blood.
The Cosmic Turnabout - Achievements
The Problem With Love
During Fulbright's Psyche-Lock, choose "love" on the first question.

The Cosmic Turnabout
Finish the fourth episode
Day 1 - Trial
-Details of the Case-
Press on statements 1,2, 3, and 5.
Failed to explain: why the body was moved.

-I Didn’t Kill Him-
Present the Bombing Report on statement 2.

-My Escape Route-
Present the Space Center Diagram on statement 3.
Point out the ladder.
Contradicting the report: present the Security Camera Video then point out ”50” on the display.
The increase: The victim was carrying the defendant.
Day 1 - Investigation
-Detention Center-
Talk to Starbuck.
Move to the Entrance.

Talk to Cosmos.
Move to the Boarding Lounge and then Launch Pad 1 Corridor.

--Launch Pad 1 Corridor-
Talk to Fulbright.
Move back to the Boarding Lounge.

-Boarding Lounge-
Examining the scene:
--Angle 1—
Examine the Control Room door and the body outline.
--Angle 2—
Examine the remote in the table cubby to turn off the hologram.
Examine the revolving training device.
--Angle 3—
Click the hologram screen to zoom in, then examine the crack.
Click the far wall to zoom in, then examine the trash chute. Click the grate to zoom again then examine the glint underneath.
Click the launch pad door to zoom in, then examine the door and the knob on the wall to the left.

-Space Museum-
Talk to Ponco.
Present Terran’s Autopsy Report.
Move to Launch Pad 1 Corridor.

-Launch Pad 1 Corridor-
Talk to Fulbright
Present the Security Camera Video.
Present the magatama.
--Fulbright’s Psyche-Lock—
First Lock: Achievement: choose “love”. There’s no penalty for this.
> Choose Justice then present the Evacuation Report.
Second Lock: present Candice Arme.
Talk to Fulbright again.

Talk to Aura.
Move to the Detention Center.

-Detention Center-
Talk to Starbuck.

-Wright Anything Agency-
Talk to Apollo.
Day 2 - Trial
-What I Saw at the Scene-
Press on statement 4.
Present the Bullet Hole on statement 5.
Clear up everything? Choose No it doesn’t then present the tiny Bullet.

-What I Really Saw at the Scene-
Present the tiny Bullet on statement 3.
Escaped? Present Yuri Cosmos.
Compare against the evidence: present the Bullet From Arme’s Gun.

--Cosmos’ Mood Matrix—
Pinpoint his complete lack of Surprise (yellow) on statement 4.
Pinpoint Sadness (blue) on statement 6.

70%: Point out the Launchpad 1 door.
The security lock: present Solomon Starbuck.

50%: Pinpoint his Surprise (yellow) on statement 4. then choose ”More surprised when Arme came.”

30%: What changed? Point out the now-horizontal knob on the wall.
Pinpoint Happy (green) on statement 1.
His reason: to switch it with another place.
The switch: point out the Space Museum
Proving the theory: Point out the “2” on the floor behind the astronauts. You need to be pretty precise with this one.
Turnabout for Tomorrow - Achievements
A Man of Many Hats
At the beginning of the investigation, talk to Trucy about "What to do?"
(Part 1 of 4)

Turnabout for Tomorrow
Finish the fifth episode
Day 1 - Investigation
-Wright Anything Agency-
Achievement: Talk to Trucy about “What to do?”
Move to the Entrance and then the Boarding Lounge.

-Boarding Lounge-
Talk to Starbuck.
Examine the touchpad lock and the leaves.
Move to the Entrance.

Talk to Cosmos.
Present the magatama.
--Cosmos’ Psyche-Lock—
Lock 1: Choose to save the astronauts then present Clay Terran.
Lock 2: Choose the HAT-1 Miracle.
Lock 3: Present Simon Blackquill.
Talk to Cosmos again.
Move to the Space Museum.

-Space Museum-
Talk to Juniper.
Present the HAT-1 Exhibit.

-Detention Center-
Move to the Robotics Lab.

-Robotics Lab-
Talk to Aura.

Move to the Wright Anything Agency.

-Wright Anything Agency-
Talk to Pearl.
Optional: talk to Pearl again to hear more about Maya.
Move to the Detention Center.

-Detention Center-
Talk to Blackquill.
Talk to Fulbright.

What can I do about it? Retry it in court.

-Robotics Lab-
Talk to Edgeworth.
(If you present your attorney’s badge, Edgeworth is pretty nice about it, and pretty exasperated if you present anything else.)
Examine the workbench and the Judgetron robot (and the rolling cases against the far wall for the lulz.)
Slide left.
Examine Aura’s desk, the operating table/assembly device, and the emergency ladder.
Talk to Edgeworth again.

-Detention Center-
Talk to Athena.
Present Robots with a Heart then talk to Athena again.
Day 1 - Trial
-Aura Blackquill’s Theory-
(Press statements 2 and 4 to get Wright and Edgeworth bickering like an old married couple.)
Press on statement 5 then choose Bluff.
What did he take? Point out the bandaged robot arm.
Present the HAT-1 Exhibit.
How to make it fit? By dismantling her.

-What I Saw-
Press on statement 3 and have it added to testimony.
Present the 7 Year Old Photos on the revised statement 4.
Different location: The victim moved.

--Blackquill’s Mood Matrix—
Pinpoint his Happiness (green) on statement 2.
Pinpoint his Sadness (blue) on statement 4.
What to tackle first: His emotions.
Pinpoint Surprise (yellow) on statement 2.
What should I tackle this time? His testimony.
Present the Photo of the Crime on statement 2.
Overload: Probe Athena on statement 2.

A problem with the confession? Present the Katana.
What does it mean? The defendant used a different weapon.
Just like it: present the Utility Knife.
Rearrangement: present Robots With a Heart.

Q1 Someone else
Q2 Their own face
Q3 Metis Cykes
Q4 Her jacket
Q5 The real culprit

Finding them: present the Seven-Year-Old-Video.
How’d it get back to the lab? The killer brought it back.
When? When the body was found.

-Apollo Justice’s Accusation-
Press on everything.
An alternative? Of course.
Where to? Point out the Space Museum Corridor.
Where part 2: Point out where it says “To launch site”
What did they use? Present the Emergency Ladder.
They exist: present the Phantom’s Psych Profile.
None other than: present Bobby Fulbright.

-The Embodiment of Justice-
Press on statement 2 then ask about the number of prints.
Present Aura’s Statement on the new statement 5.
Perceive and focus on his hand (screen right, his left) when he says ”the Earth emblem”
Examining the lighter: examine the Earth emblem.
What’s wrong with it? The owner of the prints.

--Fulbright’s Mood Matrix—
Pinpoint his Fear (blue) on statement 3.
You feel that way because Your identity will be revealed.

-My Fear of the Moon Rock-
Present the Utility Knife on statement 3.
Making it disappear: present the Hope Capsule.
Finally prove it: present the Phony Phanty Bomb.
Point out the black and gold rock labelled 7-k.
All’s not lost: present the Moon Rock Earring.
Turnabout Reclaimed - Achievements
This special episode takes place somewhere between episodes two and three and is not a part of Dual Destinies’ overarching plot.

A Man of Many Hats
On either day, present the whistle and the fish to Apollo back at the Agency.
(Parts 2 and 3 of 4)

Birds on the Brain
One the first cross of the first day, press DePlume's first statement.

Forensics Expert
Luminol test
(Part 6 of 8)

Turnabout Reclaimed
Finish the special episode
Day 1 - Investigation
-Wright Anything Agency-
Talk to Sasha.
Move to Shipshape Aquarium.

-Orca Pool-
Talk to Sasha some more.
I can do this: Defend Orla in court.
Examining the scene:
--Angle 1—
Examine Orla and the alarmingly large octopus.
--Angle 3—
Click the body outline to zoom in then examine it.
Move to the Aqua Tunnel.

-Aqua Tunnel-
Talk to Fulbright.
Move to the Pub O’ Danger.

-Pub O’ Danger-
Talk to DePlume.
Move to the Aqua Tunnel.

-Aqua Tunnel-
Talk to Rimes.

-Orca Pool-
Talk to Pearl.
Present the Fish.
Talk to Sasha.

-Aqua Tunnel-
Talk to Pearl.
Present the magatama.
--Pearl’s Psyche-Lock—
Point out the staff corridor.
Not my imagination: present Rifle then the Calendar.
Talk to Pearl again.
Move to the Pub O’ Danger.

-Pub O’ Danger-
Hit Talk then present the magatama.
--DePlume’s Psyche-Lock--
Lock 1: present the Security Footage.
Lock 2: choose a witness to the murder.
Talk to DePlume.

-Orca Pool-
--Angle 3—
Click the outline to zoom in, then examine the coin, the foot marks, and the dummy.
--Angle 2--
Click the ladder to zoom in, then examine the bottom of the pool.
All you’d have to do is put them in a bag.

-Pub O’ Danger-
Present the Bloodstained Coin.
Day 1 - Trial
-The Moment of the Murder-
Achievement: Press on statement 1.
Present Shipley’s Autopsy Report on statement 3.

--DePlume’s Mood Matrix—
Pinpoint her Fear (blue) on statement 4.
Pinpoint her Fear (blue), this time on statement 5.

Where was it actually coming from? Present Ora Shipley.
Then it occurred before DePlume saw it.
What can tell us more? Present the Security Footage.
We saw: choose nothing important. and present the Photo of the Body.
Evidence of a human: present the Bloodstained Coin.
The effect of her actions? They created a witness.
A way to do it: present the Whistle.

-The Man-Manipulating Orca-
Present the Calendar on statement 1.

-Hearing the Noise-
(Press statement 1 for a fun convo.)
Press on statement 4 then choose the things scattered around.
Press the revised statement 4 then choose Yes there is.
Point out the scarf.
Moving in an instant: choose falling.
Which one is relevant: the life-saver trick.
Day 2 - Investigation
-Orca Pool-
Talk to Fulbright.
Move to the Pub O’ Danger.

-Pub O’ Danger-
Talk to Crab.

-Aqua Tunnel-
Talk to DePlume.
Present the Swashbuckler Video.
Talk to DePlume again.
Move to the Wright Anything Agency.

-Wright Anything Agency-
Achievement: present the Whistle and the Fish to Apollo.
Talk to Apollo.

-Orca Pool-
Click the ladder to go down to the bottom of the pool.
Examine Orla and the treasure.
Luminol: spray the Skull Rock and Orla.
After Crab arrives, click the pirate flag. Shift to Angle 2 then click the control panel on the far wall.
Click on Orla to zoom in then examine the pile of fish.
Move to the Show Stage.

-Show Stage-
Talk to Rimes.
Examine the Swashbuckler Spectacular sign and the water (and the ladder for a laugh).
Talk to Rimes again.
Talk to Pearl.

-Wright Anything Agency-
Present the Mysterious Capsule to Apollo.

-Detention Center-
Talk to Sasha.
Present the Calendar and the Prescription Bag.
Talk to Sasha again.
Present the Photo of the Body. (Sasha will not react if you try to do this before discussing Azura.)

-Pub O’ Danger-
Talk to Crab.
Present the magatama.
--Crab’s Psyche-Lock—
Lock 1: present the Security Footage.
Lock 2: present the Security Card.
Talk to Crab again.
Present the Calendar. (Crab will not react if you haven’t discussed the TORPEDO system yet.)
Talk to Crab yet again.
Day 2 - Trial
-Cleaning the Orca Pool Room-
Press on statement 5.
Present the Pool Bottom Photo on statement 6.
The difference in circumstances: the orca was there.

The defense will present evidence: the Pool Bottom Photo.
Proof of danger: present the 3Zs Sleeping Pill.
The witness knew: present the TORPEDO System.
The other person: present Marlon Rimes.

-The Truth-
Present Shipley’s Data on statement 4.
The real scene: point out the show pool.
What could have been used? Point out the crane.
An objection? I have no objections.
Along with this: present the Skull Rock.

--Rimes’ Mood Matrix—
Probe the spectators on statement 3.
Reason for the mix up: present ”The Killer Killer Whale”.
Reason for sadness: present the Charm.
Reason for anger: probe Orla on statement 1 or 5.
Proof? I’ve got your proof!
Pinpoint him absolutely not Freaking Out (yellow) on statement 5.

The intended: present Ora Shipley.
What was removed: point out the water.
The visitor? Choose Rifle then present the Handmade Sign.
Proof of the visit: point out the pink penguin tracks in the upper left.
Couldn’t be seen? Point out inside the pool.
The central figure: present Ora Shipley.

-How Orla was Manipulated-
(Pressing this testimony is delightful and you should absolutely do it.)
Present the TV Phone on any fweet.
Shown him? Choose ”She couldn’t have” then present the Whistle.
Faked: choose the song then present the Swashbuckler Video.
What did he use: point out the speaker on the top left of the tank.
What did he use 2: present the Walkie Talkie.

-The Dissin’ of Phoenix Wright-
Press on statement 3.
Examining the walkie-talkie: Flip it over and examine the teeth marks.
Press on statement 1 then present Shipley’s Data.

Q1 The orca’s tooth marks
Q2 The tooth marks are different
Q3 The show song
Q4 It was a different orca

Submit: present the Swashbuckler Video and the TV Phone.
The mystery piece: present the Ladder Prints.

-Post Trial Wrap-Up-
Present the Fish.
There are 10 achievements available in Dual Destinies: six for completing cases, Stylish Threads, School Days, The Problem With Love, and Birds on the Brain. If you've already played AJ:AA, that should put you at 17.

On the multipart achievements, you should have:
A Man of Many Hats: 3/4
Forensics Expert: 6/8
Ladders and Stepladders: 4/7
No Charley in this game :(
You can check your progress in the Accolades tab of the Museum.

Spot any errors? Want any clarifications or extra screenshots? Let me know in the comments.

<-- To my AJ:AA guide
To my Spirit of Justice guide -->
ma43210 26 Jun, 2024 @ 5:55pm 
For the first trial in episode three, I feel like the love triangle article should have worked instead of the tape recorder. For the boy-> girl re-evaluation.)
Pandeinos  [author] 27 Mar, 2024 @ 4:23am 
Just in case anyone was monitoring the comments, Spirit of Justice guide is now up!
Pandeinos  [author] 24 Mar, 2024 @ 2:13am 
I'm halfway done with the SoJ guide - probably take me about a week to finish.
realmarkedward 23 Mar, 2024 @ 4:56pm 
Hey do you know when spirit of justice guide is gonna come out