Ode To Alex
""Dedicated to Alex “St. Clair” Snouffer, the guy who started it all."

"I believe, that Alex filled a hole that Don couldn’t fill. Don could not control him the way he could a younger guy. He couldn’t influence Alex that way, but then again Alex was game. He would say, “I’ll do it.” I know Alex liked to party. Alex was one of my heroes. If I could have looked like Al Snouffer, been like him, played like him, I would have put my eye out. The guy was like “The Fonz” - he was like the epitome of whatever it is that was happening. He never said, “Hey, I haven’t got time for you man, or, “We’re too busy being rock guys or being blues guys” or – never like that. I was your personified snot-nosed kid. I wasn’t in that league at all, but he made me feel like I was.
So, Alex anachronistically carried with him some of the personae of the fifties, was well-liked, approachable, and had a biting wit of his own. He had accepted Van Vliet’s creativity and helped to make it valid, but his tolerance was wearing thin and the pressures on his life were increasing. His history with Van Vliet had been one of conflict."

"Alex seemed very levelheaded. However, his weakness was alcohol, and his sights were far lower. The height of his ambition seemed to be to just start a good club band, play six nights a week, and get a paycheck and a free drink at every break. I’d already played enough clubs to know that it was a sleazy way to make a living and a dead-end road."

"Alex, from everything I could see, was a guy who hated confrontation. He didn’t like to cause “scenes.” He was a very low-key kind of person - and surprisingly sensitive. His major fault lie in this fact, because in order to cope with what he didn’t confront, he drank to numb himself to the effect it was having on his psyche. This behavior led to alcoholism, which eventually led to his death; about ten years after this interview transpired.""