Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

3,576 évaluations
swadian armoury
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Game Mode: Singleplayer
Mots-clés : e1.0.3
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3.131 GB
14 oct. 2022 à 7h44
6 févr. 2023 à 10h55
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swadian armoury

Swadian Armoury

-Disclaimer: this is not ment to be historical in any way, it mixes stuff from all periods of time.

WARNING if you play with other mods and the troops are naked its probably that mods fault, as long as u see the armours in the shop this mod works fine.

-this mod should work on higher versions it never broke before so seems weird that it would now

-The icons are Weird this is a bannerlord bug i cant help you, if it realy is a problem the nexus version does not have this.

-this is more like a resource mod as in it adds the armours but just to shops. you can combine this with other mods like my little warband to make your own troops with it or somthing

-Adds a lot of Armours for vlandia.
all items should spawn in shops with vlandian culture, they are late game armour so should probably spawn in later
parts of the game.(if they dont you can always cheat them in)

-Adds (numbers might be off)
-6 greathelms
-3 italo norman helmets
-3 bacinets
-3 greathelm of a difrent type
-4 sallets
-3 visored barbutes
-3 full helms
-4 fluted helms with faceplate
-4 sugarloaf greathelms
-2 weird pot helm
-1 bacinet with klapvisor
-4 houndskull bacinets
-3 Barbutes
-2 kettle helmets with visor
-2 shoulder plate armours
-1 mail shoulder
-6 brigandines
-5 mail with surcoat
-6 brigandines
-5 plate armours
-4 coat of plates
-3 coat of plates with tabbard
-3 churburg chest armour
-3 churburg gloves
-3 churburg boots

-Join the swadian armoury discord for suggestions and help

-As far as i tested its save game compatible but make a backup just to be sure

-Updates are a bit slow since i am a solo dev for this
Discussions populaires Tout voir (2)
6 nov. 2024 à 11h48
This mod Need RBM Patch // Very Easy
18 nov. 2024 à 7h33
Invis Armor Bug
532 commentaires
Grozovoi 29 janv. à 20h06 
please update. the people use the steam workshop so they don't have to bother with nexus
nearyou 5 janv. à 3h17 
Клан Дорн предлагает поиграть в своей компании в модификацию bannerlord online . Это ммо по нашей с вами любимой игре где мы будем вместе драться армиями против врагов(до 5 игроков и 740 воинов с каждой стороны ) , захватывать караваны с ценными ресурсами, учавствовать как в пеших так и конных турнирах , удерживать асерайские земли.

Мы с радостью научим вас всем механикам модификации и поможем стартовым снаряжением в кротчайшие сроки вы станете великим воином и полководцем

MoJean 29 déc. 2024 à 9h48 
needs to update here on workshop
Cesley 26 déc. 2024 à 9h48 
The mod for me works just fine. Just get the latest version on nexus mods and there will be no missing textures with it.
King Baldwin IV the Invictus 22 déc. 2024 à 7h32 
Mod isnt working
Raspbel 13 déc. 2024 à 4h03 
update pls.
Ess 11 déc. 2024 à 6h09 
Truewan 28 nov. 2024 à 10h39 
One of my favorite mods
РомашкаPower 18 nov. 2024 à 12h21 
Всем привет! Хочу рассказать про мод в который играю уже два года

Bannerlord Online - это ММО на основе сингла. Это та же игра в ванильный баннерлорд, но с сотнями игроков на карте

Клановые войны, грабежи караванов и боссы, гринд и все радости ммо имеются!

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Worrisome Possessor Austin 12 nov. 2024 à 9h02 
The Great Helms with eagle / antlers / Grail crest are not working from the Steam Version - use the Nexus Version - just search Nexus Swadian Armoury