The Last Faith

The Last Faith

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Stats and Status Effects
Black Captain 님이 작성
A wip of the stats and status effects in this game.
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Intro stuff
It's a quick guide. A wip. All of this you can learn by playing the game but it's good to be prepared.

There are 4 archetypes for Eryk. Each start with different statistics however they will all appear with the same sprite in-game.

Vitality: 12
Strength 14
Dexterity: 9
Mind: 8
Instinct: 7
Assessment: Great starting stats for building STR weapons and having the best starting VIT. The current version of the game favors this class and is the one that most resembles Eryk's in-game sprite.

Vitality: 10
Strength: 8
Dexterity: 14
Mind: 10
Instinct: 8
Assessment: The Rogue begins with high Dex scaling which is good for many early weapons. This is a great starting class for anyone wanting to build the katanas or light weapons. This is the second easiest class to start with, first being the Brawler. The preview matches some of the bosses you will engage later.

Vitality: 8
Strength: 7
Dexterity: 10
Mind: 15
Instinct: 10
Assessment: Arguably the best pure magic user. Since you will likely use a weapon that doesn't scale with mind for a long time or use one where Mind isn't the primary stat, the Rogue or Brawler end of being better at melee-casters due to having lower instinct. This is a moot point only for min-maxers. But immediate gains on magic damage and focus pool make this class decent but recharging focus is either going to cost your money or time finding enemies you can parry. A build favoring mind won't come into it's own enough the midpoint of this game making this build one of the more challenging classes to start with. Early magic isn't very effective, but at the mid and endgame, magic the most deadly ability in the game. Similarly, having high mind gives you focus to use weapon skills which are also extremely deadly. Some magic uses Instinct, so this class is of the best for magic-focused gameplay. It's also the class who's image looks the least like Eryk's in-game sprite.

Vitality: 10
Strength: 8
Dexterity: 10
Mind: 12
Instinct: 14
Assessment: If you want the most balanced class that offers flexibility in build while being a min-maxers nightmare, this class is for you. The current version of this game doesn't let instinct shine (at all) until much later in the game. Guns have limited ammo making it impossible to main considering boss rooms or gauntlet fights. Instinct weapons aren't found until much later in the game with only having a weak purchasable option early though it also scales with Dex. This is as close to the Depraved class from Dark Souls as we get. Due to the balance of stats, near non-existent weapon options up to midgame, and limited early use of Instinct, this class takes the longest to come into its own and isn't recommended for beginners. Better get good with parry. Similar to the Stargazer, there is magic that scales with Instinct and the Marksman has the second highest Mind starting stat making it a solid choice for magic-based gameplay.

You can build any class anyway. Starting stats will affect your progression speed early on. However, with enough levels, you can adjust any class to play any way.
Useful info on stats and statuses

Vitality: +hp, physical def and bleeding defense and resistance. The brawler starts with the most of this. The stargazer starts with the least of this.

Strength: +STR damage scaling weapons. +ice defense and resistance (also used to equip many weapons). Most heavy weapons use this.The brawler starts with the most of this. The stargazer starts with the least of this.

Dexterity: +Dex damage scaling weapons. +Burning defense and resistance (also used to equip many weapons). Most chain blade/spear weapons use this.The rogue starts with the most of this. The brawler starts with the least of this.

Mind: Increase mana pool. +Mind damage scaling weapons and all magic. +dark defense and resistance (also used to equip all magic). The Stargazer starts with the most of this. The brawler starts with the least of this.

Instinct: Increase Fate pool. +Instinct damage scaling weapons and magic. +electric defense and resistance (also used to equip some magic). Increases item drop rate. Guns and many light weapons scale with this. The marksman starts with the most of this. The rogue starts with the least of this.

It’s important to note that your build will determine your resistances. Frozen and burning are the most dangerous effects while rest are more easily preventable or less harmful. Enemies using electric damage are few making electrocute status limited to few areas in the game. The same is said for Bleeding and Nightmare, however enemies and bosses using dark damage appear more frequently towards the middle and end of the game. This alone makes str/dex builds very viable given your weapon choice.

Currently effective magic and instinct scaling weapons and items are found at the mid point of the game on. Both stats are very effective but the early to mid game will require more time spent killing enemies.

Stats have diminishing returns past 50. Vit of 30 is more than enough to comfortably beat the game. Because all stats are useful, your starting class barely matters in the end. You can easily build any way given some time. You can currently wield any weapon or spell without meeting the stat requirements.
Status Effects
Bleeding: Damages you when you roll and increases damage you take from enemies. Cured over time, with a cure pastille, or at a save point.

Frost: All actions are slowed down. Cured over time or with a cure pastille. Occurs at any point when receiving frost damage or immediately during certain attacks. Can be inflicted on enemies.

Frozen: Cannot act or move (can occur while jumping). Cured by mashing the attack button. Occurs when frost gauge is full or immediately during certain attacks. Can also lead to having frost status. Can be inflicted on enemies.

Burning: Take damage to health in specific intervals (2~3 seconds) and whenever you use an item that doesn’t cure burning. Cured with a cure pastille or at a save point. Occurs at any point when receiving fire damage or immediately during certain attacks. Can be inflicted on enemies but deals less damage to thm.

Electrocuted: Cannot act or move for a few seconds for specific intervals. Will stall your character in midair. Cured with a cure pastille or at a save point. Occurs at any point when receiving electric damage or immediately during certain attacks. Can be inflicted on enemies.

Nightmare: Damages you over a short time in intervals and reverses your controls. Cured over time, with a cure pastille, or at a save point. Occurs when darkness meter is filled (by taking darkness damage). Can be inflicted on enemies.On enemies, regain focus when damaging them.

**Note** Darkness damage inflicts a small dot.

**Bonus** There is a transformation unlocked later that will cure all status effect pending you are able to input the command.
댓글 9
Black Captain  [작성자] 2023년 12월 1일 오전 7시 08분 
I added your hypothesis Xinv. You might be right as my first build was MND/INT and I found a boatload of items. My second run is STR/Mind and I'm not finding that much. Granted, I'm not breaking as many crates. Drop rate is somewhat meh given you can buy everything and most of the core stuff has an unlimited stock. Whatever remains isn't really farm-worthy IMO.
Xinv 2023년 12월 1일 오전 5시 22분 
I'm still convinced instinct affects drop rate. I started as the ROGUE with very little instinct & then farmed for a long time and pumped it up to 30. My farming route started dropping massively more items. It became even more evident when I maxed it to 99. I DID level it up alongside MIND, roughly 10 points at a time, so it could* be that stat but I'm betting its instinct. The difference in drop rate is too massive for it to be a fluke. The only* other theory I have to go by is that drop rate just scales with character level.
Aeshmah 2023년 11월 28일 오전 6시 20분 
To add to the guide: Transforming into "beast mode" cures all your status ailments. Really useful in the 2nd half of the game.
King White Wolf 2023년 11월 21일 오후 6시 26분 
Hello friend! Here's some complimentary info for each status effect to help improve the guide.

• The damage-over-time of this effect is a percentage of health.
• Apparently, the devs intend on nerfing this as they believe it to be over-tuned in it's current iteration.

• A lot of bosses are completely immune to electric stun.

• The damage amplification to the effected target is +20%.
• Damage on dodge effect is applied to humanoid including humanoid bosses and mini-bosses (such as the various Nightstar Hunters or Leena).

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King White Wolf 2023년 11월 21일 오후 6시 26분 
Darkness: Player inflicted status.
Nightmare: Enemy inflicted status. Reverses controls for duration.
• This status effect is under-rated, considered just a (weak) DoT.
This couldn't be further from the truth, and here's why!
• When Eryk procs Darkness on an enemy, not only does the enemy take DoT for the duration; Eryk also recovers Focus per hit on the effected enemy!
• This is uniquely useful, as (if memory serves) there are only 3 other ways to restore Focus in the game:
- Altar or Checkpoint reset, via interaction or respawn.
- Finding and interacting with a Haemolymph statue.
- Consumption of a Heamolymph shard/stone/chunk.
• In other words, don't underestimate the utility of this status effect. It meaningfully contributes to longevity between resets.

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King White Wolf 2023년 11월 21일 오후 6시 25분 
All the details except my opinions on Darkness are dev confirmed information.
FightinCowboy - The Last Faith - Let's Play Part 9: The Marshland of Sorrows

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GameGuidesChannel 2023년 11월 20일 오전 2시 11분 
I guess saying darkness you mean a dot with purple numbers. Curse is a debuff that inverts movement keys and deals no dot. Actually I only got it applied from one of the last boss, but can't remember what exactly. I may be wrong ofc, just left a notice.
Black Captain  [작성자] 2023년 11월 20일 오전 1시 58분 
Is curse a darkness proc? It sounds like it and I’ve haven’t got far enough to see it.
GameGuidesChannel 2023년 11월 20일 오전 1시 56분 
Hey, there is also a curse - movement keys get inverted for a short time