Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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Talos Principle Radio
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112.034 MB
2023년 3월 1일 오후 12시 08분
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Talos Principle Radio

martianinferno98님의 1 모음집
My Cities Skylines Radio Stations
아이템 7개
"Behold, my child. You are awoken in my CS radio."

All soundtrack from The Talos Principle. I am unsure what the stance is on using video game soundtrack whilst streaming Cities Skylines, but just to safe - please do not use while streaming the game


Base game OST
Additional tracks (with Elohim's quotes)
Bonus tracks (from Messenger and Tower endings)
Road to Gehenna DLC OST

Requires CSL Music Mod
댓글 2
martianinferno98  [작성자] 2023년 7월 6일 오후 7시 01분 
\/ Thanks, I guess
StayHungryStayFoolish 2023년 7월 6일 오전 11시 37분 

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