Cuisineer 貓娘小廚

Cuisineer 貓娘小廚

Liquidity Achievement Guide
由 Cynthia Cyan 發表
How to earn the missable Liquidity Achievement. It is the only missable achievement in the game.
This is recommended to be done on a fresh save file after completing the game for the first time

The target goal is to have 2000 coins after opening the restaurant for the first time. Iberico will appear on the morning after opening the restaurant regardless of what day the restaurant is opened. This guide will contain a list of what ingredients and materials to prioritize when running through the dungeon.
Rules to Follow
  • Most Important: Do not open the restaurant on the first day. Alder will be unavailable to buy furniture and one table and chair is not sufficient to reach the goal.

  • Play in easy mode to progress as far as possible.

  • Skipping the first day will allow for two runs through the dungeon. Technically you can go as many times as needed if you do not open the restaurant, but as long as you're making it to floor 3+ each dungeon you should have everything you need after two runs.

  • Although the Long Wood Table is more material efficient, it costs more coins per seat to produce. (3:4 Ratio)

  • The Minimum amount of seats is 5 for the Lunch and Dinner rush. 1 chair and 1 table are provided by default. For the rest, 70 Wood is Required (3 stacks).

  • Do not buy any other work tables as you will not be able to place them. Use only the starter pot.

  • Defeating the Black Rooster and Mother Hen can drop higher tier ingredients, such as Tentacle and Fish.

  • Customers will only order what is available. Discarding lower value ingredients will force customers to order food with higher values.
Ingredient List and Returns:
Below is a list of all possible ingredients obtainable in Green Ruins and their respective values.

Ingredients should be discarded in the order of their value. Even if you do not have a full inventory of valuable ingredients, having lower value ingredients in the fridge will prevent customers from ordering higher value meals.


Tasty Spice
Fatty Meat
Steamed Fish*
Tough Meat
* Drops from Arena and Boss Chests

Marginal - Take to fill space if not enough of above, discard otherwise.

Flaming Spice
Sweet Syrup


Leafy Greens
Ready To Open!
After two days of prep there is one last thing to do. In order to have enough tables and chairs we need a base amount of money.

After completing Biscotti's initial quest line, you will have 200 coins to work with. However, that will not be enough to gain enough tables and chairs to survive the two rushes.

The solution: Open the restaurant, serve one customer, and immediately close the restaurant again. This will complete the Back in Business! quest and reward you with 350 additional coins.

In Total this will be 550 coins, enough to buy the 4 tables and stools required. Place the stools and tables and open the restaurant for the full day this time.

On my first attempt I net 5,000 coins, well above the 2000 threshold.

For any corrections or additions please either comment or message. Thank you.
8 則留言
CatTacAttack 2024 年 8 月 21 日 下午 6:38 
Pretty late to this so maybe it's due to an update, but the ingredient list would be missing a few that can be obtained: Cheese (from pot guy) and Exotic Fruit (from bomb tree) at least.
I'm holding some now from my first run. The wiki says Cheese is 90 value, but no info for the Exotic Fruit.
Skeleoh 2024 年 1 月 6 日 下午 6:08 
Amazing guide. I believe what you labeled as Chicken is called Pale meat? And they seem to have renamed the difficulty as the easiest mode is now called unseasoned and the game starts off on normal mode. Confused me a little at first. Hitting 2000 coins was super easy anyway. Thanks! :CatHapi:
Akitashira 2023 年 12 月 28 日 上午 10:44 
Something as simple as discarding the low tier ingredients is a hilarious tip, I was so bored of making 1k a day from noodles, went to making easily 3-4k each day just by doing that.

Thank you for this.
Cynthia Cyan  [作者] 2023 年 11 月 29 日 下午 2:01 
Yes, the level 1 recipes are available as soon as you pick up the ingredient.

Added mushroom.
CatCloud 2023 年 11 月 28 日 下午 5:16 
Nice guide, Abit overkill maybe, i just got this and i didnt beat any bosses or had more than two set of tables, although 3 would have been nice. Mostly got by with Chilli, pork and chicken meals.
Nothing fancy, although i wouldn't say no to 5k in a day this early :D
Sharkke 2023 年 11 月 28 日 下午 4:43 
Thank you, just finished testing, this method works, with me getting about 3800 coins, without fighting bosses, getting boba or buying upgrades, due to me being on low health I would leave on level 3 each time. But still very good :cozybethesda:
Sharkke 2023 年 11 月 28 日 下午 4:02 
Testing this out, and also got Cooked Mushroom which is 66
Sharkke 2023 年 11 月 28 日 下午 3:13 
Are the recipes for tentacle and fish available that early in the game?