Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

262 lượt đánh giá
Culture Switch - Companions
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Type: Utility
Setting: Native
Game Mode: Singleplayer
Compatible Version: v1.2.9
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22 Thg12, 2022 @ 11:20am
3 Thg02, 2024 @ 3:22am
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Culture Switch - Companions

Mô tả
A Bannerlord mod that lets you ask your clan members (companions, spouses) to adopt your culture, as long as you're in a settlement of that culture.
(Tested up to v1.2.12)

So it works in taverns and city centers (for companions in your party) and in the keep (for companions that lead parties and governors), but also in villages and castles if you happen to be there.

Note that as of v1.1.0, only one companion spawns in taverns, so you can either put the one you want to talk to first in the troop list (they need to be healthy and it helps to get out of the town and in again), or go to the city center and gather them all.

There is no limitation, so it's up to you to decide if you spent enough time with this character to justify the culture switch.
Also you can't revert the change nor switch to another culture than yours, because I wouldn't use it and I'm lazy.

Works well with the DynaCulture mod.

Should work with modded cultures, although I didn't try any.

No mod requirement.

Localizations that are included :
- English (default by me, let me know if anything is incorrect)
- French ("Français" by me)
- for more languages, feel free to contribute in the corresponding discussion

Can be added/removed in the middle of a campaign (but culture changes will remain).

You might be interested in my other mod that does the same but for vassals.
Thảo luận nổi bật Xem tất cả (2)
6 Thg08, 2024 @ 5:52pm
Localization (feel free to contribute with your translation !)
21 Thg03, 2024 @ 5:04am
Gog Nexus?
58 bình luận
Lluid  [tác giả] 19 Thg01 @ 9:04am 
@Outcast Did you make sure to be in a settlement of your culture ? It works for me.
OutcastPhoenix8 18 Thg01 @ 2:11am 
Cant seem to get the proper dialogue to appear
Lluid  [tác giả] 7 Thg01 @ 7:31am 
Still seems to work fine with the current version so I'm not updating. Let me know if I missed a bug.
Lluid  [tác giả] 7 Thg01 @ 7:09am 
@Knox J'ai pas touché au jeu depuis un moment, je supposais que ça marchait toujours. Je vais y regarder, mais si y'a un bug particulier précise stp.
Knox_fr 5 Thg01 @ 11:09am 
Hello :) Une petite mise a jour ? :p svp
C H E M I K E R 2 Thg11, 2024 @ 6:08am 
come bro do it for me :D
Lluid  [tác giả] 2 Thg11, 2024 @ 6:06am 
@Chemiker Same answer as the previous question sorry.
C H E M I K E R 1 Thg11, 2024 @ 6:29pm 
any chance of getting it to work with europe 1100? would be really amazing. i tried it but it crashes at some point sadly :( would be huge if you could do that. <3
Lluid  [tác giả] 17 Thg09, 2024 @ 9:14am 
@DarthGuille Yeah some big mods rework how culture is defined apparently. I don't plan to do anything about that because I don't use them.
DarthGuille 17 Thg09, 2024 @ 5:26am 
Dont work in realm of thrones