The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition

74 ratings
Skyrim Special Edition and Console Commands: Customize Your Gaming Experience
By 󠀡
Skyrim Special Edition is a massive game full of possibilities, and the console commands provide an additional way to customize and enhance your gaming experience. Below, you will find information on how to open the console, the function of the left-click, and a selection of useful commands you can use.
Opening the Console:
During the game, press the tilde key (`), typically located in the upper left corner of the keyboard, just below the escape key (Esc). Once the console is open, you can enter any desired commands.
Function of Left-Click:
Once the console is open, you can use the left-click of the mouse to select and highlight objects, characters, or elements in the game environment. When you left-click on an object or character, its ID or name will be displayed at the top of the console. This allows you to quickly identify the reference of the object or character you want to affect with a command.
Useful Commands:
God Mode: Activate god mode with the command "tgm". You will become invulnerable, have infinite skills, and unlimited carrying capacity.
Fly and Clipping Through Walls: Use the command "tcl" to activate noclip mode, allowing you to fly and pass through walls and objects.
Teleportation: Use the command "coc [cell name]" to instantly teleport to a specific location in the game.
Adjusting Attributes and Skills: Use the command "player.setav [attribute] [value]" to adjust your character's attributes such as health, stamina, magicka, and skills.
Adding Items: Add items to your inventory with the command "player.additem [item code] [quantity]". Know the specific item code and desired quantity to add them.
Skill Improvement: Increase your skills with the command "advskill [skill] [amount]". Enter the skill name and the number of points you want to add.
Resurrect: If your character dies, use the command "resurrect" to revive them and continue your adventure.
Alteration: alteration
Archery: marksman
One-Handed Weapons: onehanded
Two-Handed Weapons: twohanded
Blocking: block
Conjuration: conjuration
Destruction: destruction
Sneak: sneak
Enchanting: enchanting
Speech: speechcraft
Smithing: smithing
Illusion: illusion
Light Armor: lightarmor
Mage: magicka
Restoration: restoration
Stealth: sneak
Health: health
Magicka: magicka
Stamina: stamina
Maximum Carry Weight: carryweight
Melee Damage: melee damage
Ranged Damage: ranged damage
One-Handed Damage: onehanded damage
Two-Handed Damage: twohanded damage
Archery Damage: marksman damage
Unarmed Damage: unarmed damage
Block Chance: block chance
Critical Chance: critical chance
Magic Resistance: magic resistance
Fire Resistance: fire resistance
Frost Resistance: frost resistance
Shock Resistance: shock resistance
Poison Resistance: poison resistance
Disease Resistance: disease resistance

To adjust these attributes, use the command "player.setav [attribute] [value]" in the console. For example, to increase your maximum health, you can type "player.setav health [value]".
snoopy_the_ace 17 Aug, 2023 @ 3:31pm 
Silly me!! When I saw "Console Commands" I was thinking, "great PS5 help finally" LOL
witalikjakowenko96 16 Aug, 2023 @ 8:04am 
󠀡  [author] 9 Aug, 2023 @ 11:08am 
If you want to experiment with something that might have uncertain outcomes, like using the console or making changes to your game, it's a good idea to take precautions. In this case, you can create a duplicate (copy) of the Savegame file, which contains your game progress. If anything goes awry or doesn't work as intended, you can easily revert to your original state by restoring the backup copy. This way, you can freely explore without the fear of permanently damaging your game progress.
󠀡  [author] 9 Aug, 2023 @ 11:06am 
No, dear. Using the console will not deactivate your Steam achievements.
Ashgan 8 Aug, 2023 @ 12:33pm 
using console commands like add object or increase weight limit could affect achievements?
Car27racer 16 Jul, 2023 @ 4:52pm 
There's also a speed multiplier attribute - it's modded with "player.setav speedmult [value]" kinda like the rest. However, this one starts at 100 for normal speed, so be careful and don't set your speed to 1 like the idiot that I was ._.
󠀡  [author] 6 Jul, 2023 @ 6:40pm 
Apologies for the confusion. I would like to clarify that the skills 'Stones of Barenziah' and 'Woodcutting' do not exist in the base game of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It seems that I may have confused them with some modifications in my game files.
Blankie 6 Jul, 2023 @ 3:25pm 
What does the woodcutting skill do????