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zxx 木卫二mod
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Öğe (25)
Yaratıcı: 白楊本楊
极光工业为某科研公司设计制造的小型科研船。 谁会找一家战舰工厂定制科研船?这艘船的建造费用高昂——仅有小部分经费是用在科研设备上的。实际上,这艘科研船拥有全套完整的武装系统。但既然客户与工业都说这是一艘科研船,那她就是一艘科研船。尚且不知道她的船员们有什么科学突破,不过她击杀巨兽的事却是有目共睹。 “让船员们更有安全感。”看来,设计部门很好的贯彻了客户的需求。船内装有较先进的控制系统与不少大屏幕——这家客户与极光工业关系不错,否则工业只会像大部分联盟船厂那样直接将勉强能用的设备堆在船内。 价格:3850mk...
晨曦 指挥型巡洋舰
Yaratıcı: 白楊本楊
晨曦 指挥型巡洋舰 极光工业专为指挥舰队作战设计的大型巡洋舰。首次在船上搭载了辅助AI,AI能够使用自动近防炮与电击线圈杀伤靠近的敌人。 晨曦 上配有重型速射炮、钢失近防炮与一门聚焦光束炮。聚焦光束炮由此前于南十字天佑上的光矛改进而来,可在一定角度内旋转。另有自动近防炮阵列,覆盖了船上下方向大部分区域。可选择开启自动近防炮阵列。 尽管船体十分巨大,得益于诸多自动化设计,晨曦所需要的船员数大大减少。若船长指挥得当,这将是一座坚不可摧的堡垒。 价格:30,000mk(反正也没法直接用她开局,价格高一些也没什么问...
波江座 ERIDANUS 驱逐舰
Yaratıcı: 白楊本楊
翻新自“灰鲭鲨”驱逐舰,内部装饰采用了与南十字相似的风格。装载了强力的自动防御系统和重火炮,能够撕碎一切来犯之敌。 价格:6050马克 规格:41X12米 载货量:8箱 推荐人数:5~8人 船内藏有一些彩蛋。这些设定仅是我本人对于《潜渊症》这个游戏背景的拓展。...
Yaratıcı: Nellu
总算造完这艘潜艇了........作者是个只玩了20h就开始造船的萌新,潜艇的定位各方面都像是性能更强的官方潜艇,技能树科技点的不高大部分点在外观内饰上了(ps:当然也不是没有啦 (The poor Englishi version is below) !!开始正式介绍!! @基本配置(初始 模式:单人战役(ps:按着单人设计的,多人应该也行... 航速:上浮17左右|下潜10(20)左右|水平21左右 武器:速射炮5门|脉冲激光1门|轨道炮2门 放电线圈4个(一同控制|覆盖全舰 深水炸投放器4个 物品:基...
盾牌座-Ⅲ 防卫火力平台
Yaratıcı: 白楊本楊
价格:7000马克 规格:51×14米 类型:T3 攻击型 载货量:8箱 推荐人数:5~8 item:约2.2k...
飞鱼座 VOLANS 蜂群无人机母舰
Yaratıcı: 白楊本楊
注意:这是一艘为多人游戏设计的船,不建议单人游玩! 由极光工业开发的蜂群母舰原型机改造而来,兼顾了各方面的性能。搭载了五台为战斗设计的无人机,能够应对各种敌人。 类型:T3 侦察型 价格:7000mk 规格:61×14m 载货量:12箱 推荐人数:6-10...
Yaratıcı: 233-1
温馨提示:如果您在游玩时出现任何生理或心理上的不适,请立刻停止游玩。如果情况严重请及时就医。如果您无法承受意料之外的损失,请不要订阅!请不要订阅!请不要订阅!(为了您好) Tip: If you experience any physical or psychological discomfort while playing, please stop playing immediately. If the condition is serious, please consult a doctor promp...
Corollary II
Yaratıcı: Rancher_Ma
Preface T2 Salvage Transport Submarine, Version 3.3 (Stable). If you like my design, please give it a thumbs up. Thank you! Lemma series of scout submarines is also available. The Corollary series was initiated after the Lemma Series and specialized in sal...
CRUX 南十字 巡洋舰
Yaratıcı: 白楊本楊
极光工业“远望”工程的最后一艘战舰。由于建造巡洋舰耗资巨大,此工程在南十字建造完成后便结束了。与之前的战舰相同,南十字上大量使用了显示屏,并且对金属墙壁进行了遮挡。船内沿用了不少前期战舰的技术,并进行了优化。这艘战舰是专为对舰作战与对生物作战设计的,装备有复合炮塔与近防炮。南十字还没有实战经历,但即便缺少作战经验,她仍能用如同暴雨的弹幕淹没掉各种敌人。 规格:82×19m 价格:11000mk 运货量:32箱 推荐人数:6~10人...
Iris L鸢尾花-奇迹之海模块化深潜器
Yaratıcı: 妖梦
“墨尔幽丝小姐,无论你在哪里,我知道你一切都好”---执行官妖梦 门打开了,外面明亮的灯光照进了实验室,墨尔幽丝借着光打开了室内的灯,展架和柜子上放着不少研发完成或者正在研发的机械,看着室内的东西,她并没有对自己成果的欣喜,只有研究过程遇到的各种不便引起的不悦;当然,研发过程会遇到各种麻烦,但那都是技术难题,需要缓慢攻克,而现在她的工作却是因为物理条件而暂停,简单地说就是她还在等自己需要的材料和工具,在这片海里蕴含着丰富的矿藏,而其中一些特殊的矿物需要特殊的处理方式,那种机械可不是轻易从随便什么地方就能找来...
More Artifacts 中文补丁
Yaratıcı: 电弧发射器
汉化包简介 由老虎脱粒机汉化组汉化 More Artifacts (AOCS) 的外挂汉化包,要连同本体一起订阅。仅包含 More Artifacts (AOCS) 汉化,不包含其他。 如果发现问题,请告诉我们,我们会即时修改。 以下为 Mod 原简介汉化版 嘿! 你有没有感觉这个游戏中和异星遗物相关的东西太少?虽然原版的这些异星遗物也很有趣,但总是让我感觉有些许奇怪。比如解构外星垃圾可以得到一块钢筋和两块塑料什么什么的··· 所以,我决定要填补游戏在异星内容上的缺失,并尽量将我的想法顺利的展现出来。 说了...
More Artifacts (AOCS)
Yaratıcı: Irradaven
Hi. What if it turned out that there were more than five artifacts? What if there were more than three alien trinkets? What if they began to find in the ruins not only traces of an ancient race? Maybe the answer is here somewhere. So what does this mod off...
Pirates of the European /扩展与更强的海盗船
Yaratıcı: 雨望
注:此mod有了更强的海盗船,官船可能不是对手,请注意。 原版海盗船将奖励4400mk,且没有dugong海盗船了,可小心对战。 mod海盗船将在游戏难度30以上出现,并且比较强大,请谨慎对战。 海盗-锤击点:30难度,奖励4600mk。 海盗-Orca护卫舰:30难度,奖励4600mk。 海盗-U-1211海盗鱼雷舰:30难度,奖励4600mk。 海盗-Kasrull指挥舰:50难度,5500mk。 海盗-Azimuth反潜艇舰:60难度,奖励5500mk。 且海盗npc将加多 而且接受反馈,也还在不断更...
Sweet Pea 3005
Yaratıcı: Trixlight
Yet another rebuilt of Sweet Pea. This time it's Sweet Pea 3000 by Cjn2789. More cabinets, diving suits and a medical fabricator. Completed the campaign with 2 friends on this ship, it was f...
T.S.M MISSIONS-问君此去几时还
Yaratıcı: Lerentine
T.S.M MISSIONS 奇迹之海任务包 This is a large quest mod that adds several NPCs for handing out quests. The quests are all difficult, so please take them at your discretion. 3.0 Update Promotion: 【潜渊症】3.0更新 人类重返木卫二冰面;跳帮BOSS屠戮全船「T•S•M mission问君此去几时还」奇迹之海3.0更新宣传PV】 ...
The Clover
Yaratıcı: Bloo
A small vessel made for crews(2-3) who enjoy extremely perilous difficulties and many dangerous mods. Features: Automatic backup power Pulse laser Flak cannon Auto cannon...
Yaratıcı: Blue
Vanilla Tier 1 Submarine - Twin engine design with levers to manually disengage power. - Unique bridge design to combine parts of gunnery into the command room. - Recycling, fabrication and medical fabrication. - Front and rear guns operating on their resp...
Barotraumatic Creature Pack
Yaratıcı: mikehagen22
Attention! If you have recently updated the mod and experience errors such as unable to join server with the current version and being prompted to download the mod, missing files in console, mod unable to be loaded due to errors and red in mod loader. Then...
BaroTraumatic Nightmare
Yaratıcı: MasonMachineGuns
Mod Summary WARNING: If you complain about this being too hard or unfair you can and will be severely and rudely dunked on! Crave endless waves of bloodthirsty monsters? Want to convert a normally peaceful ocean into a target rich environment? Suffer from ...
Creatures of the Depth
Yaratıcı: CrusaderOfLight
Hey fellas! I quit gaming and will no longer be updating this mod, feel free to use it for any projects you wish! Mod filled with creatures from the deep. Currently featuring 9 creatures (A few W.I.P), creatures that are done and balanced will be able to s...
Improved Husks
Yaratıcı: The Ninja Scout
Improved Husks The Improved Husks mod aims to improve and expand the influence of the mysterious "husk parasite" in the world of Barotrauma in many ways. Core Features -Almost every single biological creature in the game can now be turned into a husk. This...
Yaratıcı: 椎名黑冬
EN/简/繁/Russian/Polish More than 40 kinds of enemies A number of human enemies will appear in the course, including human enemies like pirates, Jokers, separatists, new alien enemies, and some of the fearsome creatures of Cthulhu mythology Warning:! monster...
MN Creatures
Yaratıcı: Morphine
Mod development has been discontinued, the details are at the bottom of the description. Creatures description: Europan Trout The most harmless creature on Europa. Small packs of these will follow your submarine. It serves as a "decoration" for a variety. ...
Yaratıcı: SOFA Made by MIRROR ^ This mod is mainly for practice. As i haven't used the creature editor much a lot of these creatures are pretty jank to be honest. You can try to use Barotraumatic for the creatures to spawn in game. But it'...
project shipwrecks
Yaratıcı: rho-915
沉船计划---大型系列沉船模组 在木卫二的冰层之下,每时每刻都有新的潜艇崭新出厂,也无时无刻都有潜艇沉没至底。里面有无数财富宝藏,亦或是小丑教派改装的陷阱船。是能将财富带回到潜艇上,还是与沉船一同沉沦于这片渊洋之中,一切全凭你的智慧,勇气以及一点点运气,祝你好运,寻宝者。 Under Europa's ice, new submarines are being built and sunk all the time. It's filled with treasure troves, or clown cu...