Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles

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🗺 MAPS of Underdark of Acheron's mod
Laurasesina 님이 작성
Approximate maps of the two caves that this mod introduces. Know the entrances. No screenshots from inside the caves (no spoilers)
즐겨찾기 해제
📜 Underdark cave
You can access this cave from several entrances, they are marked on the map with an ❌.

Entrances in the northern snowy mountains: The scraps, Jhil's Roost, Bin-Yakin's Seal.

Jungle entrances, northwest: Xalthar's Refuge, The Passage.

Entrances in the desert, east: Weavers Hollow, Scuttler's Shurtcut, Executioner's entrance and the cave near the Wathchers waystation (which joins the Executioner's entrance).

To see the larger image, Click here[]

Para ver la imagen más grande y con las ubicaciones en español, Pulsa aquí[]
📜 King's Niche cave
It has a single entrance in the King's Niche, marked on the map with an ❌.

To see the larger image, Click here[]
📜 The Exiled Lands
🔵 Underdark cave entrances.
🔴 King's Niche cave entrance.
🎮 About the mod
The Underdark of Acheron mod has been created by Nobody and MoonSpawnMadness.

In their Discord they have a lot of information about the mod. In the #underdark-faq section your questions regarding Compatibility, monster spawns and more will be answered.
I have made this guide for the version 2.7.9, if they add more caves later, these will not be included.

🎮 Other Conan Exiles guides
Here is a guide for Pippi - User & Server Management Mushi Editor:
Para ver la guía del MOD PIPPI en español, pulsa aquí.

Here is a guide for Endgame Extended Weapon Arsenal (EEWA) mod:
Para ver la guía del MOD EEWA en español, pulsa aquí.

I hope you liked and found this guide useful. Any questions you have and if you see any errors throughout the guide, please let me know through the comments! Also, sorry for my English, it's not my native language.

DISCLAIMER: To copy part or all of this guide, please ask me first for permission. Additionally, you will always have to refer this guide with a link. Thank you for your collaboration!

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warlord1616 2024년 2월 3일 오전 11시 51분 
Great guide!