Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

Ocen: 69
The most accurate Heap of Foods. Made by Jack lodi
Autorzy: Jack_Lodi i 1 innych współtwórców
And JustD31
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Firstly, i wanna give you mod link

And now you will hear a short story: in June/July of 2020 year user who's name is kynoox (now kyno) relased in workshop mod "The foods pack". There were over 100 dishes for everyone and everything, but, after short time, for unknown reason, this mod dissapeared from workshop. Later it even had been deleted (maybe because of bugs, because people really liked this mod, I've never seen mod, which can get more than 100 rewards so fast). And now, but technically at 25th of December 2020's, Kyno created another mod: "Heap of foods". I can 100% say it's reupload of old creation. Not so long ago it had less food (92),but now it have respective 135 dishes, more than 55 new ingredients and tons of fresh content. So, let's discuss...
New ingredients and foods
Let's start with simple. Many ways of getting food have been changed and much of stuff we already have now can be used in cooking, so I have divided them into several groups. Look at this picture with new ingredients,and you'll understand how large this mod is.

And all of this is not even all ingredients. Only most important ones. Anyway, lets start.

Gathering foods

First of all - food you neither need to grow, nor trade or fight. Just pick up an walk away.


Previously both cave banana tree and banana bush on moon quay island gave us the same type of food: bananas. Now tree fruits are cave bananas, and other ones have recived a brighter texture. This change dosen't look like something big, but it creates big difference in one of the foods we will see...


Product you'll definetly need get if you wanna make at least 1/4 of everything new. You can find it in savannah biome.

3. Radish,sweet potato,aloe and champignons

I can't say anything special. Sweet potatos, aloe and radishes just grew on the ground in DLC-s, the same thing here. Almost. Radish is located in birchnut forests, sweet potatoes and champignons - in deep forests and aloe - in meadow. There's one more way to get each of them... But forget about it now.

By the way, champignons regrow on stumps, like mushroom farm, but without fertilizers. Can't give shrooms in winter.


It grows in swamps and uses scrapped onion texture


This one grows in caves near splumonkeys. The samll one just picks up, but the giant needs to be chopped, but gives 2-3 units of that veggie. You'll recive eaten parznip after eating, so... double dinner, i guess.

6.Oceanic plants

Some vegies grows in water, so you will need a boat to get them. Grows randomly,but taro roots and seaweeds often grows close to land, in other way, watercress (the second in picture) is usuallly slighty deeper in ocean. Like the next products: lotus flower and sea cucumber

7.Spotbush, limpet rock and palmtree

It's too early to say something about this ones. But what i can tell now is if you turn option "wild plants" on, birchnuts trees in osasis will be replaced with palms

You can harvest them for one coconut, then do it again after 5-7 days or chop and get one more and some logs. Coconuts can be halved with tools like axe or hammer

8.Twiggy nuts

There's action starts. You need to chop twiggy tree down and you will get nuts. I mean 25% chance you will, so good luck

Animal drops
Now lets talk about something you'll need to fight for, from safest to most dangerous


Danger level:0
Dropped by: puffins and canaries when they land on the ground or fly away
Useful? - I guess...


Danger level: 0-11
Dropped by: bees after pollinating 6 flowers in total or after murdering Bee Queen
Useful? - Yes, it is

3.Gummy slugs

Danger level:2
Dropped by: catcoons
Useful? - Definetly!


Danger level:3
Dropped by: cookie cutters
Useful? - In some ways


Danger level:5
Dropped after: killing or combing beefalo
Useful? - 100% Yes!

6.Shark fin

Danger level:6
Dropped by: rockjaws
Useful? - 100% Yes!

7.Crab meat

Danger level:7
Dropped by:crab king instead of egular meat (6-8)
Useful? - 200% Yes!

8.Coffee bushes and coffee beans

Danger level:10
Dropped by: dragonfly (4 bushes by defaullt)
Useful? - Yes it freaking is

9.Poison frog legs

Danger level:11
Dropped by: toadstool/misery toadstool
Should you fight a giant toad for 1 unit of ingredient for 1 dish? -...


10.Long pig

Danger level:0-11
Dropped by: dead players (30% chance)
Immoral? - yes, but who care (If you - turn drop off, but you won't get 1 of dishes)

Some foods needs to be traded. There's two traders in game:

1.Pig king

trade list:
- Berry Bushes for Spotty Shrubs
- Grass Tufts for Wheat Saplings
- Cut Lichen for Limpets.
- Asparagus Seeds for Aloe Seeds.
- Durian Seeds for Fennel Seeds.
- Potato Seeds for Sweet Potato Seeds.
- Watermelon Seeds for Sea Cucumber Seeds.
- Eggplants for Taro Root.
- Kelp Fronds for Seaweed.
- Butterfly for Lotus Flower.
- Succulent for Watercress.
- Carrot Seeds for Radish Seeds.
- Pomegranate Seeds for Coconuts
- Cave Bananas for Bananas.
- Garlic Seeds for Turnip Seeds.
- Pumpkin Seeds for Parsnip Seeds

For what you need all of this? Soon you will know

2.Crabby hermit

Trade list:
-Gives balphin free tuna after completing task with heavy fish
-Gives canned steak, canned beans and canned toma roots after completing flower salad task

All cans can't spoil before you open it, after that it takes 15 days to spoil

-Opened Balphin free tuna gives +25 hunger / +10 health / +0 sainity
-Opened steak gives +25 hunger / +5 health / +0 sainity
-Opened toma roots gives +20 hunger / +12,5 health / +0 sainity
-Opened beans gives +20 hunger / +0 health / +10 sainity

Drying mahyem

Now all mushrooms and leafy meat can be dried. YAY!

New mechanics for making food
Not long ago three new mechanics has been added in mod:

1.Lying rock

Find it in mosaic and savannah biomes. Can be opened for various resources. Renewes after 5-7 days

2.Water crates

You can find it in ocean and pick up or smash with your boat. Gives seaweed and 1 random item. Including new canned drinks

Each if this gives +0 hunger / -8 health / +33 sainity and spoils in 15 days

3. Artisan goods
You'll need new book and new buildings

What now? I will tell you later...

Firstly, you need bucket

Hold on, guys.there's more. Now you can get a milk from beefalo/koalefant/voltgoat. Every animal gives it's own type of milk

Every animal can attack you when you milk them with 70% chance. But if you wear Beefalo hat this chance will be lowered to 10% (And to 0% if you'll put them to sleep). You can get 1 unit of milk every 7 days usually and 2 units every 10 days in spring. Tamed beefalo always gives 2 units of milk, never attacks and gives 3th item in spring

You can tweak bucket-o-poop recipe to require bucket

And it's time for...

New farm plants and fertilizers
Let's start from fertilizers

1. Ruined sap: rotten sap and item you'll get from sick sugartrees (SPOILER)
2. Bile-Covered Slup: can obtain by smashing water crates. No another use
3. Ashes: mostly for fertilize coffee bushes
4. Floatizer: new craft with 20 uses (SPOILER #2)
5. Sluge: Result of wrong artisan recipe (SPOILER #3)

Also I need to say: all till weeds now have their own seeds, so you can actually replant them

New plants


The fruit of earth dragon

2.Sea cucumber
So big and hard... emmm, what did i talk about?

Fact: in real life this veggie is a type of onion, not asparagus

Not so beautiful as cave brother

If carrot contains carotine, this one, probably, full of radiation....

6.Sweet potato
Sweeties lie of all - this is not based on regular potao

This won't scare any vampires away. At least not that part of them who likes turnip
New crafts
Not all recipes allowed to everyone

1.Character-Related Items

there's two of them

1.Potato sack

Wolfgang special item. Has 6 slots only for potatoes (both basic and sweet ones), but it will never spoil in there. Can be carried, like all heavy items


Technicaly, it is not a craft: All Wortox players can store souls in bottles and relase them out in inventory, but it's a character-only item, so it counts. Also everyone can carry them in inventory and use in cooking, but not release.

2.Blueprint items

there is only one

Honey Deposit

Can store only items you see below

All of this will refresh if it can spoil and deposit will change its texture if it have at least 1 honey inside

Blueprint drops by beequeen
Nectar transforms into honey inside

3.Crafts for everyone


Like bucket-o-poop, but better

2.Mushroom Stump

Another way to obtain champignons.Will be empty on first plant

3.Mussel Stick

Grows mussels. Second way to obtain them and first (and last) craft for water

Mealing Stone

this one deserves more attention because it is also crafting station

1.Bacon Scraps

You wil always get 2 fresh scraps

2. Salt

Before all it can refresh 33% of crock pot food spoilage

3.Spot Spice

Technically it's a seasoning, but actually ingredient


In my days we used grass and seeds...


Not very useful, but edible

And now it's time to talk about....

Serinety Archipelago
What? I can't tell about food before I'll tell about everything else

Serinety Archipelago locates somewhere in ocean, usually close to main island. As you may understand, it's consists of some (4) separateed islands. Each with special biomes/natural structures.


Contains all what have already seen: grass,wheat, chikens.... Wait, chickens?! Yup, there you can find this goofy birds which can be put in inventory if they sleep, they lay orange chicken eggs if they eat some seeds (or if you feed them, you'll need to wait 1 day to get eggs again anyway) and fly away on close attack. Luckly, we brought boomerang.... right?

2.Rocky beach
Rocks, rocks,rocks. Rocks are everywhere in this island: small rocks giant rocks, limpet rocks (Oh, there they are), and even walking rocks... Oh,wait. It's not a rock! It's just a rocky crabs from Gorge event

3.Sugar Forest
Everything is so pink and sweet: sugar trees, sugar flowers,sugar butterflies, i even got pain in my mouth. Luckly, there's also not so sweet foilages and spotty shurbs

4.Hybrid Island
This part of the land have both sides of two previous island....almost: there you can find rocks, but no any crabs. You can have salt crystals on ground and salt ponds instead. By the way, using fishing rod you can get salmon fish from there

And there's also everything from sugar forest and even more! like pigeons and... Another new trader! Pig elder, who was left by his loyal pigs (probably)

Near you can also find ruins and fixing tool.Use it and you will get free fire pit and cooking station for syrup

The Third Trader

Firstly, Pig elder trades 15 items

1.Salt rack

The thing you need to get 1 salt crystal every 3 days from salt ponds, but you can't fish if it's installed, so you can remove it with a hammer and get the rack back

2.Crab trap

Throw on ground and bait or wait. 4 uses

3.Tree Tapping Kit

For gathering sap from sugar trees.Beware, if you left full busket for 4 days the tree will be diseased

4.Slaughter tools

Instantly kills koalefant/beefalo/voltgoat/ewecus. 4 uses. Wigfrid gains extra meat

*The man behind the slaughter music plays*

5.Cookpot kit

6. Syrup kit

7.Oven kit

8.Small grill kit

9.Large grill kit

All of this items will be given you as boxes

And if you open boxes you'll get two cook pots and two frying racks, syrup pot and frying rack, two oven kits and two soup dishes, small grill or large grill. It's depends on what did you trade. Every cooking station needs to be placed on fire pit and works like cooking pot, but have chance to give you 1 extra food item when harvested. They're indentical to each other in way of usage and result (exep syrup pot. It always gives 3 units of syrup instead of just one). Note: Fire pit must have maximum fire level for station work.

10.Owairaka seeds packet

11.Brassica seeds packet

12.Raphanus Seeds Packet

13.Wautoma seeds packet

14.Pastinaca seeds packet

15.Finoccio seeds packet

Just seeds of veggies we talked about earlier. Nothing special

Do you think that's all? No! If you give elder wobster dinner you'll find a way to get 5 more items

16.musty antidote

Cures diseased sugar trees

17. Sugar flower

Counts as 1 sweeter in cook pot and needs to be used in some of recipes

18.Sugar Bud

The seed which grows sugar tree anywhere and anytime

19.Spotty Shurb

No need to dig up berrybushes now!

20.Wheat turft

No need to dig up grass turfts now!
Seaside island
There's another new location this mod brings. Now it's one big island, but it also have zones

1. Beach
Full of sand piles you can dig, coconuts you can harvest and crates you can hammer. Cool!

2.Seaweed's home
This place definitely was born for harvesting barnacles

3.Tea forest
Very beautiful place with my beloved tea. Also you can find here flowers, berry bushes (will be replaced in future) and pikos hiding in the trees. They can steal items so better steal them first with traps

4. Chicken forest
Nearly same, but with chickens

5. Beach swamp
The place full of your buddies merms. There are also some sea bones and ponds where you can catch new fish which don't necessary and counts like 1 fish in crock pot. The fish you'll get depends of season
NOTE: you'll never catch there purple fish. Find it in basic swamp pond instead. All fishes also can be found in bundles in water crates
The last information before food rewiew
There's list of all 162 foods this mod currently have. Don't swap to next chapter if you scared of spoilers

And description of symbols I will use in rewiew:

* - the only way to cook that dish

© - not the only, but the best recipe in my opinion

The stamp which means "Portable cook pot only"

The stamp which means "character's favorite
The foods (part 1)
1.Tigela di` Merde* (closest translate: bowl of cr#p)

Disgusting food which can be eaten only by Wormwood

2.Fish Steak©
Don't worry if something will smell fishy

3. Macaroni and cheese©
One of my favorites. Both in game and real life

4. Hamburger©
Why fast food's cooking time is "average"?

5. Tomato soup
Red and white. So beautiful colors, especially when it's together

6. Bruschetta
Who would think that bread with tomato can be so delicious?

7. Polish cookies©
Two cookies will give you health of twenties

8. Bacon wrapped meat
More like "bacon wrapped bacon"

9. Merry berry sauce*
No need to use it like a sauce, just eat it =)

10. Crab roll
Food for dandy

11. Turnip cake
Back in my days we had only onion cakes

12. Meat pie
Greatest food for long journey

13. Tropical Bouillabaisse*
Everything is worth 2 days of speed boost

14. Syrup
More important as ingredient than as meal

15. Sweet Potato chips*
Sweet potato, regular potato, who cares?

16. Kitty Snack ©
Share this with me, little kitty

17. Poached Fish*
As useful as it looks like. In good case

18. Onion soup©
... Not bad, but not good either

19. Pot roast
Give Wigfrid more hunger than she can held

20. Cup of water ©
Sensation! Warly will agree eat ice if you'll melt it!

21. Fortune cookie*
It really tells you fortune. Look at examples

22. Mulled punch
So.. Why it can't warm you again?

23. Berry tart*
Baking a berry tart, is such a simple task...

24. Caramel candy*
Feel yourself like Winona, even if you are already Winona

25. Grilled cheese ©
You'll know where to find cheese soon

26. Sliders
Little hamburgers

27. Sausage*
Now we just need some pretzels and beer to start Octoberfest...

28. Pizza©
Mmmm, I smell pizza...

29. Watercress soup
Cool food for hot man (or woman)

30.Super meaty stew©
Just add some spice

31. Potato pancakes
In Russian "Draniki"

32. Crab ravioli
Looks like crab meat is very good for your health

33. Garlic bread
I will never understand why Wigfrid refuses to eat this

34. Fish burger ©
Fish is more healthy than bacon. I trust it

35. Bagel and fish
Well... I never thought of how delicious bagels can be

36. Nachos*
Can cause exitement

37. Mushroom burger
Keeps your mind clear

38. Breaded cutlet*
... I need a ketchup

39. Cream of mushroom soup*
I hope they washed mushrooms before cooking

40. Shepherd's pie
The taste of childhood...

The foods (part 2)
41. Fish and chips©
Where did you get sauce?

42. Meat skewers ©
I hope it's fried to medium rare

43. Shooter sandwich
Om nom nom, mnon nom... Delicious!

44. Sweet potato casserole
Let's celebrate vegan's feast!

45. Pickled herring
Add some grass and you'll get sushi

46. Croquette©
Almost like nuggets

47. Roasted Hazlenuts*
No nut cooking ends now!

48. Banana pudding©
Our cheif bananed from server

49. Manicotti
This is not stuffed binoculars, this is not stuffed binoculars...

50. Good gravy ©
No, you can't use it as seasoning.

51. Scone
Two tasty scones for me and... Me again

52. Bowl of popcorn*
Best addition for looking how deerclops fight tentacle trap

53. Meat wellington ©
Even monster meat cooked by chef tastes like God's food

54. Creamy fish ©
Yeah, salmon fish is very important in this mod

55. Vegetable soup*
Better than nothing... Maybe

56. Lolipop©
Sadly, too small to be lolichop

57. Spaghetti and meatball ©
This is not three meatballs, but this is good

58. Steak fries ©
Meat and potatoes always been great combination

59. Bibingka
Real prototype must have rice inside, but we won't tell anyone

60. Jelly sandwich*
Bread and jam, bread and jam. I like it, do you like?

61. Tom kha soup*
You can't change anything except color of mushroom

62. Festive fish dish ©
Hardest part of cooking - waiting for summer and get succulents

63. Meatloaf
Finally. Bread for Wigfrid

64. Potato soup
Wolfgang can describe this better than me

65. Roasted turkey ©
How half of turkey dinner can give you more hunger than all?!

66. Crab cake *
It looks like a crab

67. Trifle
You'll feel yourself more clever after eating

68. Cheeseburger ©
Ham, fish, mushrooms... Cheese is better than all of this

69. Fishball skewers ©
I've seen better, but that will do

70. Stuffed mushrooms ©
Chief's advise: better stuff with twigs

71. Candied fish
Sweet and meaty? We'll take two

72. Jelly roll*
Masterpiece of making great food from nothing

73. Creamy Fettuccine ©
I love all types of pasta, so yes, it's good

74. Garlic mashed potatoes ©
And why Wolfgang prefer potato soup when we have this?

75. Tourtiere©
Like meat pie, but much better and slightly more expensive

76. Milkshake*
I hope you hungry for health and salinity but not hunger

77. Mint jellybeans*
This one restores sainity, not health

78. Potato chips
I'm not gonna lie, this is...
*annoying crunchy sound*

Old texture

79. Caviar ©
The only usage of roe besides raw/cooked eating

80. Latkes
This one looks even more delicious than potato pancakes!

81. Roast vegetables *
Not good and not bad

82. Fish pie ©
Wurt's worst nightmare

83. Sweet potato souffle*
Back in good old shipwrecked times...

84. Cucumber salad
Sea veggie dries you off. Now I've seen everything
The foods (part 3)
85. Pannetone©
Sweet bread

86. Mussel Bouillabaise
One more shipwrecked flashback

87. Radish salad©
I like salads and good sprites. So, bingo, I guess?

88. Cinnamon roll*
Cinnamon isn't necessary, but all what you see is

89. Coffee ©
Good for men, women, warriors, children, robots and everyone else

90. Gummy Beargers*
Oh I'm a gummy bear, yes I'm a gummy bear, oh I'm a angry hungry grumpy deadly gummy bear

91. Pretzel*
Only beer is left

92. White cheese*
Nice food, awesome ingredients

93. Lutefisk
Definitely worthless

94. Honey jar*
Yes. Honeycomb is necessary

95. French fries*

96. Stuffing
Simple, but helpful

97. Cheese ©
Same recipe, but without veggies

98. Iced tea *
Forget about rabbit tea, squirrel tea only, hardcore only!

99. Tricolor dango* (any milk)
Something in otaku's language

100. Cotton candy*
The most atmospheric food for carnival

101. Koalefant cheese
It requires what kind of milk?

102. Cornucopia
Real pro's eat this with horn

103. Pepper rolls
Finally. Burito

104. Lotus chips*
Now I understand I haven't seen anything yet...

105. Bisque*
The only meal which requires limpties. Definitely worth it

106. Kitty Kat snack ©
We aren't cats, but is there anyone who checks?

107. Onion rings*
My precious...

108. Pumpkin pie *
Vegetable analog of Tourtiere

109. Pumpkin soup*
Soup or pie? That's the question...

110. Donuts*
Mmmmm, donuts...

111. Fish Stew
More health than meat stew, but less hunger

112. Fig Juice*
New and cool fig recipe

113. Creamy Jellybeans*
This one gives hunger instead of health and sanity

114. Seafoam pudding*
More delicious than looks like

115. Elote en vaso* (from spanish: corn in a cup)
There's never too much Mexican food

116. Pink cake
Everyday I get my cake

117. Chocolate*
New food-ingredient

118. Chocolate donuts*
Usage for new food ingredient

119. Poi
Taro root Puree is surprisingly good

120. Hot hound*
Waiting for ice hound

121. Lusty jellybeans*
No more "instead". Restores all stats over time

122. Parznip soup*
Even if you have only eaten that will do

123. Monster muffin©
This things looks too ametist-like for raisins...

124. White chocolate*
Beefalo milk is more white than koalefant's, I guess...

125. Algae soup
Soup from gifts of sea

126. White chocolate donuts*
Spoils your health, but it's worth it

127. Pavlova
OH, look, they added berry sauce even if we didn't

128. Bubble tea*
Try tea with black squirrel and you won't sleep again... For 5-7 minutes, I mean

129. Feijoada ©
Who would think that bugs can be so delicious?

130. Cabbage rolls ©
Hm, interesting, we always used meat in cooking this meal...

The foods (part 4)
131. Eyespaghetti* (previously eyeball soup)
Be aware when eat this. You're not the only one who got his eye on that

Previous sprite

132. Tamales
One more Mexican food

133. Twisted tequila*
Dang it! Now even have Mexican alcohol! By the way, it teleports you to random map spot after drinking.

134. Crab artichoke
Dapperest food of all

135. Tea ©
Warm squirrel drink which rots into iced tea

136. Jelly-o-pop*
I have a ice, I have an stick, i have an jellyfish - oh! Jelly-o-pop

137. Carrot cake*
No, it's not a lie anymore

138. Shark fin soup ©
New old way for krampus farming

Old texture:

139. Cheesecake
I will never understand why is this not goodies

140. Bread pudding©
Start your breakfast as true Englishman

141. Snake bone soup ©
If you find bones which was in desert for 3 months - it will be snake bone

142. Caramel cube©
Hey, Kyno, don't forget about your teeth')

143. Slaw*
As useful as it looks. In bad case

144. Coconut water*
Nothing more ot less than 20 health and dry body

Old texture:

145. Carrot soup
I feel nice, like carrot and spot spice

146. Steamed ham sandwich
I thought it will be steamed clam...

147. Curry©
Not so spicy as it should be

148. Sundae ©
Warly will make you the best ice cream you ever tasted

149. Prismatic punch
Prismatic drink, give me a power!

150. French onion soup*
Much better than one we saw before

151. Noxious froggle bunwich ©
Remember my words? We should fight giant toad for 1 ingredient for 1 recipe. And then merms and frogs will respect us for some time

152. Hard shell tacos ©
How Crazy Dave would say: bbragwabhahahaw

153. Symphony of the gears*
The best food for robots... Because it's only for robots

Previous sprite

154. Stone soup
Rocks - the best addition for any soup

155. Deadly feast*
Natural probuct of team building

156. Fire nettle rolls ©
Another usage for another tillweed

Old texture:

157. Bread* (3 per cooking)
Good for teleporting

158. Meated fire nettles©
Monster meat can make anything better

159. Milk box*
Another food - ingredient

160. Loaf of bread* (3 per cooking)

161. Gummy cake*
Everyday I get my cake

162. Soul stew ©
The only food which requires soul in a bottle. The only food which gives all stats for wortox and not half. And the only food only Wortox can eat

Artisan goods: wooden keg
As i said before, you need to have new brewbook
It's looks almost like cookbook, but it contains recipes of wooden keg and preserves jar. It is two brand new cooking stations (which was taken from game "Stardew Walley", to be honest).

Both have same mechanic and time of brewing (+/- 2 days), but completely different result. They also can acept much less ingredients than cookpots. There's all you can store inside:

No color - both stations

blue - wooden keg only

green - preserves jar only

Let's discuss all about wooden keg firstly

This building transforms ingredients inside into various drinks. Some of them may be alcohol, so your character will become groggy after consuming

By the way, all children characters can't drink anyy alcohol drinks by default, but you can change it in settings.

Before discuss all drinks i wanna make some notes:

All drinks and pickles have only one recipe (if I won't say it's not)

(A) - alcoholic drink

The stamp which means "character's favorite"

All 36 drinks (Spoilers)
Wooden keg recipes
1. Toma root juice
Looks almost like bottled blood

2. Green cap juice
We're in Dst, so it's completely save to drink juice from strange mushrooms

3. Lotus flower juice
I fell Zen...

4. Potato juice
Bottled starch

5. Lichen juice
This just drives me crazy

6. Parznip juice
This cave plant, in other way, calms me down

7. Sea cucumber juice
Usually we ate cucumbers after drinking, but I don't mind to mix this actions

8. Corn juice
Sugar - free corn syrup

9. Carrot juice
Best drink for your eyes

10. Black tea
More like red, but okay

11. Moon shroom juice
Who need to start day from a cup of coffee, when we have this?

12. Pepper juice
Is there so hot or it's just my juice?

13. Onion juice
Makes me cry

14. Taro root juice
Luquid from water plant? Sounds great!

15. Red cap juice
Even poisonous mushroom can be a good healing

16. Turnip juice
Ah, the juice colored like swamp in the morning...

17. Seaweed juice
Now this one colored like watered grass

18. Radish juice
Almost like vine... at least looks like one

19. Champignon juice
This white color makes me feel myself uncomfortable.... But I'll drink it anyway

20. Pumpkin juice

21. Aspsragus juice
Pull bottle or two in bowl and you'll get asparagaspacho

22. Watercress juice
More water than cress

23. Aloe juice
Best drink for your skin

24. Fennel juice
This strange drink from onion-like veggie is very yummy

25. Pale Ale (A)
Makes you 20% stronger and 100% more groggy

26. Kelp juice
I like this color very much

27. Eggplant juice
No, you don't need to use any eggs

28. Ripe stone fruit
No any rocks inside, but still drink carefully

29. Sweet potato juice
More sweet than juice from regular potato

30. Garlic juice
Scare all thirsty vampires away

31. Blue cap juice
Looks like fresh water. But it's not one, how you may notice

32. Cactus juice (you can use cactus flowers instead)
Almost tequila

33. Green tea
Kyno's rule number 33: no tea without squirrels

34. Beer (A)

35. Mead(A) (honey or syrup)
Sweeet, but not for children. gives 20% defense

36. Pirate's Rum (A)
Слово "Ром" и слово "Смерть" для вас означает...

Artisan goods: preserves jar
The second New cooking station with same cooking mechanics

No any limits now. Everyone can eat everything... Except Wigfrid, of course. But she can eat goodies you'll see there

All 46 preserves jar foods (SPOILERS)
Preserves jar recipes (part 1)
1. Cave banana jam
With taste of foliage and cave spiders

2. Mayonese
Is good, but is not and instrument

3. Tartar sauce
Instantly gives you hunger you can get with mayonese after some time. Even slightly more

4. Durian jam
The monster fruit jam

5. Pickled Aloe
Another food for healthy skin

6. Pickled Moon Shroom
The food from another plane... Another sputnik

7. Pickled Sweet Potato
Wolfgang's goodies

8. Pickled Eggplant
*the man behind the slaughter music plays*

9. Pickled Pepper
Is there so hot, or it's just my can with pepper?

10. Pickled Red Cap
I think it's a red flag...

11. Pickled Turnip
Healthy and pretty

12. Pickled Pumpkin
The understanding that pumpkin is pickle with greatest amount of health fills you up with... Health

13. Pickled Radish
Is jokes about radiation still funny?

14. Banana jam
With taste of monkeytails and light bugs

15. Pickled kelp
A can full of sea cabbage

16. Void mayonese (1 nightmare fuel, 1 egg)
Drains something like - 300 sanity over time. I warned you

17. Dragon fruit jam

18. Pickled Asparagus
Good addition to the dinner

19. Pickled Fennel
Insanely healthy

20. Pickled Green Cap
My favorite one. Sadly it won't help my mind

21. Pomegranate jam
Even devil can't resist it

22. Watermelon jam
Less water, more melon

23. Pickled Lotus Flower
Pinky pills

24. Pickled Ripe Stone Fruit
It's a fruit but it is not a jam. How strange...

25. Pickles
Little more salty than it should be

26. Pickled Blue Cap
Blue capsules

27. Pickled Garlic
One garlic at day keeps vampires away

28. Pickled Cactus (can use cactus flowers instead)
Understanding this is the second food with highest amount of health fills you up with the... Cactus

29. Pickled Corn
Like a corn which wait to be added in salad

30. Pickled Toma Root
I've never liked it in real live, but it's not bad there

31. Juicy Berries jam
So.. Is this jam or juice?

32. Glow berry jam (can use lesser glow berry)
Your happiness and phosphorus from berries creates a great light aura

33. Pickled Parznip
I'm full, guys... But we need to continue rewiew

34. Chicken Mayonese
Looks very delicious... But we won't use this as seasoning. Just eat like that

35. Pickled Potato
A pot with potato

36. Pickled Watercress
More cress than water

37. Pickled Taro Root
Taro root pack

38. Pickled Lichen
Food for cave travels

39. Coconut jam
Jam from one tree fruit

40. Pickled Seaweed
A can with sea grass

41. Berries jam
Almost the same as previous, but not so juicy

42. Pickled Onion
Now you'll make onion cry

43. Pickled Chamignon
The last but not least canned mushroom

 44. Tallbird Mayonese
Way taller than a regular one

Preserves jar recipes (part 2)
45. Fig jam
Mashed purple pear

46. Pickled Carrot
Another great food for your eyes
Well, that was a biggest mod I had to rewiew, I hope it will help you. If you liked it you can rate it, share it give it a rew... Ehm, what I talked about?
Thank you, Kyno, you did a great job!
That was a Jack Lodi, this is my Heap of Foods guide. I am outta here!
Komentarzy: 30
snowie 26 grudnia 2024 o 9:30 
now im waiting for the new update guide
jebby90 13 czerwca 2024 o 12:22 
when i try to cook Twisted tequila it always tur to ratatoille
AKA²_Sparx✨ 2 marca 2024 o 18:08 
Do you have a guide to the combinations of these new vegetables so that they grow giant?
Bánh Đậu Xanh 27 listopada 2023 o 23:20 
yes, i've waited until it appeared the artisan but I still couldnt take it.
Jack_Lodi  [autor] 26 listopada 2023 o 12:14 

Sorry for long reply, but no, are you sure you waited enough? It took 2 days or more to get artisan
Bánh Đậu Xanh 9 listopada 2023 o 5:16 
hi, I can't harvest the product made from both of the artisan goods. Do I need something to harvest?
Jack_Lodi  [autor] 21 września 2023 o 6:27 
@joodas In last version you need 3 ingredients nstead of two, i will update guide soon. the third ingredient depends of type of foods: For Jams you need sweetener like honey, for pickled foods you need spot spices, for drinks you need ice
j 21 września 2023 o 2:54 
For brewing and preserves, it looks like u only need 2 ingredients for each, but whats the last ingredient? do we need a bottle?
Jack_Lodi  [autor] 18 sierpnia 2023 o 0:43 
Without `
Jack_Lodi  [autor] 18 sierpnia 2023 o 0:42 

