Wall World

Wall World

164 beoordelingen
100% Achievements with Info + DLC
Door Sporefreak
Most 100% achievement guides will provide a list of all achievements with a short description how to get it, while that is great for most achievements, some achievements could use more detail that other guides just do not provide.
Now including information added after the Deep Threat (DT) DLC Released.
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Base Game Achievements
These are achievements you should be able to get while playing the base game to the end, I would say these are unmissable unless you are trying to avoid them. As such, these do not require much information besides a basic description.

Meet in the Middle
Navigate up or down and pass your first cloud barrier to spawn a wave of enemies.

What Kind of Day Has It Been
Get defeated

A Hard Way to Go
Pick up a key, found at the end of a mine, dig as far back to the right and up as you can, then downwards.

Long Time Coming
Pick up all 5 Crypto Keys

All the Bells Say
Collect three relics, they look like the picture and randomly generate max 1 per mine, just mine out blocks till you find them, hard to miss this achievement.

Get Some Then
Kill 500 enemies.

Endure and Survive
Survive for 20 minutes (First boss spawn)

The Day the World Went Away
"Finish" the base game by activating the core at the top of the world after collecting 5 keys.

House of Enlightenment
Enter three rooms.
This will happen during normal play, either enter the single room mines with some free resources, or the circuit or blueprint rooms at the end of a mine.
Miissable Achievements
These achievements have a special requirement that makes them technically possible to miss, even so most of these should come with game play so long as you are entering each mine you pass.

One Way Out
reach the bottom of the wall, you will see Pyramids in the background which means you are getting close.

Three Slaps
Build all 3 available structures. Unlock these structures with Relics from the mines and build 1 on any mine that does not already have a building on it. The three buildings are: Turret, Resource Harvester, Spider bot Repair Building.
DT DLC update added 2 more, a shield and a Tesla tower, I am unsure if these count but I believe they are only accessible from the DLC.

All buildings are automated after placing, Resources teleport into your inventory, repairs are done remotely.
Note: Users report getting it after building any 3 buildings, and not one of each type. This may be a bug as I did not unlock it by placing three of the same type.

Stranger in a Strange Land
Find the room pictured below. Should be gotten with normal play.

Farmed Achievements
There are 2 achievements that you would really need to farm for over multiple runs. and possibly after finishing the game. Due to updates and balance changes, getting these should be only a few runs.

Force of Evil
Use Every Weapon.

Each weapon available to be found at the end of a mine:
  • Shotgun
  • Bomb Launcher
  • Stake Gun
  • Cluster Bomb Launcher
  • Rail gun
  • Laser Machine Gun
  • Singularity Gun
DT DLC adds 2 more weapons, I do not believe they are needed for this achievement, but just in case they are: Chemical Weapon and the Locust Machine Gun

You do NOT need to get every gun in the same run.

This one is rather simple. Start a run and visit every mine that has an anomaly, if you find a relic in a mine that only has 1 anomaly, leave the mine and move on.

The Hope That Kills You
Purchase every upgrade.

This was the last achievement I got, it requires you to purchase all upgrades from the main upgrades page, and all upgrades from the Blueprints/Secondary upgrades page. You will be required to collect a blueprint for each level of each secondary tool upgrade.

Since this guide was created, the game has been updated and there is a DLC. Blueprints are more common and easier to find, and I am unsure if the DLC adds to the max level, or if they made the base level higher. See the Max Upgrades section. You should be able to get at least 1 blueprint per run, however I believe it is still possible to not have one spawn.

Farming Blueprints quick tips
  • Blueprints can spawn anywhere, but seem to have a higher chance to spawn in the last Biome either up or down (Unconfirmed)
  • The blueprints in the last Biome will typically be in a large cavern at the very end of the mine much like when you find a weapon
  • There tend to be only 2 mines in the last areas and both will be quite large
  • Depth Scanner tool / upgrade can tell you how many "anomalies" are in a mine. If there are 2, one is guaranteed to be a relic, and the other will be a blueprint or circuit board upgrade at the end of the mine.

How I farmed the last few Blueprints
It took me 6 runs to get the last 4 blueprints after finishing the game. 2 of those runs had no blueprints, but this was before they made blueprints more common.

it is recommended you farm mining efficiency in the first biome to mine faster in later biomes. The permanent Torpedo Drilling unit, Seismic Generator, and Plasma drill spider bot upgrades will help you to get the first 3-4 efficiency upgrades in just 4-5 minutes. From there I would collect any weapons I could until I got the Laser Machine Gun, Rail Gun, or Stake Launcher which would allow me to easily take out any waves that spawned due to the piercing they had.

Once I got a weapon I wanted, I would rush the clouds. I would get 1 "Hard" wave from the clouds which was easy to take out with no upgrades on the weapons because of said piercing, and if I reached the next cloud before finishing a wave, it would not spawn a second one. The waves that spawn over time should be super easy and weak as those only scale with time.

If I was lucky enough to get the Drone or Turret relics, I would upgrade it as much as I could, and rush to the top or bottom of the wall, plop one down to take out the wave of enemies while I would collect a blueprint. (Or if the game wanted to disappoint me I would get a Circuit Board)
Max Upgrades
If you are missing a blueprint to purchase the next upgrade you will see "Next level: classified" As seen in the picture below.

The DLC adds some blueprints you can find to further boost a few upgrades that will not show "Classified". I do not know if these are required for the max upgrades achievement.

Main Page:
Click the image to enlarge it
Max level
Outer Shell
Resources Vacuum
Plasma Drill
Masking Plates
Rocket Launcher

Click the image to enlarge it
Max level
Induction Amplifier
Depth Scanner
Seismic Generator
Combat Capacitor
Armored Claws
Force Field
Torpedo Drilling Unit

DLC Max Upgrades
DT DLC adds a whole new page of upgrades that require a special material that is kept between rounds. You must have the DT DLC to access this upgrade menu.

Jump and Emergency Safe do not need blueprints to upgrade to max, Devastator and Emergency Repair Kit are one use per purchase.
Click the image to enlarge it
Max level
BP needed
String Projector
Emergency Safe
Microwave Generator
DT DLC Achievements
These achievements were added after the DT DLC released, and require the DLC. I am not aware of these changing any previous achievements.

The Route of All Evil
Collect all blueprints beyond the rift. This requires all DLC and any new blueprints for non DLC items. You will also need to start the "Dying changes everything" achievement.

Asteroid Blues
Gather all resource types beyond the rift (See picture on right)

Down Like the Titanic
Trigger the Devastator.
Testing shows these are one time use per purchase from the store.

Threat Level Midnight
Obtain a new weapon beyond the rift

Optimal Tip-to-Tip Efficiency
Max out the Locust Machine Gun

Stop Dragon My Heart Around
Max out the Chemical Weapon

Papa's Goods
Fully upgrade the vacuum capacity
Max level is 6
DT DLC Secret Achievements
Sore Must Be the Storm
Defeat the Zeus
Just play and go up as far as you can. beating every boss along the way.

Dying Changes Everything
Deal with the Leviathan
Lose to the third stage of the Leviathan to get the needed blueprint.

Watching Too Much Television
Find the dark room and behold
Find the room pictured below. Seems to be guaranteed to spawn, or is very common.

Ending Remarks
Overall, this game should not take longer than 15 hours to 100%. (about 22 for the DLC)

Thank you for reading this far, if you liked the guide please give it a positive rating and maybe a favorite!

If you have any suggestions or think something needs to be changed, I would love to hear about it in the comments!

Steam also likes to break things, especially images. So if something is seems to be missing please let me know and I will fix it.
40 opmerkingen
Sporefreak  [auteur] 21 sep 2024 om 17:51 
Oxland, The DLC upgrades page is unlocked as long as the DLC is enabled. You click the left arrow from the main upgrades page to get there.
Oxland 21 sep 2024 om 16:28 
How to unlock the DLC secret improvements page?
Sporefreak  [auteur] 29 jul 2024 om 4:41 
Guide should be finished, except for the visuals for the max DLC upgrades which I am still working on as I wanted to confirm which ones did not need blueprints first.
Sporefreak  [auteur] 26 jun 2024 om 12:03 
Thanks for the reminder to play the DLC and correct the guide! I will get that done soonish
needsomemiracle 26 jun 2024 om 3:23 
For those wondering, blueprints for "The Route of All Evil" include both new equipment found in the DLC and new levels for base game equipment.

Here are the levels you must have access to in order for the achievement to pop:

- Combat Capacitor 5
- Force Field 5

- Plasma Drill 5
- Rocket Launcher 5
- Resource Vaccum Cleaner 6
- Outer Shell 6

- String Projector of the Core 4
- Chronosphere 4
- Shockwave 4
- Microwave Generator 4
KillerMarine 23 apr 2024 om 14:02 
So I just booted up this game for the first time in several months.... I have Plasma Drill 5 and Resources Vacuum 5, but you say the max upgrade for both of those is only 4.
Sporefreak  [auteur] 8 apr 2024 om 21:08 
I have not played through the DLC yet so that section is not well done. I got the DLC on some sale and need to play through it though.
AVSManfred 8 apr 2024 om 18:56 
ok have small question about the "Dying changes everything", why it's so vague when you spoiler tag the contents anyways ?
Sporefreak  [auteur] 11 feb 2024 om 11:19 
Alright, I recently got the DLC so I will be sure to check it out when I can and update the guide for more detailed DLC and a fix for the devastator.
Marco_N 17 sep 2023 om 2:46 
Skallado, that resource is used to buy the DLC upgrades (You get to those by pressing the left arrow in the "upgrade center").