Goat Simulator

Goat Simulator

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Random Map Making Tips
Oleh tiger
Random reminder tips for building maps in the goat sim sdk. These are little tricks I've figured out while tinkering around.

Batalkan favorit
  • Always select GGGameinfo on the game world properties of a map. (View->World Properties->Game Type->Games supported on this map->press the green + button->select GGGameinfo in the pulldown menu)
  • Build a giant bowl around the map out of blocking volumes so nothing falls off of the map.
  • Never have an ambient sound in the vicinity of a player start. (Messes up my audio)
  • To get access to all of the game's assets without loading other maps, open the content browser and follow the file tree. Goatgame->Content->Packages. Right click on Packages and select fully load. Pressing the all assets button at the top will now show everything.
  • After the map is cooked and packaged check to make sure the files are less than 200MB. New section below!
  • fog gives the fire particle emitter a white flame
  • matinee's pull down set to 'curve(auto/clamped)' for smooth animations
  • resized an NPC and now they're clipping through the floor? don't forget to resize their collision cyclinder. In the NPC's properties window go to Collision->Collision Component->and adjust Collision Height and Radius. Thanks Geneosis!
  • In an objects property window, click the wrench in the top right, in the pulldown menu select 'Show only modified properties' to help learn customizations.

That's all I got for now. Please share any tips that you've found!
  • GGGameinfo world properties
  • world properties->zone info-> Kill Z to -10000
  • giant blocking volume bowl
  • no sound near player start
  • fully load assets
  • <200MB
  • move fog away from fire
  • matinee's pull down set to 'curve(auto/clamped)'
  • resized an NPC? don't forget to resize their collision cyclinder
  • don't forget about 'Show only modified properties' in an objects property window
Keeping a map <200MB
This has been from my experience only and maybe other files might matter. However this has worked for me and helps me create larger maps without worrying about size. If anyone has any additional insight on this matter please leave a comment.

After the map is cooked, go to the MyMods directory to find your map. In the map's folder there will be a lot of junk that just takes up space. There is typically only 4-6 things that need to be there to successfully upload the map to steam's workshop.

Inside the custom map's directory you need the following:
  • the 'Maps' folder-> with the map.goat inside
  • the(optional)'Packages' folder-> with only your custom package of assets. All other packages can be deleted
  • the(optional)'Scripts' folder-> with any custom scripts
  • GoatMod.ini
  • previewfile.jpg
  • tags.txt
You can delete any other files. Start up Goat Simulator and start a custom map to test it. If it works, upload to steam!
  • When I resize an NPC, why do they clip through the floor?
  • Certain Static Meshes used in the foliage tool will show their material during map creation, however, once the map is cooked, the foliage is either not there or shows a checkboard for its material...why?
  • Why can't I toggle player starts on/off? Goats never die?
  • Why am I a goat on a computer?
  • [/list]
    5 Komentar
    Gordon Freakman 18 Jul 2017 @ 12:30pm 
    How to make cars move?
    January 15 Jun 2015 @ 1:55am 
    Thank you for making this!

    It was nice to see these helpful tips, they'll come in handy!! I featured this in my group, Easy Modding.
    Geneosis 27 Jul 2014 @ 3:27am 
    Hehe, no problem ^^ That's the very first problem I had to solve when I started modding on Goat Sim with the Resizable Goat ;)

    About the material problems I'm not sure if it's related but I noticed that the same map loaded in the 32bit game or the 64bit game can lose some of its textures (if you load the City Bay map with the 64bit version fo the game most of the floor textures are gone...)
    tiger  [pembuat] 26 Jul 2014 @ 11:38pm 
    @Geneosis Awesome! I adjusted the 'Collision Height' and 'Radius' under the NPC's 'Collision Component' and it worked perfect! Thanks for the help!
    Geneosis 23 Jul 2014 @ 8:51am 
    I can answer the first question: That's probably because you changed the scale of the model of the NPC but not the size of its collision box ^^