Plague Inc: Evolved

Plague Inc: Evolved

630 个评价
Prion - Mega Brutal Guide (Guaranteed Win & Perfect Score)
由 Tatsur0 制作
Here is my 8th guide and another one requested by the community. Will finish Neurax Worm and Simian Flu asap to complete all 10 of the existing Campaign Plagues (then will look into Scenarios)! This guide like the rest guarantees a win but also like some of my guides a perfect score if you follow it step by step and use DNA as quickly as it comes in following the order I list for Transmission, Symptoms, and Abilities, manage the speed of the game as things pick up quickly with Prion and we don't want to waste DNA.

(NOTE: This guide states a Guaranteed Win & Perfect Score because it guarantees it so long as special events or closed ports like Greenland that while prepared for still create random chance and there is no guarantee that your first go of it will lead to either a win or a win with a perfect score but if tried a 2nd or 3rd time will lead to what is promised! It is impossible with all but Necroa-Virus & Fungus to guarantee a win each and every time due to random chance which we have influence but no direct control over.)
Prion - Introduction

Prion - Mega Brutal

This guide like the reset guarantees a win (read Overview if you disagree please) and Perfect Score of 5/5 if you follow it exactly, gather all DNA, adjust game time so you don't lose any DNA as it gets hectic after Transmission, and spend the DNA in the order I'll have listed for your convenience! Let's attach this pig's tail on humanity and see them lose themselves until we send em to the butcher!

Shall we begin?
Prion - Genetic Code
Having tried a number of suggestions I still found ATP Boost beat out other options and while borders slow it down I had no need for Suppression allowing these genes to get the job done so you can both win and grab a perfect score (Read Overview Note).

  • ATP Boost
    • While other genes were suggested they were too unpredictable and ATP Boost got us there quicker each time I tested in comparison and this is a must if we want to reach a win!
  • Genetic Mimic
    • A gene that makes it harder to cure disease.
  • Aquacyte
    • Greenland is ever the pain and we're going to want to snag it and/or Iceland asap.
  • Urbophile
    • We've got a few Countries who's borders will slow us down. We'll want to prevent as many closed borders as possible by infecting Urban areas asap.
  • Sympto-Stasis
    • We're going to win this by increasing our Prion's infectivity, severity, and lethality (timing on this last is important).
Prion - Choose Starting Country

Saudi Arabia once again proves to do the trick (imho) better than the popular starting Countries like China or South Africa.

Prion - Symptoms :: Phase One
We want to boost Prion's Infectivity and Severity without spending too much DNA this early on but we also want it ready for Greenland, Iceland, Canada, Sweden, and others that may trouble us later.

  • Rash
  • Nausea
  • Sweating
  • Vomiting
  • Cysts
  • Hyper Sensitivity
    • Abscesses
    • Good for Wealthier Countries (Canada and others that are slow)
  • Coughing
  • Pneumonia
    • Good for Cold Weather Countries (Greenland and others that are slow)
  • Sneezing
Prion - Transmission
Keeping it simple to save on DNA and because anymore won't be needed with Symptoms doing a lot of the work.

  • Water 1
  • Air 1
  • Water 2

IMPORTANT: At this point there are going to be numerous bubbles to pop and so I highly recommend slowing the game to 2 or 1 if you need but be careful because if you press the keys for game-speed (1, 2, or 3) when a pop-up is present the background un-pauses but the pop-up still blocks a portion of the view and if your mouse is moving when you try to click OK it often doesn't register.
Prion - Abilities :: Phase One
We of course want to help spread the Prion across the globe but our focus is Greenland so some of these are obvious but slowing the cure's progress should be a goal as well.

  • Cold Resistance 1
  • Cold Resistance 2
    • This is important if we want to hit Greenland especially if the world grows colder event pops up.
  • Heat Resistance 1
    • In the end if we're dealing with borders it will either be Sweden which we have covered or Monaco which this is one of the reasons for this ability but there is no need for lvl 2.
  • Drug Resistance 1
  • Drug Resistance 2
    • Vital for spreading in Wealthier areas who believe a couple Tylenol will do the trick... tricks on them.
  • Genetic Hardening 1
  • Genetic Hardening 2
    • This will significantly slow the progress of the cure especially with future Symptoms and Abilities to help.
Prion - Symptoms :: Phase Two
We've gathered a good deal of DNA and want more while also making it even more difficult for those hoping for a cure that will never come!

  • Pulmonary Odema
    • Helping boost DNA with severity, spreading the infection, and slightly raising the Lethality. All good things if you're a Prion!
  • Skin Lesions
      Increases infectivity significantly and with both Skin Lesions and Pulmonary Odema in combination with all our symptoms should break all borders avoiding the need for the Suppression Gene and/or Bird 1.
  • Insomnia
  • Paranoia
  • Seizures
  • Paralysis
  • Coma
    • The above five symptoms are useful for slowing and cutting progress of the cure back which allows us to further focus on improving our disease.
Prion - Abilities :: Phase Two

The scientists all over the globe have let their hubris step aside and are willing to cooperate with one another which is never a good thing but we've taken steps to slow them down... We're not done yet!

  • Neural Atrophy 1
  • Neural Atrophy 2
  • Neural Atrophy 3
    • Killing off brain cells without the high makes complex tasks more difficult to complete which leads to further slowing the progress of the cure.
Prion - Combo Killer
We've made great progress infecting most Countries but we still have a few who were better prepared and time and additional symptoms are required but we also wish to keep our cure down while we hit the point of no return (will go into detail near the end).

  • Necrosis
    • Not only does this kill the host quickly (but not too quickly which is good) but leaves the corpse as a strong source for transmission.

  • Genetic Reshuffle 1
    • We want to bring the progress and keep it below 30% preferably 20-25% so if you have spare DNA while enough to finish up our next few lethal Symptoms go ahead and evolve Genetic Reshuffle 2 though 3 may be too much a risk!

We should have all Countries infected at this point. Once our most recent Country hit's 15,000 infected and is spreading fast we can finally start doing some serious damage to end this quickly.

  • Total Organ Failure
    • I repeat, wait for the last Country to reach 10-15k infected and growing in numbers quickly or you risk killing off all infected leaving uninfected which leads to a loss. This Symptom is going to do the most damage and do it quick!
  • Dysentery
    • Helps spread infection while also increasing how lethal our disease is becoming. You'll need to evolve either Diarrhea or Insanity (both has pros and cons from events that boost cure progress, DNA cost, and cure progress being cut and slowed).
  • Hemorrhagic Shock
    • Quite lethal speeding up the end which is important for that perfect score!

As you can see I didn't wait to see if all managed to get infected first but timed it so that all would die very shortly after receiving the message in the above image.

We should have more DNA so spend it on Insanity, Genetic Reshuffle, and/or more lethal symptoms to speed up the end as the end is now a guarantee for mankind.

Prion - Conclusion

By now we should be both use to reading the news and their dismal "Sorry, all is over and I have no one hold so here I am reporting the obvious" as well as the pleasure of knowing there is nothing that can stop the upcoming screen announcing your

Congratulations on defeating humanity with the Prion Disease and if you managed to follow this guide perfectly and random events were not as troublesome as they can sometimes be (some serious events slow things down allowing for the cure to jump or the time it took to kill off humanity lasting a bit too long), you should have a screen similar to mine below (though this game this has got to be my worst score out of 12 games of testing this guide).

With the speed of infection after Transmission and with the Combo Killer section I hope you guys managed to complete this guide without issues! I'd be happy to answer any questions anyone might have or take up requests (but know Neurax Worm and the Simian Flu are next on the list with Scenarios to follow). I'll get back to you as soon as I can! Thank you for reading :)

For those that don't follow my Weekly Contagion & Other Indies Stream & Giveaway I did one for Plague Inc: Evolved if you'd like to check it out!

Sorry but it does not let us embed a time-stamp. Plague Inc: Evolved portion starts at 5mins 10seconds.

Check out my other guides -
135 条留言
2003 Chevy Impala 2 月 25 日 上午 5:28 
This worked for me on the first try. I did not use Genetic reshuffle 2, but went straight to symptoms as soon as I hit 15k infected in Greenland. I found myself lacking for points near the middle, and the cure was outpacing me for a bit, but once the deaths started picking up, I was home free. :steamthumbsup::sans:
AntiHackerAction 2024 年 6 月 24 日 下午 1:08 
Worked like a charm! Only got 4 biohazards, but it worked!
Hippyshake 2024 年 4 月 21 日 上午 11:42 
Greenland is too fussy (lost the first game because they closed their border quickly). Second game I started in Greenland (my usual starting zone) and it transferred the prion to the Netherlands, From there, it wasn't too difficult. Morocco closed their border, but I just infected birds and they flew across it. From there, infection spread so fast that I didn't need Dysentery.
Fx2TheGoldenWarrior 2023 年 12 月 6 日 下午 6:26 
Once again, as always, perfectly done. First try (honestly these are so easy after fungus haha)
theheap 2023 年 10 月 19 日 上午 10:38 
thx man this helped me beat prion in the pirate plague scenario.
1990 Ford F250 2023 年 8 月 9 日 下午 5:29 
two tries, greenland ruined first try
Lord Raganow 2023 年 2 月 9 日 下午 6:03 
I followed Your guide with exception of Heat Resistance 1, because I think this is a little bit slight exaggeration and redundant use of DNA points (when You start Your plague in hot country it will have the Heat Resistance). For those who didn't infected yet Greenland or another island countries or country (while most of other countries are), try to involve Bird 1 which can help You infect this countries (this helped me infect Norway while nearby Finland and Sweden was infected has started closing borders). I've also involved some other thinks I don't remember to slow cure or to increase lethality (everthing is in Your hands).
I won with four biohazadrs in 744 days with 94% cure progress and 31520 score.
jabbahut1972 2022 年 8 月 24 日 下午 3:52 
Well this took me 2 tries. 1st try I didn't get Greenland infected, so I googled how to get it infected & found this site:

It states that in order to infect Greenland you need to evolve both water & air transmissions as well as bioaerosol. This didn't leave me enough DNA to evolve the nastier symptoms towards the end, but I lucked out with necrosis and total organ failure mutating on their own. I think the cure got to 79% because I didn't have enough DNA points for the genetic reshuffles. I still didn't have enough for dysentery, but it hardly mattered.

My final score was 4 bio-hazard badges @ 41030 & wiping out humanity in 618 days. Nice guide, but as you can see I made a slight modification.
Tatsur0  [作者] 2022 年 6 月 7 日 上午 12:53 
Been swamped with work but hope to return to these guides and add more in the near future. Been pushing out a new VR title myself.
plop 2022 年 6 月 6 日 上午 12:30 
(a small note- it also is usually more than 365 days, which puts it on a 3 score. This also occurred on one of the other guides for perfect score, and it was a bit annoying.)