Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

Workers & Resources: Soviet Republic

85 avaliações
Hotel Internacional Zenica
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14 jul. 2022 às 9:58
14 jul. 2022 às 10:03
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Hotel Internacional Zenica

Numa coleção por equinox.nova
Buildings by equinox.nova
62 itens


Hotel Internacional Zenica

Smješten neposredno uz stadion Bilino polje u Zenici, nalazi se arhitektonski impresivan hotel International. Ova hipermodernistička građevina otvorena je za javnost 1978. godine, a izradio ju je bosanski arhitekt Slobodan Jovandić. Hotel karakterizira niz širokih konzolnih prevjesa koji se protežu od središnjeg tornja, što obliku daje osjećaj lebdenja ili prkošenja gravitaciji. Po otvaranju, bio je opremljen svim najnovijim sadržajima, bio je potpuno klimatizovan, fine restorane, saunu itd., što je rezultiralo time da su ga neki smatrali najboljim hotelom u srednjoj Bosni u to vrijeme. Nakon raspada Jugoslavije 1990-ih i rata u BiH koji je uslijedio, hotel je privatiziran i prešao između nekoliko vlasnika. Djelovao je tijekom 2000-ih, ali je početkom 2010-ih podnio zahtjev za stečaj i zatvorio svoja vrata.


Hotel Internacional Zenica

Located directly next to the Bilino Polje Stadium in Zenica is the architecturally impressive Hotel International. This hyper-modernist structure was opened to the public in 1978 and was created by Bosnian architect Slobodan Jovandić. The hotel is characterized by its series of sweeping cantilevered overhangs extending from its central tower, which gives the shape a sense of floating or defying gravity. Upon its unveiling, it was fitted with the all the latest amenities, having full air conditioning, fine restaurants, a sauna, etc, which resulted in some considering it the finest hotel in central Bosnia at the time. After the dismantling of Yugoslavia in the 1990s and the ensuing Bosnian War, the hotel was privatized and passed between several owners. It operated through the 2000s, but by the early 2010s, it had filed for bankruptcy and closed its doors.
5 comentários
Oolykee 18 jul. 2022 às 4:07 
Hvala ti! :)

Mod Monday video that includes your mos:
equinox.nova  [autor] 15 jul. 2022 às 12:19 
Maybe I will in the future.
markogrepl 15 jul. 2022 às 11:22 
Can you make some buildings from Zagreb please?
equinox.nova  [autor] 15 jul. 2022 às 6:00 
Thank you Adil3tr. I really appreciate it.
Adil3tr 14 jul. 2022 às 16:34 
The yugoslavia buildings are some of the best on the workshop