42 ratings
Beginners Guide (part 2)
By BrStriker99
This part is going more in deph on some mechanics and where to start
Starting on the shop
First things first
You will recieve and amount of DP, tokens and tickets plus when you complete the tutorial with Tenda, so next step is buying yourself Custom Parts

Start off by buying most of the level 1 and level 2 parts which cost the lowest (Melee enhance program, thurster output, more HP in the MS, reloading faster, cooldown faster and etc...)

Next you want to equip them on your MS

You can acess by the customize option, also, don't worry if you don't know what builds to do, the game has a built-in auto sort system for each category

Starting MSs
Back to the Shop

What MS you should use it's up to your personal preference and playstyle (you like to shoot, you like to melee, you like to stealth and etc...)

keep in mind that you should at least be good in one MS of each category (General / Raid / Support), the most balanced team composition is 3 Generals, 1 Raid and 1 Support

Some MSs on the shop even come with the Beginner friendly tag, but the ones you get from completing the tutorial missions are also great Beginner MSs

What is the exception is some MSs that can perform roles like the other classes, but they are more to enhance then to outright replace that class

EX: Efreet is a General, but he plays and works like a Raid, so he works to help the Raid on the flanks or to catch enemy generals by surprise, but he doens't do enough damage to Supports and can be outgunned by them

Mobile Suit levels
The levels work as too scale the power of the MS to the ones at the native cost, so a high level MS doesn't mean is more powerful, it is just "balanced" to work in said cost

EX: A Guncannon Mass Produciton level 5 isn't going to win against a Full Armor Gundam (type B) level 1, but his stats are scaled to be "similiar in perfomace" to it

If you have to use a high level MS, use to at least level 3 (exceptions are the GM, GM cannon, Zaku I, Zaku II and Zaku cannon since they base cost is 100)

If you see someone using levels 4,5 and even 6, they either don't have anything for the cost you're playing or they are a god using that MS (which is the exception and not the rule)
Game Costs
Segway to the next topic, COSTs

Costs is maximum value of power is allowed in the match, but you can take lower cost MSs to the game of the minimum -100

Ex: 450 cost match, you can only take min 350 cost MSs

Game types
Now that you know the basics, time to get into a match

Matches have 4 categories: Rated, Quick, Custom and Events

  • Rated
    The regular competitive matches, where you rank level up to fighting more and more tough opponents
    It's divided into seperated leagues of ratings:

  • D- / D / D+
  • C- / C / C+
  • B- / B / B+
  • A- / A / A+
  • S- (max)

    Some ranks are required so you can promote your character to higher military ranks (player level)

  • Quick Match
    Casual mode, where most people play, doesn't affect your rank, so you can test new MSs and have fun

  • Custom Matches
    Where you can create custom rooms to play with your friends, train for Clan matches or join A/B rooms to complete daily missions faster

  • Events
    Here is where the Ranked Matches and Clan Matches are

  • Ranked Matches
    Not to be confused with Rated, Ranked is where free-for-all matches happen, to get a previous Clan Match exclusive MS, but the diference is if you score high enough you get the level 1 and level 2 versions of that Mobile Suit

  • Clan Matches
    It's where a group of players fight to get the best placement between the top 50 - 100 clans in the entire playerbase, rewards being sometimes a powerful exclusive Mobile Suit

Finishing off
The next guide will cover more advanced topics, such as skills and melee priorities

I hope you have a wonderful day and stay safe

BrStriker99  [author] 29 Nov, 2023 @ 1:46pm 
Unfortunaly this game runs on peer2peer system, so if your connection is poor to the Host (who might be a japanese player with average internet) you can get desync and stuck in loading hell

Another factor might be your computer, this game was awfully optmized for PC (even if looks like a PS3 game, which it is), so I recommend you check if it's using the correct graphics card or lowering your settings
angelanthonyguzman 28 Nov, 2023 @ 6:09pm 
my game always crashes when ever i start to join a game it never finshes the load and crashes me back to home page i have been trying to poilet a mec in combat but i hve not been able to
FightCain 14 Jun, 2023 @ 6:45am 
Oh that would be great,
I can't keep up with all the MS skills
BrStriker99  [author] 13 Jun, 2023 @ 7:42am 
I wrote briefely about stagger on the part 3 guide

But it also comes to play the skill that MS has, if is has Forced Injectors, it can dogde away or tackle faster
FightCain 13 Jun, 2023 @ 6:12am 
it would be great if you could write a guide on stagger.
Too many times where units could emergency escape during my melee combo, and it can't possibly be melee priority since it happens even with level 3 melee priority units.
I can't tell if its lag or if there's a specific skill for that.
Also ways to beat stagger resistance that some units gain during boosts. Sometimes it takes 3 hits with a Hizak Cannon to stagger Titania kampfer but it's not guaranteed.
FightCain 13 Jun, 2023 @ 6:04am 
thanks but ill wait until the network connection gets better.
some matches are borderline unplayable or unplayable at all
BrStriker99  [author] 12 Jun, 2023 @ 11:26pm 
I see that you main problem is connection issues, which is unfortunally due to "lagtypes"

But machine guns have their place, they build up staggers really fast and can open up for combos (Cold GM for example, just melts people at close range)

If want a unbias position, I can train with you on custom match to show
FightCain 12 Jun, 2023 @ 9:51pm 
True that it comes down to skill, but all MS are made of paper when focused on, regardless of type. Facing two MS at once is already a death sentence that results in a messy fight or flight.

From my observation on the PC (didn't own a PS4/5), MS with more stagger power (i.e: bazookas and cannons or high power beam weapons) can usually just beat MS that has a lower stagger power (i.e: vulcan, machine gun/beam, grenades, grenade launcher etc.)

but this is biased view point right now, because nearly all my matches have teleporting enemies, making it really frustrating to do counters, reading enemy movements, or general mobility around the map since i am rubber banding at times (or completely frozen).
BrStriker99  [author] 12 Jun, 2023 @ 7:16pm 
Never underestimate some MSs, Kampfer/Titania are made of paper, if focused on they will melt so they depend on their weapons and speed to stay alive

(Unless it's 600 - 700) everything depends on the skill of the individual pilot, a player who has the kampfer but don't know how to use it can be easily outclass by a high mobility zaku
FightCain 12 Jun, 2023 @ 6:57pm 
Usually feels like MS with the most weapon that can stagger and having multi-hit back melee are meta.
Units like Titania Kampfer with access to bazooka, dual fausts and an insane multi-hit back melee or Psycho Zaku MKII with its access to dual heathawks and bazookas can melt anything.
So trying out units that doesn't have access to a weapon with the ability to stagger on hit seems useless.