Plague Inc: Evolved

Plague Inc: Evolved

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Bacteria - Mega Brutal Guide (Guaranteed Win & Perfect Score)
Di Tatsur0 e altri 1 collaboratori
With this guide you can beat Bacteria on any difficulty with a perfect score on Mega Difficult. You can also achieve the "Insane Bolt" Steam Achievement with ease (Kill all of humanity in under 365 days using Bacteria) on any Casual - Brutal but can also be achieved on Mega Brutal as seen below.

(NOTE: This guide states a Guaranteed Win & Perfect Score because it guarantees it so long as special events or closed ports like Greenland that while prepared for still create random chance and there is no guarantee that your first go of it will lead to either a win or a win with a perfect score but if tried a 2nd or 3rd time will lead to what is promised! It is impossible with all but Necroa-Virus & Fungus to guarantee a win each and every time due to random chance which we have influence but no direct control over.)
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Bacteria - Introduction

Bacteria - Mega Brutal

This guide is heavily inspired and influenced by Barry "BMcC" McCockinner's Ultimate Bacteria Guide who clearly understands the ins and outs of Plague Inc: Evolved. We collaborate on other guides so be sure to check them out.

That said this guide goes further towards both my and BMcC's goal of creating a guide that guarantees success 100% and can be used for any difficulty which this guide does (Please read Overview regarding the rare case it doesn't to explain why this is still guaranteed). Of course you'll need to follow the guide step by step exactly and be sure to manage speeds to avoid any delay in obtaining any and all DNA, evolving Transmissions, Symptoms, and Abilities, as well as keeping the cure at bay.

In addition to a guaranteed perfect score win on Mega Brutal usually on your first go, this guide also makes obtaining the "Insane Bolt" Achievement no trouble at all (Guaranteed on Casual-Brutal but also possible on Mega Brutal as seen below)!

This guide was created by both:
Brian "Tatsur0" Comer
Barry "BMcC" McCockinner

Shall we begin?
Bacteria - Genetic Code
With these genes our goal is to get a quick head start, slow the progression of the cure, spread the virus as quickly as possible before any one Country can prevent invasion of our Bacteria, and quickly set our symptoms at a pace that guarantees success.

  • ATP Boost
    • This allows us the head start we need to spread our bacteria and still accumulate DNA quickly.
  • Genetic Mimic
    • A gene that makes it harder to cure disease.
  • Aquacyte
    • Greenland can be a pain especially with random events and one of our top goals is to make sure to infect this Country before they close their ports!
  • Urbophile
    • Sweden and Canada can sometimes take their sweet time to spread the bacteria making this gene vital to our success.
  • Sympto-Stasis
    • Symptoms play an important role in this guide especially if we wish to hit a perfect score so making them cheaper is a no brainer.
Bacteria - Choose Starting Country

Saudi Arabia makes for a great starting location with it's proximity to Europe, Asia, and Africa as well as it's ports and airports to help spread the Bacteria before others decide to close their ports!

Bacteria - Symptoms :: Phase One
Saudi Arabia is particularly vulnerable to these initial Symptoms and with these we'll gain ground and DNA early on.

These are only the first Symptoms we'll take advantage of but they'll set things in motion and build the momentum needed!

  • Rash
  • Sweating
  • Skin Lesions
  • Coughing
  • Pneumonia
  • Insomnia
  • Paranoia
Bacteria - Transmission
With the following transmissions we're not only helping to spread our Bacteria but also planning ahead with Rodent 1 which speeds up the spread in troublesome areas like Sweden and Canada as the game is nearing it's end.

  • Air 1
  • Water 1
  • Air 2
  • Water 2
  • Extreme Bio-Aerosol
    • It's important that we be able to spread by land but even more important is how quickly we spread by Air and Sea as Countries closing down ports before the Bacteria reaches them means the game is over and you might as well restart your game immediately.
  • Rodent 1
    • Again I found saving DNA by ignoring this Transmission lead to delays and costing me a perfect score a third of the time.
Bacteria - Abilities :: Phase One
Here we're improving our Bacteria so it can withstand and continue to spread in productive, cold, and hot areas with Greenland and Madagascar being troublesome as they need only close their ports and the game is over. We will return to Abilities again later for a perfect score!

  • Cold Resistance 1
  • Cold Resistance 2
    • Top of our list is Greenland before their close their borders and with our genes and transmissions these abilities allow us access to Greenland before they wise up and shut down access.
  • Drug Resistance 1
  • Drug Resistance 2
    • North America and Europe are quite important and we wish to see our Bacteria spread quickly so we can wipe out humanity even quicker again focusing on a perfect score.
  • Heat Resistance 1
    • We've had our Bacteria attacking the Middle East for some time now but Africa and Madagascar can sometimes take their sweet time so this ability (no need for lvl 2) finishes the job for us.
Bacteria - Symptoms :: Phase Two
The cure is progressing by now and action is needed!

Remember or goal isn't just to infect all of Humanity but to wipe them out! It's time we slow the progress of this cure by messing with their minds but breath death into our Bacteria so mankind will cease to be allowing mother nature another shot at it. Do not forget to pop the blue bubbles!

  • Seizures
  • Necrosis
  • Pulmonary Fibrosis
  • Total Organ Faillure
    • So far we've angered the folk, but I think it's time we ignore their bickering and put them out of their misery with symptoms that'll have them dropping like flies.
  • Insanity
  • Coma
  • Paralysis
    • What better way to slow the cure then by disabling the populations ability to get the job done including studying and preparing the very thing that could save them all!
  • Dysentery
    • Cause it wasn't bad enough! Muhahaha!
Bacteria - Abilities :: Phase Two
We've spread across the globe by now but the cure continues to progress and for the perfect score we need to be sure they're progress is a joke and so it's time to spend the rest of our DNA on these abilities.

  • Genetic Hardening 1
  • Genetic Hardening 2
    • We need to let our Bacteria finish infecting the rest of human kind and of course kill them all while they sit on their toilets!
  • Genetic Reshuffle 1
  • Genetic Reshuffle 2
  • Genetic Reshuffle 3 (if you have the spare DNA by round end)
    • With Genetic Reshuffle we're able to confuse scientists as what they're researching changes it's structure and cuts down on the existing cure's progress/percentage which is how we get a perfect score.

Here we bring the cure's progress from around 35-40% down to 25-30% depending on what level of Genetic Reshuffle we evolve and how well we managed the spending of our DNA.

Bacteria - Conclusion

Unhealthy scientists are useless scientists. We need no longer fear humans nor the cure but instead watch as they perish!

Congratulations you have now committed genocide!

If you followed this guide step by step and managed time so you lost no DNA or let a blue bubble get through then you should have a score similar to the one below having completed Mega Brutal with a perfect score and if you do so in under 365 days (much easier on easier difficulties and the same guide) you'll obtain the "Insane Bolt" Steam Achievement!

Of course Greenland still poses a problem on rare occasions but this cannot be avoided unless you settle in Greenland, Canada, or Iceland but then you're unlikely to win.

We hope this guide has helped you complete Bacteria on Mega Difficult with perfect score and possibly achieving "Insane Bolt" just as a bonus!

If you have any questions please feel free to ask us and we'll do the best we can to answer and as quickly as we can. We will continue to look into a potential 100% guide but for now can only guarantee 100% win & perfect score if you keep using this guide either on the first of handful of retries (unless you're very unlucky).

For those that don't follow my Weekly Contagion & Other Indies Stream & Giveaway I did one for Plague Inc: Evolved if you'd like to check it out!

Sorry but it does not let us embed a time-stamp. Plague Inc: Evolved portion starts at 5mins 10seconds.

Check out my other guides -

Good luck!
262 commenti
Boykisser|RIPRickMay 24 gen, ore 17:26 
i..... i did it... I DID IT.... I DID ITTTT 4/5 BUT LETS GOOOO
thermtnk 9 lug 2024, ore 10:26 
Soo accidentally used this guide to beat bio-weapon (I thought I changed it back to bacteria. I did not) on Brutal mode. 98% cure but it worked!!
Sideways Paarthurnax 5 apr 2024, ore 10:41 
this is a great guide. Didn't get it the first time cause of the Caribbean and bad luck, but second try it worked perfectly. 10/10
Lia 2 apr 2024, ore 1:05 
It did work, tho. Thanks.
Lia 2 apr 2024, ore 1:03 
I did this but got only 3/5
Seabastroid! 23 feb 2024, ore 10:57 
2nd try i won but got 4/5 still a good guide
Seabastroid! 21 feb 2024, ore 18:42 
caribbean was still alive and non-infected by end bruh:steamsad:
Spider 23 gen 2024, ore 1:53 
wowie this works!
Kirilla 15 dic 2023, ore 6:38 
Doesnt work every run. Its rng based if greenland gets infected if you do not have 100% exact genes.
awli16 20 ott 2023, ore 23:56 
did not work. can't get the caribbean to infect before the cure is at 100%