The Elder Scrolls: Arena

The Elder Scrolls: Arena

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Modernizing The Elder Scrolls: Arena – Remastering and Modding for Enhanced Gameplay
By Semorpen
I've gathered all the necessary mods from the NexusMods website and stored them in a Google Drive. To proceed, download the entire file and follow the instructions below for installing each mod.

Download Link:
TES Arena Remapped
Copy the mapper files to the DOS Box directory, for instance, (Steam\steamapps\common\The Elder Scrolls Arena\DOSBox-0.74).

Hold down the "Left Alt" key when you want to input text.

Position Goblins onto the tip of a pointed object!
TES Arena ReFonted
Place the included files into the Arena root directory.
Intuitive Ui v2
Place the included files into the Arena root directory.
Sound Patch
Place the included files into the Arena root directory.
TES Arena Intro Fix
Copy all three files to the root directory of Arena.
Appreciate the shift in focus, as Uriel Septim's Great Grandfather is no longer the center of attention.
Position Goblins on the tip of a sharp, pointy object!
Opening Fix
Copy the two .IMG files into the root folder of Arena.

Less Fog
Place the files into the game's directory and choose to overwrite when prompted.

TES Arena Title Screen Fix
Replace the TITLE.IMG file in the Arena root folder with a file from this archive.

TES Arena Spider Replacer
Simply place the files in your Arena root directory.

No Magicka No Problem
Transfer ACD.EXE to the root directory of Arena.

Copy the files into the directory of Arena.

Divine Intervention
Are you stranded in a dungeon or afflicted with an ailment, making fast travel impossible for a cure? If so, this mod is tailor-made for you! It tweaks your save file to teleport you to a Temple, where you can receive healing before returning to town, akin to the Divine Intervention spell from TES 3: Morrowind.


Use this save file only if you find yourself stuck in the mentioned situations.

Copy WUMBOE.INF, NEWTMPL.SET, and NGHTMTHR.IMG and paste them into your ARENA directory.

Before copying this file to the game folder, modify the file extension at the end of SAVEGAME.00 in the DivineIntervention folder to match the save you're editing. If it's the top save, keep the extension as 00; for the one below, change it to 01, and continue accordingly.

Copy the SAVEENGN file of the SAVEGAME file extension to the DivineIntervention folder. For instance, if you're editing the extension .00, copy SAVEENGN.00 from your save file to this folder.

Use cracker5.exe. Click "Browse" below ".cp5 patch file" to select temple.cp5. Then click "Browse" below "Program to patch" to choose the SAVEGAME (with the required extension, e.g., SAVEGAME.00) for your save. Press the "Crack" button in the top left corner, and the program will automatically edit your saved file.

Once again, use cracker5.exe. Click "Browse" below ".cp5 patch file" to select temple.cp5. Then click "Browse" below "Program to patch" to choose the SAVEENGN (with the required extension, e.g., SAVEENGN.00) for your save. Press the "Crack" button in the top left corner, and the program will automatically edit your saved file.

Copy the patched SAVEGAME and SAVEENGN save files back into the game folder.
Clean UI
Simply place the files in your Arena root directory.

Make changes in Dosbox folder
1) Navigate to the directory (\Steam\steamapps\common\The Elder Scrolls Arena\DOSBox-0.74) and open the arena.conf file using Notepad. Additionally, open the DOSBox 0.74 Options.bat file in the same directory.

Modify the following settings in the file:

Set fullscreen and fulldouble=true.
Adjust fullresolution=native resolution (e.g., 1366x768).
Change output =ddraw.
Ensure aspect = true.
Set scaler =super2xsai.
Adjust cycles = fixed 35000.

2) Use Notepad to open both mapper.txt and, and replace their current content with the text provided below for better controls in the game.

hand_shutdown "key 290 mod1"
hand_capmouse "key 291 mod1"
hand_fullscr "key 13 mod2"
hand_pause "key 19 mod2"
hand_mapper "key 282 mod1"
hand_speedlock "key 293 mod2"
hand_recwave "key 287 mod1"
hand_caprawmidi "key 289 mod1 mod2"
hand_scrshot "key 286 mod1"
hand_video "key 286 mod1 mod2"
hand_decfskip "key 288 mod1"
hand_incfskip "key 289 mod1"
hand_cycledown "key 292 mod1"
hand_cycleup "key 293 mod1"
hand_caprawopl "key 288 mod1 mod2"
hand_swapimg "key 285 mod1"
key_esc "key 27"
key_f1 "key 282"
key_f2 "key 283"
key_f3 "key 284"
key_f4 "key 285"
key_f5 "key 286"
key_f6 "key 287"
key_f7 "key 288"
key_f8 "key 289"
key_f9 "key 290"
key_f10 "key 291"
key_f11 "key 292"
key_f12 "key 293"
key_grave "key 96"
key_1 "key 49"
key_2 "key 50"
key_3 "key 51"
key_4 "key 52"
key_5 "key 53"
key_6 "key 54"
key_7 "key 55"
key_8 "key 56"
key_9 "key 57"
key_0 "key 48"
key_minus "key 45"
key_equals "key 61"
key_bspace "key 8"
key_tab "key 9"
key_q "key 113 mod2"
key_w "key 119 mod2"
key_e "key 101 mod2"
key_r "key 114"
key_t "key 116 mod2"
key_y "key 121"
key_u "key 117" "key 103"
key_i "key 105"
key_o "key 111"
key_p "key 112" "key 122"
key_lbracket "key 91"
key_rbracket "key 93"
key_enter "key 13"
key_capslock "key 301"
key_a "key 97 mod2" "key 102"
key_s "key 115 mod2" "key 116"
key_d "key 100 mod2" "key 120"
key_f "key 102 mod2" "key 97"
key_g "key 103 mod2"
key_h "key 104"
key_j "key 32" "key 106"
key_k "key 107"
key_l "key 108"
key_semicolon "key 59"
key_quote "key 39"
key_backslash "key 92"
key_lshift "key 304" "key 32" "key 99" "key 96"
key_lessthan "key 60"
key_z "key 122 mod2"
key_x "key 120 mod2"
key_c "key 118" "key 99 mod2"
key_v "key 118 mod2"
key_b "key 98"
key_n "key 110"
key_m "key 109 mod2" "key 9"
key_comma "key 44"
key_period "key 46"
key_slash "key 47"
key_rshift "key 303"
key_lctrl "key 306" "key 101" "key 113"
key_lalt "key 308"
key_space "key 32 mod2"
key_ralt "key 307"
key_rctrl "key 305"
key_printscreen "key 316"
key_scrolllock "key 302"
key_pause "key 19"
key_insert "key 277"
key_home "key 278"
key_pageup "key 280"
key_delete "key 127"
key_end "key 279"
key_pagedown "key 281"
key_up "key 119" "key 273"
key_left "key 97" "key 276" "key 113"
key_down "key 115" "key 274"
key_right "key 100" "key 275" "key 101"
key_numlock "key 300"
key_kp_divide "key 267"
key_kp_multiply "key 268"
key_kp_minus "key 269"
key_kp_7 "key 263"
key_kp_8 "key 264"
key_kp_9 "key 265"
key_kp_plus "key 270"
key_kp_4 "key 260"
key_kp_5 "key 261"
key_kp_6 "key 262"
key_kp_1 "key 257"
key_kp_2 "key 258"
key_kp_3 "key 259"
key_kp_enter "key 271"
key_kp_0 "key 256"
key_kp_period "key 266"
mod_1 "key 306" "key 305"
mod_2 "key 308" "key 307"
mod_3 "key 304"

3) The key binds F, B, V are used for character generation to generate the initial 10 answers corresponding to the A, B, C options at the beginning of the game if you copy and paste the above key binds into the mapper.txt and files.

To enable steam overlay
To enable the Steam overlay, modify the output parameter in the arena.conf file by changing it from ddraw to opengl. You can find the arena.conf file at \Steam\steamapps\common\The Elder Scrolls Arena\DOSBox-0.74. While using the Steam overlay in-game (activated by holding Shift+Tab), you need to press Shift+Tab to exit. Also, to properly exit the overlay, you should minimize and restore the screen using Windows key + D and Alt+Enter, respectively. It's advisable to enable the Steam overlay only if you are committed to its use. This process should be repeated each time you enable the overlay in-game.
Rather than individually installing each mod, you can streamline the process by acquiring a pre-modded version of the game from the provided link. The only necessary adjustments involve changing the resolution in the arena.conf and DOSBox 0.74 Options.bat files, as mentioned above.

Download Link: (

Download the pre-modded game:

Click on the provided link to download a version of the game that already has modifications.

Download the game from Steam:

Go to Steam and download the game as you normally would.

Locate the Steam game folder:

Find the folder where you installed the game from Steam. This is usually in the Steam installation directory.

Replace files with pre-modded ones:

Open the folder containing the pre-modded game files that you downloaded.
Copy or move all the files from the pre-modded game folder.
Paste these files into the Steam game folder, replacing the existing files when prompted.
By following these steps, you'll integrate the pre-modded content into the Steam version of the game.

Highwayman02 4 Jan @ 7:05am 
Great guide, just what I was looking for. Thanks for going the extra mile in compiling all the mods into an easily downloadable file.
Gameboy512 16 Dec, 2024 @ 7:48am 
TNX for your guide man , it fixed my problem •ᴗ•