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Sharkke Bunni's Guide to the Furniture Catalogue
Autorstwa: Sharkke
Greetings this is my first guide.

I wanted to show what furniture pops up at what reputation level and more related details on the furniture, materials needed etc. I am still in the middle of collect data, so not everything is available and it may be a while.

Be back soon with more!
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Hello Cuisineers
Greetings, I am Sharkke Bunni,

This a guide to Furniture items in Cuisineer.

Where to get them, what you need to collect to get them and any other details needed.

If anyone spots an issue with anything I am writing, please feel free to correct me in the comments.

And happy decorating~!
Who has Furniture? When are they open?
There are Five Characters you can get furniture from.

Alder who is the town's carpenter and will sale the bunk of the goods:
  • Cooking stations
  • Tables
  • Chairs
  • Plants
  • Rugs
  • Paintings
  • Walls
  • Floors
Sencha who is a Merchant that sells:
  • Plants
Wakoucha who is a Merchant that sells:
  • Paintings
Hojicha who is a Merchant that sells:
  • Rugs
As well as... Porcini (that scammer) who is a Merchant that sells:
  • Luxury goods (which are the higher tier furniture, plants, rugs, paintings etc)
  • Also weapons... (very expensive and mods don't seem go above 1 star)
Found this on X(twitter) if you need a guide for when these guys are open. Thank you @Himetokki
Furniture Buffs and Customers
More research to be done but here are the notes from the game:
I haven't figured out how it works(currently testing), but you are able to attract the related customer the more coloured arrows you have.

Green Arrows is a small boost buff
Yellow Arrows is a medium boost buff
Red Arrows is a large boost buff

There are 7 types of Customers:

So far the big spenders are the Noble and Greater Noble but you do need high tier dishes or Tier 3 and Tier 4, so you'll need alot of food to make the dishes, also they only take food that is personally serve to them by Pom.

Through checking the forums some have tested that furniture buffs is just an indicator for the RNG for a customer type entering your restaurant. So far it seems the amount of customers is set in the code.

"Much like the majority of statistics in the game, it's an incredibly low percentage and inconsequential increase for each furniture piece placed for the respective customer type.

There's also some hidden stats within the type of day that will attract more of a certain type of customer, as well as the time of day that determines increased appearance of certain customers anyway.

As a result, you'll never get 100% of a single type of customer and it eventually averages out back to 20% maximum for any type on any given day." - quote by worker (in "Has anyone determined how decorations affect customers?")
Reputation Level
As you level up your reputation level you will unlock more furniture:
With this you can get more furniture with buffs and get more attraction from those customers.
More to come...
Komentarzy: 2
SpiceeKimchee 18 marca 2024 o 17:35 
@VyktorMoreau The arrows simply indicate how strongly they affect which customer comes in, it has nothing to do with profit. Idk if there's a best customer to attract, but different customers have different characteristics. You'll notice that children move very fast through the restaurant, pick fast, and get tired fast. Whereas elderly move slow and take their time deciding what they want. The only one's that'd I'd say matter are nobles since they order more expensive dishes and tip better (I think?).
VyktorMoreau 28 grudnia 2023 o 17:09 
Really waiting on the "More to come..." because I don't understand this system. Does more arrows (red) mean more profit? Is the symbol the type of people or correlated to the arrows? What is the better customer to attract? Does unmarked furnishing matter? Please help. Thank you. Also, thank you for the merchant chart! Super useful.