ARK: Survival Ascended

ARK: Survival Ascended

97 ratings
Ark: Survival Ascended 100% completion! (with commands)
By Apex Apidae SlowZyy
Do you want to complete all achievements on Ark: Survival Ascended? Look no further.

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Your first day...
cheat settimeofday 06:30:00

This command will set the time to 06:30 the next day, granting you the achievement:

Your first day...
You survived a full day and night on the ARK!
Your first Dino... | Your first Ride... | Rex Rider | Maximum Dinosaur
cheat gmsummon "rex_character_bp_c" 1

This command automatically spawns a tamed Rex, granting you the achievement:

Your first Dino...
You Tamed a Dinosaur!

Using the next command you will spawn a Rex saddle in your inventory.

cheat gfi Rexsaddle 1 0 0

Equip the saddle on your Rex, and press E on it to mount. Doing this grants you the achievements:

Your first Ride...
You Rode a Dinosaur!

Rex Rider
You rode on the back of a T-Rex!

Without dismounting the Rex, use the command:

cheat AddExperience 9999999 0 1

Enter the inventory of your Dino and use all the level points (It should be 88 levels, if it's not, use the latest command again until you have 88 levels to add to your Dino.), this should grant you the achievement:

Maximum Dinosaur
One of your Dinosaurs reached Maximum Level!
This achievement requires you to spawn in a leech, allowing it to attach to you then curing yourself using a lesser antidote. The first command spawns a lesser antidote to your inventory and the second one spawns in a leech.

cheat gfi CureLow 1 0 0

cheat summon "Leech_Character_Diseased_C"

NOTE: Don't forget to make sure you have diseases turned on in your singleplayer world.

Completing these steps will grant you the achievement:

You've cured yourself of Swamp Fever!
Map Maker | Highest Peak | Lowest Depth
Map Maker

This achievement is fairly easy to complete, simply use the following commands:

cheat fly

cheat god

Then you can easily fly around the map, uncovering as much land as necessary. pay attention to your healthbar as you're still able to die from the cold while in godmode. After a while you should be granted the achievement:

Map Maker
You uncovered more than 80% of the Mini-Map!

Highest Peak | Lowest Depth

By using 2 simple commands you can teleport yourself to the locations you need to visit to complete these achievements. Using the first command you will teleport to the highest peak, the second one teleports you to the lowest depth.

cheat setplayerpos -97000 -51000 46000

cheat setplayerpos 0 340000 -49000

it might be necessary to walk around a little bit on either of the locations for it to trigger the achievements. But by completing these steps you should be granted the achievements:

Highest Peak
You've reached the highest mountain peak of the ARK!

Lowest Depth
You've reached the bottom of the ARK's oceans!
Artifact Archaeologist
Below is the command to spawn all of the artifact-crates on The Island right in front of you! use the commands one by one, open the artifact-crate's inventory and transfer the artifact to your inventory then spawn in the next one.

summon artifactcrate_1_c

summon artifactcrate_2_c

summon artifactcrate_3_c

summon artifactcrate_4_c

summon artifactcrate_5_c

summon artifactcrate_6_c

summon artifactcrate_7_c

summon artifactcrate_8_c

summon artifactcrate_9_c

summon artifactcrate_10_c

summon artifactcrate_11_c

After doing this with all of the artifact-crates you should be granted the achievement:

Artifact Archaeologist
You personally retrieved all the Artifacts!
Veteran Survivor | Expert Survivor | Master Survivor | Survivor Evolved
To complete these achievements you need to defeat all three guardians on The Island, thankfully you don't have to do it the hard way!

To start, I'd suggest turning on godmode, since the guardians deal quite alot of damage.

cheat god

Using the commands below you can spawn in the guardians. (one by one would be the smartest!)
Once it's spawned, use the command "kill" shown below, while facing the guardian you want to defeat.

cheat summon "spiderL_character_bp_c"

cheat summon "gorilla_character_bp_c"

cheat summon "dragon_character_bp_boss_c"

cheat kill

After defeating all of the guardians above you will be granted the achievements:

Veteran Survivor
You defeated ARK's first Guardian!

Expert Survivor
You defeated ARK's second Guardian!

Master Survivor
You defeated ARK's thirds Guardian!

Survivor Evolved
You've defeated ARK's three Guardians! And yet...
Maximum Survivor | Veteran Paleontologist | Gamma Ascension | Beta Ascension | Alpha Ascension | All Explorer Achievements
This section is rather large, but there's a good reason for it. To reach the maximum survivor level and getting the achievement "Maximum Survivor" you need to complete all ascensions (+15 bonus levels) and collect all explorer notes (+10 bonus levels) aswell as the "Aberrant Ascension"
(+15 bonus levels).

Additionally, this section gives you the achievement "Maximum Survivor" and 14 additional achievements.

Veteran Paleontologist | All Explorer Achievements

To get these achievements you simply have to enter one command:

cheat GiveAllExplorerNotes

This should grant you all of the following achievements:

Veteran Paleontologist
You found the Dossiers of each of ARK's initial Specimens!

Beginner Explorer
You discovered 10% of the Explorer Notes on the ARK!

Experienced Explorer
You've discovered 20% of the Explorer Notes on the ARK!

Adventurous Explorer
You've discovered 30% of the Explorer Notes on the ARK!

Studious Explorer
You've discovered 40% of the Explorer Notes on the ARK!

Veteran Explorer
You've discovered 50% of the Explorer Notes on the ARK!

Adept Explorer
You've discovered 60% of the Explorer Notes on the ARK!

Professional Explorer
You've discovered 70% of the Explorer Notes on the ARK!

Expert Explorer
You've discovered 80% of the Explorer Notes on the ARK!

Master Explorer
You've discovered 90% of the Explorer Notes on the ARK!

Perfect Explorer
You've discovered 100% of the Explorer Notes on the ARK!

Gamma Ascension | Beta Ascension | Alpha Ascension | Maximum Survivor

cheat playercommand Ascend3

Using this command gives you the Alpha Ascension, which automatically grants you the bonus levels for Gamma and Beta Ascensions aswell. Afterwards, you should be granted the achievements:

Gamma Ascension
You Ascended off the ARK, at Gamma level!

Beta Ascension
You Ascended off the ARK, at Beta level!

Alpha Ascension
You Ascended off the ARK, at Alpha level!

After Ascending you will be redirected to the home screen, you will have to join the same world as you ascended from and spawn in again. You will be unable to spawn in any of your beds and your items in your inventory will have vanished.

To get the achievement "Maximum Survivor" we have to "Aberrant Ascend" aswell, using the following command:

cheat playercommand Abascend3

After Ascending you will be redirected to the home screen, you will have to join the same world as you ascended from and spawn in again. You will be unable to spawn in any of your beds and your items in your inventory will have vanished.

The last part of getting the achievement "Maximum Survivor" is adding all the experience and levels to you character. make sure you get all the XP needed using the command below:

cheat AddExperience 9999999 0 1

Repeat this command if necessary, you should be able to achieve level 145 which is the current maximum survivor level. Make sure you add all levels to your character and you should be granted the achievement:

Maximum Survivor
You reached the Maximum Survivor Level!
Giga Rider | Master Zoologist
Giga Rider

To get this achievement we will have to spawn in a Giganotosaurus, equip it with a saddle and mount it.

cheat gmsummon "Gigant_Character_BP_C" 1 0 0

cheat gfi GigantSaddle 1 0 0

Once you have equipped the saddle and mounted the Giganotosaurus you should be granted the achievement:

Giga Rider
You rode on the back of a Giganotosaurus!

Master Zoologist

This is the achievement that is the most time consuming of all since it requires you to spawn in all the domesticable creatures on The Ark.

Below is a list of commands to spawn all creatures necessary, once they spawn you will automatically have tamed the creature so there's no need to use "forcetame".

admincheat gmsummon "Achatina_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Allo_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Angler_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Ankylo_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "SpiderS_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Archa_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Argent_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Arthro_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Baryonyx_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Basilosaurus_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Bee_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Toad_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Bigfoot_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Sauropod_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Turtle_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Carno_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Beaver_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Chalico_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Compy_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Daeodon_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Dilo_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Dimetro_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Dimorph_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Diplocaulus_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Diplodocus_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Direbear_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Direwolf_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Dodo_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Doed_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "DungBeetle_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Dunkle_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Eel_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Equus_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Equus_Character_BP_Unicorn_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Galli_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Gigant_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Hesperornis_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Hyaenodon_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Ichthyornis_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Dolphin_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Iguanodon_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Kairuku_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Kaprosuchus_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Kentro_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Liopleurodon_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Lystro_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Mammoth_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Manta_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Megalania_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Stag_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Megalodon_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Megalosaurus_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Megatherium_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Monkey_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Microraptor_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Mosa_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Moschops_Character_BP_C" 1 admincheat gmsummon "Bat_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Otter_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Oviraptor_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 7th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Sheep_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Pachy_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Pachyrhino_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Paracer_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Para_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Pegomastax_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Pela_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Phiomia_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Plesiosaur_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Procoptodon_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Ptero_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Scorpion_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Purlovia_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Quetz_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Raptor_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Rex_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Rhynio_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 20th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Saber_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Sarco_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Spino_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Stego_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Tapejara_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "TerrorBird_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Therizino_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Thylacoleo_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Titanosaur_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Trike_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Troodon_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Tusoteuthis_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Rhino_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023 admincheat gmsummon "Yutyrannus_Character_BP_C" 1 Added 6th Nov. 2023

A special thanks to KARLEST for helping me realize I had missed half the alphabet worth of Dinos.

After completing all of these you should be granted the achievement:

Master Zoologist
You tamed all of the domesticable creatures on the ARK!
Survivor of The Center
This achievement is not possible to complete until the map "The Center" is available.

Survivor of The Center
You defeated the Guardians of The Center!
Dondave91 27 Dec, 2024 @ 2:51am 
@ryo11129 I did everything on singeplayer, for the center achievement i spawned in everything and went to the boss arena and killed them myself in godmode. hopefully you found everything else already to get 100% goodluck :)
Apex Apidae SlowZyy  [author] 19 Dec, 2024 @ 11:35am 
Ryo11129, that statement couldn't be more correct! :HeHeHeHe:
Ryo11129 17 Dec, 2024 @ 3:38pm 
Before someone goes crazy: the "Master Zoologist" seems to be bugged right now.
Tamed the last missing creatures today, didn't get the achievment, then tryed with commands and didn't work either.
Same goes for the Ascension, you get the cutscene but no achievment.
I'm on PC SinglePlayer, so might aswell be a SP issue... ARK wouldn't be ARK, if something isn't working properly.
IronBear69 16 Dec, 2024 @ 4:46am 
Thank you very much
Apex Apidae SlowZyy  [author] 16 Dec, 2024 @ 2:53am 
IronBear69, you can use this website for gfi codes for all items ingame:
Apex Apidae SlowZyy  [author] 16 Dec, 2024 @ 2:52am 
Thank you for the feedback Dondave91, must have been that some that have had problems with it must've missed something or typed some command wrong. I haven't been able to find the issue/solution for those who have commented before you. :steamthumbsup:
IronBear69 15 Dec, 2024 @ 9:40pm 
is there a list of item codes to summon like silica pearls?
Dondave91 13 Nov, 2024 @ 8:23pm 
As of today, I can confirm this works! I spawned the manticore in on the island, killed it and respawned through the implant to give me the last levels needed! All the rest worked immediatly! Thanks
Matthewhos 2 Sep, 2024 @ 3:47am 
Idk if you need bobs tails for the bonus levels but you definitely need to spawn a chibi

cheat gfi ChibiDino_Beelzebufo 1 1 0

and then spawn alpha dinos with like

admincheat GMSummon "MegaRex_Character_BP_C" 15000

and then kill them by changing settings to make melee damage increased and then just punch it in god mode

that'll get your chibi to level 6 and then you can be max level
Данила зигамёт 27 Jul, 2024 @ 6:50am 
I am not given achievements for killing the boss and ascension, what should I do?