Call of Duty®
Custom Colored Nicknames MW2 & Symbols!
โดย Acw
This guide shows How To use CUSTOM colored nametags & symbols in the new Call Of Duty MW2 game! Claim your tag before its to late and before it gets patched!
Where To Go
Step 1 : Open the menu "EDIT CLAN TAG" (in german "EIGENER CLANTAG")
Step 2 : Enter the appropriate command for your color in the blank space for the clan tag, see below.
Red Nametag
Command: ^1
Green Nametag
Command: ^2
Yellow Nametag
Command: ^3
Dark Blue Nametag
Command: ^4
Pink Nametag
Command: ^6
White Nametag
Command: ^7
LightBlue Nametag
Command: ^5
Black NameTag
Command: ^8
Symbols w/ Some Images

Left Stick (LS): ߇

Right Stick (RS): ߈

Vault Arrow: ߍ

DPad: ߎ

Plus: ߏ

Minus: ߐ

Caution: ߑ

Two Arrows: ߒ

Skull: ߕ

COD Point: ߖ

ߚ - Up Arrow
ߛ - Down Arrow
ߜ - Left Arrow
ߝ - Right Arrow
ߞ - Mouse 1
ߟ - Mouse 2
ߠ - Mouse 3
ߡ - Mouse 4
ߢ - Mouse 5
ߣ - Mouse Wheel Down
ߤ - Mouse Wheel Up
ߥ - Mouse
ߦ - Activated Mic
ߧ - Ammo
ߨ - Orange Caution
ߩ - Crosshair
ߪ - Skull w/ Lightning
߫ - Unlock Icon
߬ - Square w/ X
߭ - Square
߮ - Arrow Circle
߯ - Noob Tube
߰ - Underbarrel Shotgun
߱ - Scroll Wheel
߲ - Right Mouse w/ Arrows
߳ - MW2 Key
ߴ - Hitmarker
ߵ - Party Icon
߶ - Gunsmith Icon
߷ - Green Checkmark
߸ - Yellow Arrow Circle
߹ - Yellow Paper
ߺ - Red Caution
߽ - Stealth Bomber
߾ - VTOL Jet
߿ - Wheelson
ߕ - Skull
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13 ความเห็น
Eye of Eden 15 ธ.ค. 2022 @ 12: 11pm 
It's patched for names, clantags, and classes but you can still use them in game chat. :D
Acw  [ผู้สร้าง] 15 พ.ย. 2022 @ 12: 18pm 
I believe it is patched for clan/name tags however it still works for class names so be sure to take advantage of that before its to late! 👇
Miho 1 พ.ย. 2022 @ 11: 08pm 
Glad to see this guide still up haha
Acw  [ผู้สร้าง] 1 พ.ย. 2022 @ 6: 51pm 
He tried wasnt even a threat he filed a DMCA against me for "stealing his "content" his dumbass thinks he owns in game commands that CLEARLY was word for word in a YT description linked below as we speak he is prob taking L's in real life as well and hasnt responded back since I called his stupid ass out
Zoidberg 1 พ.ย. 2022 @ 4: 59pm 
Its funny how he threatens to report you, while he has a guide on an exploit/glitch in the game. Probably not even allowed in the first place :lunar2019deadpanpig:
Acw  [ผู้สร้าง] 1 พ.ย. 2022 @ 2: 00pm 
Where's this goof, looks whos guide is still up and doesnt have a community ban 🤔 O wait its me 🖕
Acw  [ผู้สร้าง] 1 พ.ย. 2022 @ 5: 42am 
:leftrelic: Thank you Zoidberg! :rightrelic:
Zoidberg 31 ต.ค. 2022 @ 9: 18pm 
Well done!

Thanks for the guide :llama:
Acw  [ผู้สร้าง] 31 ต.ค. 2022 @ 9: 37am 
👇 EXACTLY dudes just salty he couldn’t make a simple guide 🤣💀 it’s alright tho I’m already in talks with steam since a DMCA is a legal claim and filing a false claim due to harassment is illegal and accounts for perjury so this should be fun ;) 👇
Miho 31 ต.ค. 2022 @ 5: 22am 
I don't see a reason why he filed a DMCA where in the first place, he's not the developer or publisher or anything associated with the game. He's just one of the users who bought the game. Your guide is also different from his guide. You have a more detailed guide while his guide lacks screenshots and samples. Hahahaha