Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

118 평점
Khrysler Homes - The Jays
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2023년 7월 1일 오전 8시 05분
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Khrysler Homes - The Jays

A set of few additional lots from Khrysler Home collection. They are all low density L2 4x3 lots with 2 houses and created to help building more diverse looking suburb with the nature of CS algorithm which likes to spawn wider growable lots first on empty zoned area. Also perhaps to help keeping the building count lower and reducing some giant vanilla mansions to spawn in a mediocre neighborhood lol. Highly recommended to subscribe to the current and updated Load Screen Mod for the best optimization.

1. The Jaykins (The Jayfour + The Kinfour): 4x3 Level 2 Low Density Residential Building
2. The Jaybelmos (The Jayfour + The Belmont): 4x3 Level 2 Low Density Residential Building
3. The Jayelmos (The Jayfour + The Elmont): 4x3 Level 2 Low Density Residential Building
댓글 8
Khrysler  [작성자] 2025년 1월 6일 오후 7시 05분 
Thank you. Exactly what they are for and all inspirations are from
alcubierrevj 2024년 12월 30일 오후 10시 49분 
These are beautiful and would fit a small to medium sized semi-urban US town quite nicely!
waman 2023년 7월 17일 오전 9시 17분 
these remind me of the houses in michign!
Fewsaid 2023년 7월 3일 오후 10시 09분 
You should try making some Milwaukee style duplexes
Tornado_J1 2023년 7월 3일 오후 5시 26분 
There are whole neighborhoods made up of houses like these where I live. I studied piano with a lady that lived in a house similar to the Jaykins house on the left. The difference was her door was on the left instead of the right.
Khrysler  [작성자] 2023년 7월 1일 오전 9시 04분 
@hazicwolf @Yannerrins
Testing, testing...It should be all good now
hazicwolf 2023년 7월 1일 오전 8시 38분 
just some testing i see
Yannerrins 2023년 7월 1일 오전 8시 30분 