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Better Crew - Range Patch
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23 listopada 2023 o 0:27
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Better Crew - Range Patch

W 2 kolekcjach stworzonych przez Vix
All Vix Mods
Przedmioty: 24
BetterCrew and BetterCrew Patches
Przedmioty: 5
Very important patches:

Just a patch for BetterCrew 1.4.0 to double the scanning range of NPCs on ships, along with elongated max pathing timers.
Dunno, might help on very large modded ships.

NOT compatible with the Diet version of Better Crew, only the Full one.

Might have adverse performance effects, since while just doubling the radius, area of search is the square of it, times π.
Komentarzy: 3
Bromo Sapien 6 grudnia 2023 o 3:42 
Thanks for the reply.
Error due to other mods removing LUA and issues with INCLUED on mods that really REQUIRE but they want FU comparability.
{oh and that FU comparability that busted my NPC's was basically making the mod in question no longer do anything... really? I don't even use FU.
next project removing anything FU from all my mods.
Thanks for the reply great mods.
Vix  [autor] 6 grudnia 2023 o 0:38 
@Bromo Sapien Well I tried to reproduce the error, and it didn't occur neither with the Full version of Better Crew, nor the Diet version this mod is not even tested to be compatible with, as it was from and meant for the Full version.

BetterCrew is in the "requires" of the Range Patch, so one of the two versions had to be installed for the game to even load, and it would have had Better Crew load before its patch.

One way I can see this happening is if you have an other mod that patched the sleep.behavior before either BetterCrew or its range patch, and modified the file in a way that made it impossible for the patch to apply.

I'm willing to try and fix it, but I would need more info about the other mods you use.
Bromo Sapien 1 grudnia 2023 o 20:03 
[21:48:40.916] [Error] Could not apply patch from file /behaviors/npc/sleep.behavior.patch in source: ..\mods\Better Crew - Range Patch-3092663481. Caused by: (JsonPatchException) Could not apply patch to base. (JsonPatchException) Could not apply operation to base. (TraversalException) No such key 'children' in pathApply("/root/children/0/children/1/children/1/parameters/range/value")

I put a test in for it and the error went away but not sure of the effect of that. Just stopping the error for now on my local so i can test my stuff against it to be sure all my logic and "brains" and such jive.

Good work here. keep it up. I use all your stuff.