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Melatonin - Basic Guide and Achievements
De Orpheus
This is a quick, basic guide to Melatonin.
Hidden achievements and all maps will be marked as spoilers.
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Default Keys


This will act as your action key (similar to "Enter").
This can be changed to a key of your choice in settings.

W, A, S, and D
up (↑), left (←), down (↓), and right (→)

These are the direction keys that will allow you to move around the game menu and the map.
Settings will allow you to choose one of the two sets as movement options.

Both the action key and the direction keys (aside from the D/down key) will be used within the levels.

For the purpose of this guide, the direction keys will be mentioned as W, A, S, and D.

The idea of the game is navigating through each map, completing the levels, and proceeding to the next area. Maps and levels will be shown later in the guide. Each level contains three modes.

Each level has 3 modes you can play.

This mode will introduce you to the sound and visual cues for the level.
It does not matter if you are not perfect here. This mode will not count towards the completion of the level (it is not required).

This mode will grant you stars (0-3) based on how well you perform. This mode will count towards the completion of the level.

This mode will grant you rings (0-3) based on how well you perform. This mode will count towards the completion of the level.

Both "Hard" and "Scored" modes will grant you P (a perfect rating) if you complete the level with all Perfect notes. Each of these mode can grant a perfect rating.

Types of Notes
The game begins with the action key as the only "hit" type note.
Direction keys A and D will be introduced in later levels, followed by the W key.

The action key is the only note that will be held in the current game modes.
There are usually 3 different lengths of time in a level which the action key will be held.
These time lengths will be noted by the audio/visual cues in the game.

Note Scoring
There are 4 ways a note can be scored.


Setting to Improve Your Score


  • Perfects only (when toggled on)
The level will restart when a note is not "Perfect"

  • Vibration
Enables vibration in levels.

(These features are described when toggled on)

  • Visual Assist
The "Timing Circle" is displayed through all levels.

  • Audio Assist
A metronome is played through all levels.

  • Wiggle room
The timing window for a "Perfect" note is increased.

  • Easy scoring
"Early" and "Late" notes give more points.

Note timing can be changed using the "offset" scale here.
The calibration tool is where you can change the note timing using a visual flash.

The area where you can change your action key and toggle your direction keys.
This section will list most information within the editor.

The editor is needed for the "Creator" achievement.

Direction keys
Direction keys for right and left will allow you to move forward and backward within the level's editable slots.

Add something
Defaulted as "SPACE".
Your action key will allow you to add a single downbeat, offbeat, event, or tempo within the edited level.

(hold to remove all)
Defaulted as "R".
This key will allow you to remove a single downbeat, offbeat, event, or tempo within the edited level.

Switch tabs
Defaulted as "TAB".





Defaulted as "M".

Custom music
Add in a sound track (must be a sound file)

Upload your level. Other players can download your edited level and play it.

(hold to skip to current bar)
Defaulted as "P".
There are 14 achievements in total for this game.

Honor roll
Get all perfects in the tutorial.

Star precision
Get 3 stars on any "Scored mode" level

Star perfectionist
Get a perfect score in "Scored mode"

Get 3 stars on every "Scored mode" level

Ring precision
Get 3 rings on any "Hard mode" level

Ring perfectionist
Get a perfect score in "Hard mode"

Ring collector
Get 3 rings on every "Hard mode" level

Go to bed
Achieve perfect scores on all levels

Complete a level you have custom edited

The 5 hidden achievements are listed below.
(These can be complete by playing through every level)

Play through Night 1

Under pressure
Play through Night 2

Play through Night 3

Play through Night 4

New day
Play through to the morning

Hidden achievement image below.
There are five maps to this game (not including the tutorial).
Each map is listed with the levels it contains. Some information about the maps is included in spoiler fields below.


SPOILER! The Night maps contain a fifth level, which combines all four levels into one game.
Night 1
Followers, Tech, Shopping, and Food

Night 2
Money, Dating, Exercise, and Work

Night 3
Nature, Space, Mind, and Time

Night 4
The Future, The Past, Desires, and Stress

This map has a single level, which is unnamed. This level contains a combination of all prior levels.
Night 1 Map

Night 2 Map
Night 3 Map
Night 4 Map
Morning Map
Thank you!
Thank you all for reading this guide!
If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments below!
10 commentaires
Orpheus  [créateur] 18 nov. 2024 à 15h59 
If you know you did all perfect notes in the tutorial, there might be a bug with the achievement.

You can always try the tutorial again with the "Perfects only" setting on. If that still doesn't give you the achievement, then you can try contacting one of the game developers about it. A recording of your run might be helpful. :tabbycat:
vini 18 nov. 2024 à 9h16 
so i did perfect on tutorial but it isnt counting, help please
Orpheus  [créateur] 17 oct. 2024 à 20h43 
For the "Creator" achievement you'll need to edit a level and play the edited version.
This can be done on any Night Map with any Level. Open a Level and you'll see practice, scored, hard, and editor modes. When you go into the editor mode, there should be a menu at the top of your screen showing the controls. All you need to do is press the "play" control to start the level and get the achievement (you shouldn't need to actually edit anything). :tabbycat:
bodemackie 17 oct. 2024 à 20h12 
What counts as "completing" a level you made to give you the achievement?
Tez1n 16 mars 2024 à 2h25 
koyaux 11 janv. 2024 à 20h45 
Thanks for the guide
Siisi4 ︻デ 一 16 aout 2023 à 11h22 
Orpheus  [créateur] 24 juil. 2023 à 11h26 
For the "Go to bed" achievement you'll need to get perfects on hard and scored modes for each level. :tabbycat:
HussainAbul 24 juil. 2023 à 1h37 
do i need to get hard mode perfects to get the (go to bed) achievement ?
or only the regulars ?
Kya 13 mars 2023 à 21h55 
omg thank you for this guide! this is so hard to perfect every level omggggg