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Versus Brawl - local play overhaul
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Versus Brawl - local play overhaul

For more detailed and up-to-date description go: https://github.com/OsaPL/Versus-Brawl/blob/10eb5405ebda1f344bbecb2de61eade0f3883716/README.md

Mapping/modding docs available here: https://github.com/OsaPL/Versus-Brawl/blob/main/Adding%20maps%20and%20gamemodes%20README.md

Latest changelog (0.7): https://steamoss.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/2878874662/3803904095537649966/

Actively looking for mappers to collab with on this.

THE Overgrowth Versus mode overhaul
I had a dream mod I wanted to make 6 yrs ago, and I didnt really try to make it. I’ve done a basic [4 player mod]https://forums.wolfire.com/viewtopic.php?f=16&t=40260&p=245753&hilit=4+players#p245753, and called it a day.

After dusting it off, and having a complete blast with my buddies, I decided now is the time.

No more wonky scripts, no more boring maps, no more rabbits (<sub>okay few rabbits can stay</sub>), no more maps that are hard to create.

I say, slash, bonk, impale and do whatever else you want to do with your friends (<sub>ew, not that, gross</sub>).

This award-winning mod, got you covered.
*Pro tip: I really recommend using Steams Remote Play Together.*

Quick disclaimer:

Some of the functionality will come eventually, once I have laid the foundation by developing these features.
**Anything marked by 👻 is missing atm.**

- 2/3/4 player support, with UI help and gamepad support
- Play Coop on any level (levels support vary, relies on map makers)
- Respawn/teleport button for coop partners.
- Ability to change species, with each character having different stats and a unique trait
- Players should no longer get their Id swapped, resulting in gamepads being always correctly arranged
- New maps that arent just a gm_flatgrass, designed for game modes
- Only a single level script and few basic prefabs needed to create a map. You can have a map ready in matter of minutes.
- Ability to modify many parameters, for characters, gamemodes and maps.
- Warmup before the game start (with preloading for smoother gameplay)
- Easy to extend with new gamemodes (with even more options coming)
- Pickup wacky powerups and be able to add your own with only few lines of code (👻need to create a better template for external use and add some documentation)
- SuperEasy<sup>TM</sup> to extend with new races (👻mostly true, but there are still few hardcoded places)
- Randomized character apperance (👻almost completely done, missing some variants, colors look whack sometimes)
- Custom weapons and ability to carry big weapons on your back
- 👻NPC opponents support (this will rely on map maker to implement detailed paths)


1. How do I swap characters?

For each player its always `drop` and `item` key together, then press `attack` to switch to next.
The UI should start showing you different species icons, if its not the gamemode doesnt allow it.
Some gamemodes only allow for next round change while game is in progress.

2. How do I select amount of players?

Go to the `Settings -> Game -> Local Players` to desired value.

3. How do I enable coop on a level?

Just set `Local Players` and launch a level.
Each coop partner can also press `skip_dialogue` button to respawn at 1st player.

Not all levels are supported. Please, dont message me if its incompatible, you should let the mapper know. If you're a mapper and want to make your level compatible, message me and I'll help (or even add in missing stuff)
[There is a helpful README for modders/mappers.]https://github.com/OsaPL/Versus-Brawl/blob/main/Adding%20maps%20and%20gamemodes%20README.md

4. What does `<action here>` key correspond to?

For an XbOne gamepad its:

`item` A
`drop` X
`attack` right trigger
`grab` left trigger
`crouch` right bumper
`jump` left bumper
`skip_dialogue` start

If you have other any gamepad, you’re smart, I believe you’ll figure it out.

4. Gamepads not working/controlling one character/other stupid controller related bugs

Make sure your gamepads are all connected before starting the map. If problem persists, try restarting the game. If the problem still occurs, try reassigning gamepads.

5. The game sometimes crashes on spawning characters.

Unfortunately, it looks like spawning in new characters and then setting `SetPlayer(true)` is sometimes unstable, probably correlated with input/controller_id. Can’t do much about it rn.

6. Fights are too fast!

You can try changing the difficulty level to also slow down the game speed.

  • Last Bun Standing
Survivor gets the point
  • Deathmatch
Gather kills to get points
  • Coop
Play through campaign with friendsos.
  • Race (👻mostly done, needed maps and balancing)
*self explanatory*
  • Tag
Catchers needs to catch everyone
  • Nidhogg
Fight and run to be the one who can become the best fighter/food.
  • Capture the fur
Just CTF.

** Important note: Gamemode list is a subject to change at any time. **

These are subject to change
I appreciate any balancing feedback!

Pretty agile, king of horizontal movement.
Trait: Rabbit binkies - Midair powerful attack

Tanky and hard hitting.
Trait: Now bring it to me - can carry big weapons on his back

Agile and fast but fragile.
Trait: Always lands on its feet - No dmg from falls, catches weapons automatically

Really fast, kings of vertical spaces.
Trait: Cant be stomped - knockout shield

:Slow but powerful.
Trait: Pounces on you - sharp claws, cant use weapons (still can defend by grabbing incoming ones)

  • Ninja(dark smoke) - Have an infinite supply of knives to throw (hands must be free)
  • Heal(green poof) - Heals all damage
  • Rock(blue sparks) - Gives high damage resistance
  • Yeet(yellow dots) - Next direct hit (expires after `activeTime`) will launch enemy really hard
  • Firefists(red flames) - hitting an enemy with fists ignites him
  • Virus(aqua cloud) - being close to an enemy inverts his controls (movement inverted, attack and defend, grab and item, crouch and jump switched)
Known problems
**Dont report these, I know :)**
List here: https://github.com/OsaPL/Versus-Brawl/blob/main/README.md#known-problems
Komentarzy: 12
TSx* Osa__PL  [autor] 24 listopada 2023 o 7:21 
Unfortunately, you cant, that's how game splits it by default.
bwsus922 23 listopada 2023 o 17:36 
Please how do i make the split screen vertical?
TSx* Osa__PL  [autor] 2 grudnia 2022 o 10:07 
Hopefully this is the last one I missed, fixed in
Adalbert 2 grudnia 2022 o 7:28 
I think your mod also breaks wall-running
Adalbert 1 grudnia 2022 o 10:34 
k, thx again dude, great mod. :cleancake:
TSx* Osa__PL  [autor] 1 grudnia 2022 o 10:34 
Just a small note, this `speciesStats.json` will probably be reset each time workshop decides to update/change mod. Cant do anything about that. You can try installing the mod manually to circumvent that.
TSx* Osa__PL  [autor] 1 grudnia 2022 o 10:32 
For now you cant change races in coop, cause its basically hooking into the default character scripts, to work on basically all maps, maybe that'll be something I can add later, but probably not that soon.

Regarding wolf speed, hes so slow to compensate for his resistance to all blunt attack (besides rabbit kick), tho I like the idea of being able to block rabbit kicks. For now I moslty just try to roll away if someone is trying to do one.

If you wanna change his speed, you can do this by modifying "Scripts/versus-brawl/speciesStats.json". I have no idea where its contained in steam version, but probably somewhere in `Steam/common/worshop`
There you can edit base race stats similarly to what is seen here: https://github.com/OsaPL/Versus-Brawl/blob/main/Adding%20maps%20and%20gamemodes%20README.md#json-config-file
Adalbert 1 grudnia 2022 o 7:30 
I didn't play this game for a long time and I never really modded it either, so excuse my ignorance
of what is possible / what can be added with other mods please.
The wolf's speed is ridiculously low, I think to the point of being unusable, is there a easy way for me to modify it? It would be ok if the wolf had different attack animations, that made up for it with reach or something, maybe a running attack, but I presume adding something like that is way beyond reach for you.
Also maybe give the wolfs the ability to block flying kicks if possible, I remember enemies doing that in Lugaru and I'm confused why it isn't in overgrowth (again, unless I'm missing something)
I would also like to enable changing races in co-op, at least for other players.
Adalbert 30 listopada 2022 o 13:32 
nice, thx dude
TSx* Osa__PL  [autor] 30 listopada 2022 o 13:20 
@Adalbert Yup, thats my fault, good find. Fixed