Pool Cleaning Simulator

Pool Cleaning Simulator

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Neighbourhood Pool: Part 1: All ducks
By LittleReb
A guide for finding all the ducks in the first level
Duck 1

In the grass bush near the entrance
Duck 2

Sitting on the grass near the pool
Duck 3

In the tree
Duck 4

Side of the planter at the back of the house
Duck 5

underneath the roof at the back of the house
Duck 6

In the planter at the back of the house
Duck 7

Back of the house, to the very left, just sitting on the floor
Duck 8

On the table in the back garden
Duck 9

In the pool
Duck 10

Sitting on top of the fence
Duck 11

In the pink bush near the fence at the back of the house
Duck 12

To the right of the shed door in the bushes
Duck 13

In the shed in a bucket
Duck 14

In the bushes in the corner next to the shed
Duck 15

In the planter next to the box where you put the ducks