Deliver Us The Moon

Deliver Us The Moon

76 ratings
Achievements Guide
By RobotMan #08
A comprehensive guide to all 32 achievements for Deliver Us The Moon.
Story Achievements (Not Missable)

The following Story Achievements will automatically unlock as you progress & complete the game. The game is broken down into 6 main chapters.

  • Chapter 1: Fesenkov Launch Site
  • Chapter 2: Pearson Spacestation
  • Chapter 3: Copernicus Moonhub
  • Chapter 4: Copernicus Outpost
  • Chapter 5: Reinhold Crater
  • Chapter 6: Tombaugh Reactor

Fly Me To The Moon
Bid farewell to our home planet
Compete Chapter 1: Fesenkov Launch Site

A Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Check up on the MPT before escaping from a collapsing titan
Complete Chapter 2: Pearson Spacestation

The Mechanic
Find yourself a friend
During Chapter 3: Copernicus Moonhub, Find & Repair the ASE

Twin Flames
Realign the MPT towers to return local power to Moonhub
During Chapter 3: Copernicus Moonhub, Unlocked after aligning both MPT Towers

Remember Me
Make your way through Copernicus Moonhub's lingering echoes
Complete Chapter 3: Copernicus Moonhub

Clearing The Way
Ensure safe passage to the source of the MPT
Complete Chapter 4: Copernicus Outpost

A Light In The Dark
Restore local MPT power to a base long abandoned
During Chapter 5: Reinhold Crater, Unlocked after powering up both MPT Towers

Once Upon A Time In The Void
Check all links in the MPT network and start the journey to Tombaugh
Complete Chapter 5: Reinhold Crater

Delivered Us The Moon
Stir a sleeping giant, save the world and reunite with an old friend
Complete Chapter 6: Tombaugh Reactor
Astrotool (Collectible Achievements)

The following list is for unlocking achievements related to in-game collectibles. These can be missed through normal game-play, but can be obtained later as you unlock the option to replay levels as you complete them. These are also known as Astrotool files and you can see how many you have unlocked or remain on each chapter of the Level Select or in your Astrotool menu. There are a total of 56 files to collect, view or scan.

The First Of Many Courses
Collect a piece of scannable information

The Observer And The Observed
Collect all scannable information

Learning To Listen
Collect an audiolog

Lent Them Your Ears
Collect all audiologs

The Witness
Witness a hologram

What We Do In Life, Echoes In Eternity
Witness all holograms

Environmental Analysis Part I
Complete an astrotool dossier profile

Environmental Analysis Part II
Complete three astrotool dossier profiles

Environmental Analysis Part III
Complete seven astrotool dossier profiles

Environmental Analysis Part IV
Complete ten astrotool dossier profiles

Cosmic Marveller (Moonman Comics)
Cosmic Marveller
Read all entries of the Moonman comic series

*Note* There are a total of 6 comics (1 in each chapter) and are not counted towards the other 56 collectibles or viewable in the Astrotool. Best to focus on getting each one in a single play-through or you will need to utilize Level Select to hunt each one down and collect.

Chapter 1: Fesenkov Launch Site
Comic Book 1: Moonman Far Crossing.

Chapter 2: Pearson Spacestation
Comic 2: Moonman First Contact.

Chapter 3: Copernicus Moonhub
Comic Book 3: Moonman The Bridge.

Chapter 4: Copernicus Outpost
Comic 4: Moonman Dawn of the Colony.

Chapter 5: Reinhold Crater
Comic Book 5: Moonman Hope and Despair.

Chapter 6: Tombaugh Facility
Comic Book 6: Moonman New Flame.

Additional Achievements
The following is a list of achievements that require you to perform specific actions through-out the game. These can be missed through normal game-play, but can be obtained later as you unlock the option to replay levels as you complete them.

You Spin Me Right Round
You Spin Me Right Round
Make the world go round

During Chapter 1: Fesenkov Launch Site, you will eventually be inside of an office where you will interact with the globe. Make sure to keep spinning it until the trophy is earned.
In The Nick Of Time
In The Nick Of Time
Reach the Taurus V with only seconds to go

During Chapter 1: Fesenkov Launch Site, you will eventually trigger the rocket for liftoff to the moon. There will be a countdown to board the rocket, you need to make it to the ladder to go up into the rocket before the door closes to enter the rocket with 5 seconds or less left on the timer.

Houston, We've Had A Problem
Houston, We've Had A Problem
Forget your training

During Chapter 1: Fesenkov Launch Site, while you are inside of the rocket trying to launch, there will be a series of steps to follow that are shown on the poster to the above left. Start with the first sequence of steps and make errors on purpose. Click the wrong buttons, turn them on/off repeatedly, etc. A timer will start to indicate that you only have a few seconds before failing. Let yourself fail. Repeat this process 5 times and you will earn this achievement.
Have A Seat
Have A Seat
Take a seat outside to admire the view

During the chapter, Pearson Space station, there is an office chair that is not strapped down and it is floating around in the Control Room.

You will need to push this chair all the way to the air lock marked ‘Orion’ above.

Next open the air lock to release the chair into space. Once the chair floats outside, the achievement will unlock

Gasping For Air
Gasping For Air
Find oxygen when death seemed certain

Every time that your character is using the oxygen from their space suit, you will see a timer counting down on their back. This indicates how long their current oxygen will last before they die. Sometimes there are canisters of oxygen readily available, hidden in boxes, or there are oxygen refill space suit stations. To obtain this trophy, you will need to wait until you are at less than 1-3 seconds of oxygen left before obtaining more oxygen.
If only Kathy could see this

During Chapter 2: Pearson Spacestation you will enter Rolf’s sleeping quarters where there is a telescope setup pointed at the moon. You will need to LOOK with the telescope and then wait until a teddy bear passes by in front of the moon.

Not A Scratch
Not A Scratch
Remain unharmed during an electrictrifying standoff

During Chapter 3: Copernicus Moonhub, you will need to recover a BATTERY CELL that is inside a room with another Red Eye ASE Unit that is trying to shock and defeat you. You will need to run very fast from pillar to pillar. There are 3 sections of running where you need to avoid getting hit by a shock.

Section 1: Race to the first Pillar.

Section 2: Wait until the eye powers down, race to the second pillar.

Section 3: Wait until the eye powers down, race to the third and final pillar.

If you get hit, let your character die and try again otherwise you will have to replay the entire chapter. Remove the BATTERY CELL to shutdown the power to the Red Eye ASE Unit.
Among The Stars
Among The Stars
One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind

During your first use of the moon buggy, you will need to drive around to locate a crater where a fake 1969 setup of the moon landing is displayed.

Interact with the director’s chair to earn this trophy.

Survive outside for 30 minutes

While on the moon, be outside of buildings and vehicles, for at least 30 minutes cumulatively. Attempt this trophy when you first gain access to the moon buggy and there are no time based decisions that you need to make. After you exit the moon buggy, you will have 3 minutes to walk, jump, spin around, etc., but remember to go back into the moon buggy before the time expires. Then go back out of the vehicle and you will now have another 3 minutes to move around. Repeat this process until you earn this achievement.

Goodbye, Old Friend
Goodbye, Old Friend
Bring a companion cell on a rocky road trip

During Chapter 5: Reinhold Crater, there will be 2 BATTERY CELLS in a room before entering the air lock area. One battery (blue light marking) that is charged and it will be used to power the air lock. The other battery (orange light marking) that is not charged (dead). You will need to take this dead BATTERY CELL throughout this area. Every time you need to interact with something, you will need to drop the BATTERY CELL and remember to pick it back up.

When you eventually get to the Vehicle Bay area, drop the BATTERY CELL so that it falls out of the building and down to the surface of the moon.

Enter your moon buggy and you will then be lifted down to the moon surface. As soon as you can exit your moon buggy, pick up the BATTERY CELL and run it over to the MPT Tower that has a red target on it. It is the MPT Tower to the right and it looks crooked.

Drop it beside the vehicle entrance pad. Go back to your moon buggy and go realign the other MPT Tower. Then drive to the other MPT Tower that has the dead BATTERY CELL beside it.

Park your moon buggy to open the air lock entrance to open the doors to the building. Pick up the dead BATTERY CELL and place it behind your moon buggy.

Continue by realigning the MPT Towers. Upon successfully realignment of the MPT Towers, there will be a cut scene where you will earn this achievement.

The Aquanaut
The Aquanaut
They all float down there

During Chapter 6: Tombaugh Facility, when you are searching for the Helium Canister, there are 2 collectible YELLOW RUBBER DUCKIES that you must find and collect.

One is in the hallway in the Auditorium inside a section of pipe on the floor.

Activate your ASE Unit and control it to go inside the pipe to push the YELLOW RUBBER DUCKY out of the pipe. Then collect it.

The second is accessible after you have turned on the control panel computer and interacted with it. This will open a door that was inaccessible in the previous area.

Go back to where the door was locked and walk down the flooded hallway into the next room.

To the right you will interact with the other that is attached to a red balloon.

Now You See Me
Now You See Me
Find the rhythm to a source of overwhelming power

During the chapter, Tombaugh Facility you will eventually take the Helium Canister to the reactor. Once the reactor is switched on you will need to run to and hide behind the small wall sections to block out the reactor’s pulse of energy it emits.

The pulse of energy is emitted at a constant interval so that you can time when to move to the next hiding spot. Make it all the way around without getting hit. Activate the button in the room and this will start the reactor to spin. Run within the shadow as it moves.

Hide behind small wall sections and then run in the shadow to go up the stairs. In the last section the reactor is now pulsing a death ray at a constant pace.

Run directly after one finishes to the small wall sections to go around the top level of the reactor. Once you clear this last section you will earn this trophy.

*Note* If you get hit then immediately let your character die and you will be able to replay this section. Otherwise you will have to replay the entire chapter to earn this achievement.

Credit & Thanks
Thanks to Pete from knoef for a lot of the images & descriptions used. Wanted to piece this together for users over here on Steam to make things easier to find.

OrlandoFurioso 19 May, 2023 @ 3:55am 
Thank you. I get all achievements that you wrote here :) Without your guide I would have lost them 100%.
ExtensionToNothing9 18 May, 2023 @ 1:25pm 
For Stargazer you can just sit in the buggy for 30 mins, you don't actually have to be walking outside
F4JJ1911 11 Feb, 2023 @ 9:23am 
Nice guide, easy to follow, reward send.:robin:
Great Northern 21 Jan, 2023 @ 4:42pm 
Really helpful for mopping up, thank you!