Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

202 个评价
Bannerlord Vanilla+ [1.0.0-1.0.2]
(EN) Modpack with the most basic and necessary mods that improve the immersion in the game and add new content, do not spoil the setting of the game.

Load Order:
1. Harmony
2. UiExtenderEx
3. ButterLib
4. Mod Configuration Menu
5. Native
6. SandBox Core
7. CustomBattle
8. Sandbox
9. StoryMode
10. Birth and Death Option
(Other Mods)

(RU) Модпак с самыми базовыми и нужными модами, которые улучшают погружение в игру и добавляют новый контент, не портят сеттинг игры.

Порядок загрузки:
1. Harmony
2. UiExtenderEx
3. ButterLib
4. Mod Configuration Menu
5. Native
6. SandBox Core
7. CustomBattle
8. Sandbox
9. StoryMode
10. Birth and Death Option
(Остальные моды)

项目 (34)
创建者: DasNeo.
Buy land in villages to collect rent for passive income or used captured bandits as slave labor to produce goods either to keep or sell. To use the configuration you need MCMv5. Updated version of Agriculture Estate by kz14365 Older Versions can be found h...
B.A.R.D. - Aserai Army Overhaul
创建者: Shas'la
A complete overhaul of the Aserai Army with the aim of giving them a unique identity and bringing them up to par with other empires. Extreme care and attention to detail was taken to make them look good, functional, and as historically accurate as the vani...
B.A.R.D. - Battanian Army Overhaul
创建者: Shas'la
A complete overhaul of the Battanian Army with the aim of giving them a unique identity and bringing them up to par with other empires. Extreme care and attention to detail was taken to make them look good but functional, and as historically accurate as th...
B.A.R.D. - Imperial Army Overhaul
创建者: Shas'la
A complete overhaul of the Empire's Army with the aim of giving them a unique identity and bringing them up to par with other empires. Extreme care and attention to detail was taken to make them look good, functional, and as historically accurate as the va...
B.A.R.D. - Khuzait Army Overhaul
创建者: Shas'la
A complete overhaul of the Khuzait Army with the aim of giving them a unique identity and bringing them up to par with other empires. Extreme care and attention to detail was taken to make them look good, functional, but this one might be slightly less acc...
B.A.R.D. - Sturgian Army Overhaul
创建者: Shas'la
A complete overhaul of the Sturgian Army with the aim of giving them a unique identity and bringing them up to par with other empires. Extreme care and attention to detail was taken to make them look good but functional, and as historically accurate as the...
B.A.R.D. - Vlandian Army Overhaul
创建者: Shas'la
A complete overhaul of the Vlandian Army with the aim of giving them a unique identity and bringing them up to par with other empires. Extreme care and attention to detail was taken to make them look good, functional, and as historically accurate as the va...
Bahamut's Armory + (RBM patch available on Nexus)
创建者: Nemerius
>>REINSTALL THE MOD<< if you dont have the new stuff from update. Subscribe again. WORKS WITH every update DOWNLOAD RBM PATCH FROM NEXUS!!! !!!!! LOW ARMOR VALUE => Go to nexus to Download RBM patch!!!!!!! New Armors, works with every update, 40 armors tot...
Battle Mini Map
创建者: lzh
English below. 可配置的战场小地图。 Configurable battle mini map. 存档兼容性: 这个mod不会向存档读写任何东西,放心随时启用随时卸载。 使用指南: 按M可开关地图和切换地图模式。 长按alt可临时开关地图。 地图缩放会随人物移动速度变化而变化。 在场景中按L键可打开配置菜单。 Save compatibility: This mod won't read/write anything from/into your save, so you can feel f...
Better Time
创建者: order_without_power
Shemiroth, the original author of Better Time, is no longer maintaining the mod. Because it modifies an XML prefab which only works on Bannerlord 1.5.8 and older, starting with 1.5.9 the extra time speed button no longer appears as this version uses new au...
Xorberax's Legacy for v1.2.12
创建者: The_Schwarz
XorberaxLegacy If links are broken see the Support Discussion JOIN ME ON DISCORD: Discord More Information about the mod and access to other versions can be found on the official Nexus Mods page of Xorberax Legacy If you like what I am doing and would like...
创建者: Pinkie Arg
For the Early Access version please visit this! Sources available at GitHub! Installation This module should be one of the highest in loading order. Ideally, it should be loaded after Bannerlord.Harmony or Bannerlord.ButterLub. For Players. This mod is a ...
创建者: Captain-Fracas
RTS Camera for v1.0.0
创建者: lzh
English below. 自由视角模式可让你在空中指挥,如同玩全面战争一样,步战指挥再也不怕被队友骑兵淹没了。 你在战斗中倒下以后可以控制一个队友继续进行战斗和指挥,尽情砍砍砍吧。 顺带修复1.9.0游戏本体带来的同伴编队bug。 Free camera mode allows you to give orders in the sky, as if you are playing Total War series. You can control a teammate to continue figh...
Realistic Weather
创建者: order_without_power
In the vanilla game there is no fog or dust storms. Although there is rain and snow, it does not have variable density and it does not affect morale. This mod adds rain, snow and fog with variable density, and dust storms to both the campaign map and missi...
创建者: Bennyz
A vanilla-friendly mod for the campaign and sandbox modes of Bannerlord. Diplomacy's goal is to provide balanced, fun, and creative options for characters to have an impact on the world, including both the player and NPCs. Diplomacy creates more believable...
Dismemberment (Plus) for v1.2.12
创建者: The_Schwarz
DismembermentPlus ** This mod is only meant for Campaign and Sandbox game modes, it is not compatible with CustomBattles. If links are broken see the Support Discussion JOIN ME ON DISCORD: Discord More Information about the mod and access to other versions...
创建者: Spinozart1
Check the great video "I Spent 50 Days as an ASSASSIN in Bannerlord" by Arean, really nice story telling! A lot of the features of Fourberie are show cased, so it may be a good inspiration for your new campaign ;) I'm really busy IRL and don't have time an...
创建者: Pinkie Arg
For the Early Access version please visit this! A library for patching, replacing and decorating .NET and Mono methods during runtime. Intended to ensure that all mods in a player's modlist are using the latest version of Harmony to minimize conflicts. We ...
Custom Spawns API
Custom Spawns is a mod which acts as an API for other mods to spawn parties on the campaign map independently from the game's spawning system. The API lets modders configure via XML: Party spawns with various spawning and campaign factors Different rewards...
创建者: Pinkie Arg
For the Early Access version please visit this! Sources available at GitHub! Installation This module should be one of the highest in loading order and placed above native modules. Ideally, it should be second in load order after Bannerlord.Harmony. Impor...
Calradia At War
Introduction History books may be linear and filled with the deeds of heroes and the aristocracy, but the reality of war is far from such orderliness. War means chaos. War means people not knowing what to do and turning to unorthodox means of livelihood. W...
Helmet Hair Cover Continued Plus
创建者: bshardy
This is a continuation of the original Helmet Hair Cover Tweaks mods by OldManHustle. It stops the game from removing your character's hair on helmets where it doesn't clip too badly. UPDATE: RBM compatibility is now built in. There are two versions of thi...
Improved Garrisons
创建者: Sidies
Improved Garrisons is a Mount & Blade Bannerlord mod which aims to improve the management of your castles and settlements. With this mod a Improved Garrison will be added to each of your fiefs which allows the usage of new advanced and highly customizable ...
创建者: FoozleMcDoozle
Adds 10 new arena maps into the game, currently: 3 Empire 1 Sturgia 2 Aserai 1 Battania 2 Vlandia 1 Khuzait And distributes them throughout the map I don't know about you, but I usually start the game off by going from town to town fighting in tournaments ...
Governors Handle Issues
创建者: carbon
Governors of towns and castles will resolve all issues with towns and attached villages. In case you were not aware, unresolved quests in towns and villages will harm prosperity and loyalty of towns and castles. This makes it very difficult and grindy to p...
创建者: carbon
Have a detachment of guards defend you in combat! Features Separate group of troops is detached from your other formations and is designated as your personal guards. Guard troops will not respond to your normal commands (by default) so you don't have to mi...
CJ's Vanilla Items
创建者: C. Justice
1. DESCRIPTION: UPDATE: Taleworlds have enabled some these unused items since the below description and game version was active through subsequent patches since. These items are separate from this mod's therefore can still be used So, some may remember way...
CJ's Lord Equipment Tweaks
创建者: C. Justice
NEW: I have created a new mod which improvises the variety of armour sets utilising OPEN SOURCE ARMOURY items CJ's Empire Lord Equipment Tweaks - OSA This is completely STANDALONE and does not require this mod to function. 1. DESCRIPTION: This mod adds in ...
CJ's Empire Troops - Main
创建者: C. Justice
1. DESCRIPTION: NEW: I have created a new mod which improvises the variety of armour sets utilising OPEN SOURCE ARMOURY items CJ's Empire Troop - OSA MAY BE EXPANDED ON IN FUTURE. This mod adds in a new "noble" or "elite" troop line to the Empire factions....
CJ's Empire Troops - B.A.R.D
创建者: C. Justice
1. DESCRIPTION: This mod is a compatibility patch of sorts to accompany my new troop line as per CJ's Empire Troops This will allow B.A.R.D vigla recruit line to appear alongside my own. See that mod page for further description. https://steamuserimages-a....
CC's Banners
创建者: ClearanceClarence
Currently adds 728 new banners with 48 new color choices to the game. Looking to uninstall? Read bellow Delete the mod file located in the workshop: steamapps\workshop\content\261550\2877445271...
Random Events
创建者: Phill544
If you're enjoying the mod please like and share it with your friends! <3 Want to help? Have an idea for an event? Just want to chat? Join our discord! ~~~~ Now with localisation support ~~~~ Features This mod can allow many t...