27 ratings
All Travel Banter Walkthrough
By silversoul255
A spoiler-free step-by-step guide on how to view every travel banter in the game!
Remember how everyone complained that there wasn't enough character interaction in the first game? Travel banter was all we had to see those characters talk to each other. Now we have some other ways to see the travelers talk to each other, but travel banter is still around! You have to have the right character in the party at the right time during a chapter to see travel banter. The good news is that Octopath 2 has made it easier to see them all!

This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on who to have in your party when so you can see all the travel banter. As soon as you see a banter for one character on the list, you should switch to the next character before the next event takes place. Hope you enjoy!

8/8/23- added 3 and 4 person banters

Osvald has no banter in Chapters 1 and 2.

Chapter 3
Start the chapter with Throne and Agnea
Switch to Ochette and Temenos
Switch to Partitio
Take Castti and Hikari to the boss

Chapter 4
Start the chapter with Hikari and Agnea
**Take Ochette and Temenos when using Path Actions** (This is the easiest banter in the game to miss!)
Enter the dungeon with Throne
Fight the mid-boss with Partitio
Take Castti to the boss fight

Chapter 5
Start the chapter with Ochette and Temenos
Take Castti and Throne to the dungeon
Switch to Hikari
Take Agnea and Partitio to the boss fight

Castti has no banter in Chapter 1.

Chapter 2 Sai Route
Take Osvald and Throne to the tent
Switch to Partitio
Take Hikari to the first room of the dungeon
Switch to Agnea, then Ochette

Chapter 2 Winterbloom Route
Start the chapter with Partitio
Take Agnea and Hikari to the house
Take Osvald to the garden
Take Temenos and Ochette back inside the house
Finish the chapter with Throne

Chapter 3
Start the chapter with Temenos
Take Hikari to the dungeon

Chapter 4
Start the chapter with Temenos
Switch to Throne
Switch to Partitio
Take Ochette to the dungeon
Take Osvald and Agnea to the boss

Temenos has no travel banter in Chapter 1.

Chapter 2
Start the chapter with Castti
Switch to Partitio and Agnea
Take Throne to the house
Take Hikari to the tavern
Take Ochette to the boss

Chapter 3 Crackridge Route
Take Agnea to the inn
Enter the dungeon with Ochette
Take Partitio and Osvald to the end of the dungeon

Chapter 3 Stormhail Route
Start the chapter with Agnea and Osvald
Switch to Partitio and Ochette
Switch to Castti and Hikari
Take Throne to the boss fight

Chapter 4
Start the chapter with Castti
Enter the dungeon with Osvald and Hikari
Take Throne to the boss

Ochette has no travel banter in Chapter 1.

Chapter 2 Cateracta Route
Start the chapter with Agnea and Partitio
Switch to Throne
Take Hikari and Temenos to the dungeon

Chapter 2 Tera Route
Start the chapter with Partitio
Switch to Castti and Temenos
Switch to Agnea, then Throne
Take Osvald to the boss

Chapter 2 Glacis Route
Start the chapter with Osvald
Enter the dungeon with Hikari
Take Partitio and Castti to the boss

Chapter 3
Start the chapter with Temenos
Switch to Agnea
Take Hikari to the dungeon
Switch to Osvald
Switch to Throne
Take Castti to the boss fight

Partitio has no travel banter in Chapter 1.

Chapter 2
Begin the chapter with Ochette
Switch to Temenos, then take Castti to the office
Take Throne and Hikari to deliver the supplies
Switch to Osvald
Take Agnea to the boss

Chapter 3
Start the chapter with Osvald and Agnea
Take Castti and Hikari to the manor
Switch to Temenos then Ochette
Take Throne to the boss fight

Chapter 4
Start the chapter with Ochette
Take Castti to the first part of the dungeon
Take Throne and Osvald to the second part of the dungeon
Switch to Agnea
Take Hikari and Temenos to the boss

Chapter 2
Begin the chapter with Temenos
Take Throne and Partitio to the theater
Take Osvald to the tavern
Take Hikari to the boss

Chapter 3
Start the chapter with Throne
Switch to Hikari
Take Castti to the island
Switch to Ochette

Chapter 4
Start the chapter with Partitio and Castti
Switch to Hikari
Switch to Osvald and Temenos
Switch to Ochette

Chapter 5
Start the chapter with Throne and Partitio
Switch to Ochette
Enter the dungeon with Temenos
Switch to Osvald
Take Hikari to the boss fight

Throne has no travel banter in Chapter 1.

Chapter 2 Mother route
Enter with Partitio
Switch to Castti
Take Hikari to the alleyway
Switch to Ochette to end the chapter

Chapter 2 Father Route
Begin the chapter with Osvald
Take Partitio to the tavern
Switch to Ochette after meeting Father on the east side
Take Temenos into the dungeon
Take Agnea to the boss

Chapter 3 Mother Route
Start the chapter with Temenos
Switch to Agnea
Take Partitio and Hikari and Castti to the dungeon (if you can’t take all three, switch to Castti when fast travel becomes available and come back)

Chapter 3 Father Route
Start the chapter with Agnea
Switch to Osvald
Take Temenos to the boss

Chapter 4
Start the chapter with Hikari
Switch to Ochette
Switch to Castti and Osvald

Hikari has no travel banter in Chapter 1.

Chapter 2
Start the chapter with Throne and Partitio
Switch to Agnea
Take Castti to the boss fight

Chapter 3
Start the chapter with Ochette
Switch to Castti
Enter the dungeon with Temenos and Throne
Take Osvald and Partitio to the boss fight

Chapter 4
Start the chapter with Temenos
Switch to Osvald and Castti
Take Agnea to the dungeon
Take Ochette to the boss fight

Chapter 5
Start the chapter with Ochette
Switch to Temenos and Throne
Switch to Osvald
Take Agnea to the dungeon
Take Partitio to the boss fight
Chapter 4 Banters
But wait, there's more!

After your main character completes their Chapter 4, you can get three or four person conversations based on who you switch into your party. These are the conversations I've found so far:


Found by Hentaika:

This is not a complete list- please add more in the comments if you find them!
I hope this helps, and I hope you all enjoy the banter!
DyluckRM 15 Jan @ 12:17am 
The Children Awaiting the Dawn (Flamechurch Cathedral, Temenos/Throne)
Kazan's Plans (Tranquil Grotto, Agnea/Hikari)
Ori's Fate (Fellsun Ruins, Osvald/Partitio)
The First Flame (Tomb of the Wardenbeast, Ochette/Castti)

I don't know if there might be some weird bug with these ones, but I never got the Temenos/Throne one after rekindling the flame, and they were both in the party of course.

Also for the Ochette/Castti one, it came up after I got the boss warning about "you feel a presence" and I chose "No" to turn back, so that seems like a bug. It also doesn't really make sense for her to start saying "So that was the First Flame huh" out of the blue.
Providence 24 Mar, 2024 @ 1:42am 
Alrighty, I figured it all out!

The Journey to Dawn travel banters (Note: Team setup do not matter at all)

In Search of Clues (is available upon regaining control in the final chapter)
The Shadow and the Endless Night (You have to change screens 30 times, either by leaving an area, or fast traveling. Location does not matter at all)
Places of Truth (You have to change screens 20 more times ater getting the last one)

The last four are available after rekindling a Sacred Flame (for 'The First Flame', it happens just before after beating the boss)

The Children Awaiting the Dawn (Flamechurch Cathedral, Temenos/Throne)
Kazan's Plans (Tranquil Grotto, Agnea/Hikari)
Ori's Fate (Fellsun Ruins, Osvald/Partitio)
The First Flame (Tomb of the Wardenbeast, Ochette/Castti)

Also, to add on to what I found on a reddit thing, when doing the Tavern banters, when you get one, you have to change screens 10 times before you can get another Tavern banter.
Providence 23 Mar, 2024 @ 10:47pm 
Hey, I wanted to ask, do you know how to find all the travel banters for the Final Chapter?

I know you get one at the start, and one at the end of each flames, but there's two that I'm having trouble finding

'The Shadow and the Endless Night' and 'Places of Truth'

Any help would be appreciated.
shrimp 8 Oct, 2023 @ 7:33pm 
Hi, for Hikari's chapter 4 can you change it to having to bring Agnea and Ochette to the boss fight? I was super confused until I finished his chapter thank you in advance!
Hentaika 23 Sep, 2023 @ 9:26am 
Also it would be great to mention that you can check the 3/4 person banters you have already seen by going into Journal > Sidequests > All and then pressing the button prompt for 'travel banter'.
With this your guide should be fully complete :)

You can also add the story names for convenience if you want to.
And the fact that to see the next you want to change location ~10 times. so ideally you exit/enter some area ~5-6 times before returning to tavern with setup you desire.
Hentaika 23 Sep, 2023 @ 9:22am 
Also there are a total of 20 3/4 person banters, you posted 11, here are the remaining 9, last 3 are 4 member ones:
1) Throne/Temenos/Hikari
2) Throne/Osvald/Agnea
3) Ochette/Throne/Agnea
4) Castti/Temenos/Hikari
5) Osvald/Partitio/Temenos
6) Ochette/Osvald/Temenos
7) Ochette/Throne/Osvald/Hikari
8) Ochette/Casti/Throne/Agne
9) Osvald/Partitio/Temenos/Hikari
silversoul255  [author] 22 Sep, 2023 @ 10:30am 
@Hentaika- thank you very much!
Hentaika 21 Sep, 2023 @ 2:58pm 
Missing one banter in chapter 4 of Osvald.

It's after beating the main boss - requires Castti with you.
dragonninjamaster7 14 Aug, 2023 @ 10:14am 
Hikari/Temenos/Castti, "Another Self"
dragonninjamaster7 13 Aug, 2023 @ 7:23pm 
Throne/Ochette/Agnea, "Table manners"