Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition

Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition

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All Cheat Codes for Aoe II
By chaos] ✵Red𓅃Angel✵
Alle Cheats Für Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition.
Cheats Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition
For English scroll down
Hinweis 1:
Cheats auf eigene Gefahr benutzen Cheats können das Spielerlebnis auf Lange Sicht Verschlechtern oder gar den Widerspiel wert mindern in Koop oder Multiplayer lassen sich Cheats per hacken unten rechts An oder ausstellen. in Kampagnen sind diese immer Aktiviert.
Hinweis 2:
Die meisten Cheats lassen sich durch erneutes eintippen Deaktivieren Errungenschaften werden Deaktiviert bei Eingabe der Cheats bis Ende der Runde.
Hinweis 3:
Eingabe der Cheats erfolgt über die taste Enter Auf Schreibweise der Cheats muss geachtet werden sonst funktionieren sie nicht

this is to hard             Kampagnen Level überspringen
i r winner               Spiel sofort Gewinnen
black death              Tötet alle Dorfbewohner vom Gegner
torpedo x               Tötet ein Gegner sofort ( x durch 1-8 ersetzten )

Aegis                schnelles Bauen, Einheiten ausbilden und Rohstoff                       sammeln( gilt für ALLE wenn Aktiv )

Marco                Deckt Ganze Karte auf An o. Aus
Polo                   Nebel des Krieges An o. Aus

Robin Hood             10.000 gold
Lumberjack              10.000 Holz
Rock on                10.000 stein
cheese steak jimmy's           10.000 Nahrung
Ninjalui                  1.000.000 alle Rohstoffe

natural wonders            Alle Tiere Kontrollieren dafür das Volk Verlieren
woof woof                Alle vögel sind fliegende Hunde
furious the monkey boy           Grimm der Affen junge
how do you turn this on            Cobra Sport wagen
i don't exist                   Königspinguin
to smithereens                  Saboteur
alpaca simulator                  Alpaca
i love the monkey head                VDML

Cheat codes die durch Events Freigeschaltet wurden nur benutzbar wenn man Teil genommen und geschafft hat.

Tech Tech One Two Free        :Forschungskosten werden entfernt
Going Above and Beyond        :alle Forschungen lassen sich bis zu 256x erneut                    erforschen
Yes We Khan             :in der Genghis Khan Kampagne werden Mangudai zu                    "Genghis Khan"
sharing is caring            :Das Ressourcen einkommen jedes Spielers eines
                   Teams wird an das gesamte Team verteilt
put on your capes           :Alle Kämpfer zu Elite Deutschritter Verwandeln (single                    player only)
my cpu can handle it          :Die Bevölkerungsobergrenze aller Spieler wird auf
                   1.000 erhöht
cameleon               :Verwandelt Kamel-Einheiten eines beliebigen                    Spielers in Flaming Camels
grab your pitchforks          :Dorfbewohner werden zu flämische Miliz
Flemish Reformation          :alle dorfbewohner verwandeln sich zu mönche
Catzor                :Katzen Hai
PHOTON MAN            :Photon man

Sollten Cheats in der Liste Fehlen bitte in die Kommentare schreiben ich füge sie zur liste hinzu nachdem ich sie getestet habe ob sie funktionieren.

Note 1:
Use cheats at your own risk Cheats can worsen the gaming experience in the long term or even reduce the replay value. In co-op or multiplayer, cheats can be turned on or off by clicking on the bottom right. These are always activated in campaigns.
Note 2:
Most cheats can be deactivated by typing them again. Achievements will be deactivated when cheats are entered until the end of the round.
Note 3:
The cheats are entered using the Enter key. You must pay attention to the spelling of the cheats, otherwise they will not work

this is to hard             Skip campaign levels
i r winner               Play Win Instantly
black death              Kill all enemy villagers
torpedo x               Kills an enemy immediately (replace x with 1-8)

Aegis                Fast building, training units and raw materials
                     collect (applies to ALL if active)

Marco                Reveals entire card on or off
Polo                   Fog of War On or Off

Robin Hood             10.000 Gold
Lumberjack              10.000 Wood
Rock on                10.000 Stone
cheese steak jimmy's           10.000 Food
Ninjalui                  1.000.000 all raw materials

natural wonders            Control all animals but lose your own people
woof woof                All birds are flying dogs
furious the monkey boy           Grimm the monkey boy
how do you turn this on            Cobra sports car
i don't exist                   King penguin
to smithereens                  Saboteur
alpaca simulator                  Alpaca
i love the monkey head                VDML

Cheat codes unlocked through events were only usable if you took part and completed them.

Tech Tech One Two Free        :Research costs are removed
Going Above and Beyond        :all research can be researched again up to 256 times

Yes We Khan             :in Genghis Khan's campaign, Mangudai became                    "Genghis Khan"
sharing is caring            :The resource income of each player on a team is                    distributed to the entire team
put on your capes           :Transform all fighters into elite German knights (single                    player only)
my cpu can handle it          :The population cap of all players is increased to 1000

cameleon               :Converts any player's Camel units into Flaming Camels

grab your pitchforks          :Villagers become Flemish militia
Flemish Reformation          :All the villagers turn into monks
Catzor                :Cat shark
PHOTON MAN            :Photon man

If cheats are missing from the list, please write them in the comments. I will add them to the list after I have tested whether they work.
chaos] ✵Red𓅃Angel✵  [author] 25 Mar, 2024 @ 11:08am 
I did a little research on the internet and found an article that said that some cheats don't work in some countries or that you should update your version if you have auto-updates turned off on Steam, your version may need to be updated! I'm trying to find out more.
chaos] ✵Red𓅃Angel✵  [author] 25 Mar, 2024 @ 11:02am 
I checked the cheats based on the last update of Aoe 2: Definite Edition and they all work for me as always.
chaos] ✵Red𓅃Angel✵  [author] 25 Mar, 2024 @ 10:58am 
In multiplayer mode, the host must be activated by checking the box, otherwise cheats won't work!
In single player battles, a check mark must also be activated in the bottom right!
Most cheats work in all campaign modes; There is no need to enable anything as they are active by default!
You can also copy the cheats from my list and paste them with Ctrl + C and paste them with Ctrl + V!

“Enable cheats” must be activated in the battle creation menu at the bottom right, the same applies to multiplayer mode!

Press enter while the game is running, insert the cheat code and press enter again!
FeteFatale 24 Mar, 2024 @ 10:55pm 
Not a single cheat works for me.
MMing 24 Mar, 2024 @ 7:40pm 
chaos] ✵Red𓅃Angel✵  [author] 22 Feb, 2024 @ 4:01am 
what does not work ?

I tested them all myself and they work perfectly !
Wongolia 21 Feb, 2024 @ 9:42am 
they are not working
chaos] ✵Red𓅃Angel✵  [author] 12 Sep, 2023 @ 11:52am 
German:Ich habe es auf Englisch hinzugefügt. Wenn Sie weitere Bedenken, Fragen oder Wünsche haben, schreiben Sie es einfach in die Kommentare

English:I added it in English if you have any further concerns, questions or requests just write it in the comments
Tem Buhay 11 Sep, 2023 @ 7:37pm 
Interesting. Any chance to get an English translation?