Railway Empire 2

Railway Empire 2

36 oy
Medium Level Hints and Tips
Lateralus tarafından
After many hours in both this game and the first one, I've decided to provide some medium level hints and tips for players that have already learnt the basics but want to improve at the campaign.
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Medium Level Hints and Tips
- Express lines are for cash flow and freight lines are for city growth. Even well optimised freight lines are never as profitable as average express lines.

- Use separate stations for express and freight to maximise express bonuses. Express is more profitable than the first game. I spend all my initial capital, including all available loans, on express to begin with, connecting all cities with at least one express train. Once the cash is rolling in then I set up freight next. It's about return on investment.

- Freight is paid/charged at a flat rate regardless of distance transported (which is not realistic). Short direct freight lines are the most profitable, followed by city to city lines where a good is carried in either direction, like beer and meat.
Wool, grain, and cattle, direct to city, can be profitable if there's medium to high demand. Long distance freight isn’t profitable. You would only do this to achieve a specific campaign goal of some kind or if you need a rare good.

- Warehouses work best in two or three city clusters (beer-meat-cloth trading partners) with low city demand. They are useful for growing three cities up to 100k population each. Once over 100k things get difficult due to higher demand. A network redesign is often needed with direct supply lines.

- Deliver high demand goods direct to a city/industry, if possible, on a dedicated line and platform. These goods don't work well through a warehouse unless city demand is low. The common high demand goods are: grain, wood, corn, beer and meat. The raw goods like wool and cattle are best on separate lines as well, not in a warehouse.

- Build a brewery near grain, a meat industry near cattle and cloth near wool. Keep in mind which cities will trade with each other as part of the organised city clusters. This seems like basic stuff, but the AI often builds the city industries in stupid places. Buy it, destroy it, then build the correct industry for that location and cluster. This will often solve potential network problems later. You don't want to transport high demand goods halfway across the map because an industry is in the wrong location to begin with. This usually applies more to the second and third industry slot in each city but check anyway.

- Like above, build a second tier industry next to the 1st tier. Example: Build a Fashion Industry next to a Cloth Industry in the same city. Build the wood/timber based industries in the same city if possible. This will reduce congestion on your network.

- Don't connect warehouses up to many cities in a wider network because the way that good demand and good prioritisation works will overwhelm the warehouse and network.

- Higher demand cities and industries will tie up your trains requiring many more to get the other goods moving again. If you see a warehouse filling up to a high level, you either don't have enough trains or you need a separate direct line.

- Good priority by train can be frustrating. Trains can continue picking up some goods until demand is completely satisfied before picking up the next priority good. This gets ludicrous when there's a large city/industry stockpile that needs filling up before the next priority is addressed. A very high number of trains can eventually solve this but it's not efficient. Create a separate direct line for this good (wood and grain are the worst offenders).

- Rural trains direct to city or warehouse are best set to full load, and on their own platform. Let them sit there idle at the rural business until needed again. You don't want these trains charging around with part or empty loads. Look for ways to reduce network congestion whenever possible.

- Warehouses don't work well if there's a good being transported away from its destination then back towards it in a V type line. You want it transported in a more direct line and if a warehouse doesn't make sense, then deliver the good directly. This rule is important to understand.

-Warehouses are effective for the lower demand goods like veges, fruit, milk, sugar etc to get cities growing quickly. Once a city has higher demand; like from a dairy factory for example, the milk is better on a separate line direct to the city industry. A warehouse supply line that was once working well at low demand completely fails at higher demand and the increased number of trains needed to fix it will often break the network.
Building Blocks
The basic game mechanics and principles are the building blocks for developing medium and advanced strategies. I've spent hours just in sandbox mode learning the basic game mechanics. This is a good tycoon puzzle game but not a great railway simulation. Building a clever and complex railway network seems cool, and I've tried it, but this game rewards simple play. A to B lines work best.

Direct separate lines with separate platforms work best. Point to point rail connections keep things simple. The more complex you make your network the higher the chance something will break because of the way the game engine has been programmed. Many decisions I make are focused on reducing network congestion.
9 Yorum
Lateralus  [yaratıcı] 21 Tem 2024 @ 13:13 
@Toboas My main reason is to reduce network congestion. I'm not sure how it effects industry profit.
TOBiAS02 21 Tem 2024 @ 3:32 
Great guide, thanks! Sad to hear that distance doesn't matter.

Is it really better to build 2nd tier industry in same city rather than direct neighbor? One would say that industry has to factor cost of input transport into costs, so having it directly should increase industry profit. Does it, though?
Johnny Nu 27 May 2024 @ 0:50 
Terrific guide!
Meister Hable 17 Oca 2024 @ 2:05 
thank you for this enlightening information. Now I know why I allways end up in 2985 place!
Dray Prescot 3 Eyl 2023 @ 9:07 
Every time you add 2 more Tracks to an Old Station or a New 2nd Station, in an already connected City, It is going to cost you 100k in cash per City just for the Station Tracks, plus the cost to build the new separate double track between those Cities.
Dray Prescot 3 Eyl 2023 @ 8:48 
4th message, I do admit that it is easy to get so caught up in building stuff (Stations, Tracks, and Trains) for your Required Tasks, That you forget to Expand your Express Network fast enough. Which can generate your greatest positive cash flow once the Cities have grown to 40k to 60k. Which is what the author of this guide recommends even sooner than I do.
Dray Prescot 31 Ağu 2023 @ 8:25 
3rd in sequence of messages:

When I build the 2nd Stations in Cities and the double track connecting them for Express only, then the 2nd set of double tracks between the original City Stations (that was used earlier for Express), gets converted to a 2nd parallel tracks for more Freight Trains, since the first Freight tracks are probably getting backed up.
Dray Prescot 31 Ağu 2023 @ 8:13 
(this text comes after the following message)
Add Milk, Vegetables, and Fruit after some time passes (when the Cities are over 40k), and the Cities can always grow past 60k in size, and have lots of Express income.

I usually concentrate most on getting the first 2 or 3 sets of Required Tasks done fast and early. In a Campaign Game I can usually get the first 2 sets of Tasks done in the first game year. That determines most of my early game construction of Stations and tracks.

I build enough Express Trains to keep up with the supply of Passengers and Mail, but at first using the same double tacks as the Freight Trains. Eventually when I have enough cash, and supply of Passengers and Mail. I will build a 2nd parallel double Track between the same Stations for Express only routes. Only later will I have the cash for Express only Stations and tracks.
Dray Prescot 31 Ağu 2023 @ 7:59 
I start a new game by getting ALL Connection Bonuses first, then by making sure all connected Cities can grow (>60%) by have at least 4, preferably 5, of the basic Consumer Goods, Grain, Corn, Wood, Beer, and Meat. Plus try to get Wool delivered to a Cloth Industry, and deliver any Sugar if it is easily reached. That will grow all Cities to close to 60k population.
When Cities are only 20k in size there is not much Express Income, you need them to start growing fast.
Plus work on any Required Tasks, which often involve growth of a City(s).