Postal 3

Postal 3

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Postal III - Police Basement Door fix
By BerzerkWrath
To solve the Basement Door not opening even with Police Officer Douchebag at your side
do this fix from user CalicoJack as he mentioned it in the discussions. No need to thank me, thank CalicoJack.
The PhysX config fix
CalicoJack has Postal 3 21 Jun, 2022 @ 11:21am

just disable the phsyX and activate multithreading support in the config.
no need for unofficial patches.
the only physX physics are the Dudes coat. no big deal, youll get less crashes by disabling it.

disable the games inclusion of "PhysX" and enable multithreading by adding some command lines in the autoexec.cfg located here:

open with texteditor and add these lines:
physx_enabled 0
r_threaded_particles 1
r_threaded_renderables 1
snd_mix_async 1

Also a possibility is this from Elder_Moloch:

Are you on pacifist run? Try not to use Tazer and use Fart Gun instead.
If you not on pacifist try to restart level from autosave. If it won't help - only starting previous mission may help.