Jabroni Brawl: Episode 3

Jabroni Brawl: Episode 3

34 ratings
Jabroni Brawl: Episode 3 Achievement Guide
By Razorkiller
Everything related the achievements inside Jabroni Brawl: Episode 3 game. And how to get them.
Why do you have to wear those ridiculous ties and how long does it take to get 9 achievements in JB:E3?

Now obviously, this will all take a bit of practice, tears, patience, luck and of course more tears. These achievements currently are not hard to obtain but will take some time to attempt on getting them.

Update has been dropped. Guide is under construction to deliver accurate descriptions on how to achieve these.
Training Practice

To do this, go to the training zone where most of the weapons are available.

When you spawn, go straight to the right side of the table and there should be grenades available for your insecure possession. Grab the standard grenade and just throw it. The achievement should pop. Now suicide.


This time pickup the grenade again and- oops. I guess as the title of this achievement as follows that Mouse 2 button doesn't unlock anything new. Other than more mess.


Pretty straight forward and mundane, just grab the deployable explosives on the left side of the table: preferably this laser trip mine.
And pretty much spam all four currently held explosives and destroy them any way you want, just place them close to the wall where the weapons are so you don't have to go far away or so. Sadly can't hold more than one item so you'll have to waste four, shoot, obtain and re-place. Rinse and repeat. Until hundreds of explosives are deployed.


Literally fire any gun I guess till you get it inside the training zone. Or elsewhere. Straightforward achievement.
Battle Royale Gamemode


As the description follows, host your own private session on any map (Battle Royale Gamemode) with a single bot along. Otherwise you can't start the gamemode without any players / bots. When the match begins, don't fire or do anything other than walk to the point where game tells you to stay. Once round is over you should get it. Oh and you should try this couple of times cause it took me few attempts to register or make it pop for me.


While in Battle Royale gamemode make sure you're in game active as a player and not in spectator team. As you die (or force yourself so by typing "kill" inside console tilde key by default "~")
and roam around the map to find critters to move around with. Interact and select them by pressing E key.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure you're playing on smaller maps or something you're familiar with. Regardless cs_italy or de_dust are your best choices for doing two specific possessing achievements.


Speaking of third possession, there's last third critter you can find and control. Be advised this may take few tries so don't dawdle.
You should search something like this. floating. scientist. head. thing!?! Hey, at least it talks!
Scientist Genocide-ish Achievement

Currently does not work. Awaiting for further updates for this to be fixed.
I recognize that ass! Achievement

I recognize that ass!

Meet the dev: postal. That's it.
If you really wanna get this achievement ya gotta see him at the same time inside a server in order for the achievement to proc. In short it's much easier if you join the official Jabroni Brawl: Episode 3 Discord server. I'm sure you can find the link somewhere around the Steam forums here. And according to one of the staff members I've been informed that events occur every month or so. So keep an eye out something like this. Testing updates and so on, feel free to contribute to the cause and lend a hand if you will!
Hey, this achievement reminds me of that Garry's Mod meeting the real Garry Newman achievement.

Shoutout to the official JBE3 Discord folks for hinting the achievement requirements. Cause it'd take me longer than intended without any clues on some of the last ones. Thus latest patches made sure these work along nicely now. And thank you for reading this guide! If you have any questions please address them down below. These aren't too bad to complete either way.
Razorkiller  [author] 11 Apr, 2024 @ 2:10pm 
Да, проверил прямо сча. В этом месяце на том же дате.
Удачи на даче. :balloon:
God of Gods 11 Apr, 2024 @ 2:07pm 
God of Gods 11 Apr, 2024 @ 2:07pm 
20 april
Razorkiller  [author] 11 Apr, 2024 @ 2:06pm 
@Emperor Naruto На эту достижение я не могу ничего поделать.
Тебе надо зайти в официальный Дискорд и просто ждать на ивент (тестить обновы и так далее) и создатель игры будет там. И так получаешь достижение. Играть с ним на сервере.
God of Gods 11 Apr, 2024 @ 2:06pm 
Razorkiller  [author] 11 Apr, 2024 @ 2:03pm 
@Emperor Naruto Ну спасибки, че.

...О боже это Энди пфп из Джетикса.
God of Gods 11 Apr, 2024 @ 2:00pm 
I recognize that ass! - how can I get it now without hemorrhoids?
God of Gods 11 Apr, 2024 @ 1:55pm 
Держи награду:fedyachernorus::takemymoney:

Очень помог:TECheart:
Razorkiller  [author] 20 Jan, 2024 @ 11:32am 
@Georgian Bankrobber Please read POSSESSED achievement description again.
Georgian bank robber 20 Jan, 2024 @ 11:14am 
What's the map you got the third possession on?